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1995-08-04 01:00:20 -03:00
"""New import scheme with package support.
Quick Reference
- To enable package support, execute "import ni" before importing any
packages. Importing this module automatically installs the relevant
import hooks.
- To create a package named spam containing sub-modules ham, bacon and
eggs, create a directory spam somewhere on Python's module search
path (i.e. spam's parent directory must be one of the directories in
sys.path or $PYTHONPATH); then create files ham.py, bacon.py and
eggs.py inside spam.
- To import module ham from package spam and use function hamneggs()
from that module, you can either do
import spam.ham # *not* "import spam" !!!
from spam import ham
from spam.ham import hamneggs
- Importing just "spam" does not do what you expect: it creates an
empty package named spam if one does not already exist, but it does
not import spam's submodules. The only submodule that is guaranteed
to be imported is spam.__init__, if it exists. Note that
spam.__init__ is a submodule of package spam. It can reference to
spam's namespace via the '__.' prefix, for instance
__.spam_inited = 1 # Set a package-level variable
Theory of Operation
1995-08-04 01:00:20 -03:00
A Package is a module that can contain other modules. Packages can be
nested. Package introduce dotted names for modules, like P.Q.M, which
could correspond to a file P/Q/M.py found somewhere on sys.path. It
is possible to import a package itself, though this makes little sense
unless the package contains a module called __init__.
A package has two variables that control the namespace used for
packages and modules, both initialized to sensible defaults the first
time the package is referenced.
(1) A package's *module search path*, contained in the per-package
variable __path__, defines a list of *directories* where submodules or
subpackages of the package are searched. It is initialized to the
directory containing the package. Setting this variable to None makes
the module search path default to sys.path (this is not quite the same
as setting it to sys.path, since the latter won't track later
assignments to sys.path).
(2) A package's *import domain*, contained in the per-package variable
__domain__, defines a list of *packages* that are searched (using
their respective module search paths) to satisfy imports. It is
initialized to the list cosisting of the package itself, its parent
package, its parent's parent, and so on, ending with the root package
(the nameless package containing all top-level packages and modules,
whose module search path is None, implying sys.path).
The default domain implements a search algorithm called "expanding
search". An alternative search algorithm called "explicit search"
fixes the import search path to contain only the root package,
requiring the modules in the package to name all imported modules by
their full name. The convention of using '__' to refer to the current
package (both as a per-module variable and in module names) can be
used by packages using explicit search to refer to modules in the same
package; this combination is known as "explicit-relative search".
The PackageImporter and PackageLoader classes together implement the
following policies:
- There is a root package, whose name is ''. It cannot be imported
directly but may be referenced, e.g. by using '__' from a top-level
- In each module or package, the variable '__' contains a reference to
the parent package; in the root package, '__' points to itself.
- In the name for imported modules (e.g. M in "import M" or "from M
import ..."), a leading '__' refers to the current package (i.e.
the package containing the current module); leading '__.__' and so
on refer to the current package's parent, and so on. The use of
'__' elsewhere in the module name is not supported.
- Modules are searched using the "expanding search" algorithm by
virtue of the default value for __domain__.
- If A.B.C is imported, A is searched using __domain__; then
subpackage B is searched in A using its __path__, and so on.
- Built-in modules have priority: even if a file sys.py exists in a
package, "import sys" imports the built-in sys module.
- The same holds for frozen modules, for better or for worse.
- Submodules and subpackages are not automatically loaded when their
parent packages is loaded.
- The construct "from package import *" is illegal. (It can still be
used to import names from a module.)
- When "from package import module1, module2, ..." is used, those
modules are explicitly loaded.
- When a package is loaded, if it has a submodule __init__, that
module is loaded. This is the place where required submodules can
be loaded, the __path__ variable extended, etc. The __init__ module
is loaded even if the package was loaded only in order to create a
stub for a sub-package: if "import P.Q.R" is the first reference to
P, and P has a submodule __init__, P.__init__ is loaded before P.Q
is even searched.
- It is possible to import a package that has no __init__ submodule;
this is not particularly useful but there may be useful applications
for it (e.g. to manipulate its search paths from the outside!).
- There are no special provisions for os.chdir(). If you plan to use
os.chdir() before you have imported all your modules, it is better
not to have relative pathnames in sys.path. (This could actually be
fixed by changing the implementation of path_join() in the hook to
absolutize paths.)
- Packages and modules are introduced in sys.modules as soon as their
loading is started. When the loading is terminated by an exception,
the sys.modules entries remain around.
- There are no special measures to support mutually recursive modules,
but it will work under the same conditions where it works in the
flat module space system.
- Sometimes dummy entries (whose value is None) are entered in
sys.modules, to indicate that a particular module does not exist --
this is done to speed up the expanding search algorithm when a
module residing at a higher level is repeatedly imported (Python
promises that importing a previously imported module is cheap!)
- Although dynamically loaded extensions are allowed inside packages,
the current implementation (hardcoded in the interpreter) of their
initialization may cause problems if an extension invokes the
interpreter during its initialization.
- reload() may find another version of the module only if it occurs on
the package search path. Thus, it keeps the connection to the
package to which the module belongs, but may find a different file.
