2007-11-18 07:56:28 -04:00
# Tests command line execution of scripts
from __future__ import with_statement
import unittest
import os
import os.path
import sys
2007-11-19 13:35:24 -04:00
import test.test_support
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import tempfile
import subprocess
import py_compile
import contextlib
import shutil
import zipfile
verbose = test.test_support.verbose
# XXX ncoghlan: Should we consider moving these to test_support?
from test_cmd_line import _spawn_python, _kill_python
def _run_python(*args):
if __debug__:
p = _spawn_python(*args)
p = _spawn_python('-O', *args)
stdout_data = _kill_python(p)
return p.wait(), stdout_data
def temp_dir():
dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
2007-11-19 13:50:22 -04:00
dirname = os.path.realpath(dirname)
2007-11-18 07:56:28 -04:00
yield dirname
test_source = ("""\
# Script may be run with optimisation enabled, so don't rely on assert
# statements being executed
def assertEqual(lhs, rhs):
if lhs != rhs:
raise AssertionError("%r != %r" % (lhs, rhs))
def assertIdentical(lhs, rhs):
if lhs is not rhs:
raise AssertionError("%r is not %r" % (lhs, rhs))
# Check basic code execution
result = ['Top level assignment']
def f():
result.append('Lower level reference')
assertEqual(result, ['Top level assignment', 'Lower level reference'])
# Check population of magic variables
assertEqual(__name__, '__main__')
print '__file__==%r' % __file__
# Check the sys module
import sys
assertIdentical(globals(), sys.modules[__name__].__dict__)
print 'sys.argv[0]==%r' % sys.argv[0]
def _make_test_script(script_dir, script_basename):
script_filename = script_basename+os.extsep+"py"
script_name = os.path.join(script_dir, script_filename)
script_file = open(script_name, "w")
return script_name
def _compile_test_script(script_name):
py_compile.compile(script_name, doraise=True)
if __debug__:
compiled_name = script_name + 'c'
compiled_name = script_name + 'o'
return compiled_name
def _make_test_zip(zip_dir, zip_basename, script_name):
zip_filename = zip_basename+os.extsep+"zip"
zip_name = os.path.join(zip_dir, zip_filename)
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, 'w')
zip_file.write(script_name, os.path.basename(script_name))
# if verbose:
# zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, 'r')
# print "Contents of %r:" % zip_name
# zip_file.printdir()
# zip_file.close()
return zip_name
class CmdLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
def _check_script(self, script_name, expected_file, expected_argv0):
exit_code, data = _run_python(script_name)
2007-11-19 09:56:27 -04:00
if verbose:
print "Output from test script %r:" % script_name
print data
2007-11-18 07:56:28 -04:00
self.assertEqual(exit_code, 0)
printed_file = '__file__==%r' % expected_file
printed_argv0 = 'sys.argv[0]==%r' % expected_argv0
self.assert_(printed_file in data)
self.assert_(printed_argv0 in data)
def test_basic_script(self):
with temp_dir() as script_dir:
script_name = _make_test_script(script_dir, "script")
self._check_script(script_name, script_name, script_name)
def test_script_compiled(self):
with temp_dir() as script_dir:
script_name = _make_test_script(script_dir, "script")
compiled_name = _compile_test_script(script_name)
self._check_script(compiled_name, compiled_name, compiled_name)
def test_directory(self):
with temp_dir() as script_dir:
script_name = _make_test_script(script_dir, "__main__")
self._check_script(script_dir, script_name, script_dir)
def test_directory_compiled(self):
with temp_dir() as script_dir:
script_name = _make_test_script(script_dir, "__main__")
compiled_name = _compile_test_script(script_name)
self._check_script(script_dir, compiled_name, script_dir)
def test_zipfile(self):
with temp_dir() as script_dir:
script_name = _make_test_script(script_dir, "__main__")
zip_name = _make_test_zip(script_dir, "test_zip", script_name)
self._check_script(zip_name, None, zip_name)
def test_zipfile_compiled(self):
with temp_dir() as script_dir:
script_name = _make_test_script(script_dir, "__main__")
compiled_name = _compile_test_script(script_name)
zip_name = _make_test_zip(script_dir, "test_zip", compiled_name)
self._check_script(zip_name, None, zip_name)
def test_main():
if __name__ == "__main__":