XXX Need to have an explicit name for '', e.g. '__root__'.
import imp
import string
import sys
import __builtin__
import ihooks
from ihooks import ModuleLoader, ModuleImporter
class PackageLoader(ModuleLoader):
"""A subclass of ModuleLoader with package support.
find_module_in_dir() will succeed if there's a subdirectory with
the given name; load_module() will create a stub for a package and
load its __init__ module if it exists.
def find_module_in_dir(self, name, dir):
if dir is not None:
dirname = self.hooks.path_join(dir, name)
if self.hooks.path_isdir(dirname):
return None, dirname, ('', '', 'PACKAGE')
return ModuleLoader.find_module_in_dir(self, name, dir)
def load_module(self, name, stuff):
file, filename, info = stuff
suff, mode, type = info
if type == 'PACKAGE':
return self.load_package(name, stuff)
if sys.modules.has_key(name):
m = sys.modules[name]
sys.modules[name] = m = imp.new_module(name)
if type == imp.C_EXTENSION and '.' in name:
return self.load_dynamic(name, stuff)
return ModuleLoader.load_module(self, name, stuff)
def load_dynamic(self, name, stuff):
file, filename, (suff, mode, type) = stuff
# Hack around restriction in imp.load_dynamic()
i = string.rfind(name, '.')
tail = name[i+1:]
if sys.modules.has_key(tail):
save = sys.modules[tail]
save = None
sys.modules[tail] = imp.new_module(name)
m = imp.load_dynamic(tail, filename, file)
if save:
sys.modules[tail] = save
del sys.modules[tail]
sys.modules[name] = m
return m
def load_package(self, name, stuff):
file, filename, info = stuff
if sys.modules.has_key(name):
package = sys.modules[name]
sys.modules[name] = package = imp.new_module(name)
package.__path__ = [filename]
return package
def init_package(self, package):
def set_parent(self, m):
name = m.__name__
if '.' in name:
name = name[:string.rfind(name, '.')]
name = ''
m.__ = sys.modules[name]
def set_domain(self, package):
name = package.__name__
package.__domain__ = domain = [name]
while '.' in name:
name = name[:string.rfind(name, '.')]
if name:
def call_init_module(self, package):
stuff = self.find_module('__init__', package.__path__)
if stuff:
m = self.load_module(package.__name__ + '.__init__', stuff)
package.__init__ = m
class PackageImporter(ModuleImporter):
"""Importer that understands packages and '__'."""
def __init__(self, loader = None, verbose = 0):
loader or PackageLoader(None, verbose), verbose)
def import_module(self, name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[]):
if globals.has_key('__'):
package = globals['__']
# No calling context, assume in root package
package = sys.modules['']
if name[:3] in ('__.', '__'):
p = package
name = name[3:]
while name[:3] in ('__.', '__'):
p = package.__
name = name[3:]
if not name:
return self.finish(package, p, '', fromlist)
if '.' in name:
i = string.find(name, '.')
name, tail = name[:i], name[i:]
tail = ''
mname = p.__name__ and p.__name__+'.'+name or name
m = self.get1(mname)
return self.finish(package, m, tail, fromlist)
if '.' in name:
i = string.find(name, '.')
name, tail = name[:i], name[i:]
tail = ''
for pname in package.__domain__:
mname = pname and pname+'.'+name or name
m = self.get0(mname)
if m: break
raise ImportError, "No such module %s" % name
return self.finish(m, m, tail, fromlist)
def finish(self, module, m, tail, fromlist):
# Got ....A; now get ....A.B.C.D
yname = m.__name__
if tail and sys.modules.has_key(yname + tail): # Fast path
yname, tail = yname + tail, ''
m = self.get1(yname)
while tail:
i = string.find(tail, '.', 1)
if i > 0:
head, tail = tail[:i], tail[i:]
head, tail = tail, ''
yname = yname + head
m = self.get1(yname)
# Got ....A.B.C.D; now finalize things depending on fromlist
if not fromlist:
return module
if '__' in fromlist:
raise ImportError, "Can't import __ from anywhere"
if not hasattr(m, '__path__'): return m
if '*' in fromlist:
raise ImportError, "Can't import * from a package"
for f in fromlist:
if hasattr(m, f): continue
fname = yname + '.' + f
return m
def get1(self, name):
m = self.get(name)
if not m:
raise ImportError, "No module named %s" % name
return m
def get0(self, name):
m = self.get(name)
if not m:
sys.modules[name] = None
return m
def get(self, name):
# Internal routine to get or load a module when its parent exists
if sys.modules.has_key(name):
return sys.modules[name]
if '.' in name:
i = string.rfind(name, '.')
head, tail = name[:i], name[i+1:]
head, tail = '', name
path = sys.modules[head].__path__
stuff = self.loader.find_module(tail, path)
if not stuff:
return None
sys.modules[name] = m = self.loader.load_module(name, stuff)
if head:
setattr(sys.modules[head], tail, m)
return m
def reload(self, module):
name = module.__name__
if '.' in name:
i = string.rfind(name, '.')
head, tail = name[:i], name[i+1:]
path = sys.modules[head].__path__
tail = name
path = sys.modules[''].__path__
stuff = self.loader.find_module(tail, path)
if not stuff:
raise ImportError, "No module named %s" % name
return self.loader.load_module(name, stuff)
def unload(self, module):
if hasattr(module, '__path__'):
raise ImportError, "don't know how to unload packages yet"
PackageImporter.unload(self, module)
def install(self):
if not sys.modules.has_key(''):
sys.modules[''] = package = imp.new_module('')
package.__path__ = None
for m in sys.modules.values():
if not m: continue
if not hasattr(m, '__'):
def install(v = 0):
ihooks.install(PackageImporter(None, v))
def uninstall():
def ni(v = 0):
def no():
def test():
import pdb
sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback = (
sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)
print sys.last_type, ':', sys.last_value
def testproper():
import mactest
print dir(mactest)
if __name__ == '__main__':