1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
gensuitemodule - Generate an AE suite module from an aete/aeut resource
Based on aete.py
import MacOS
import os
import string
import sys
import types
import StringIO
import macfs
from Res import *
def main():
1995-08-14 09:14:55 -03:00
fss, ok = macfs.PromptGetFile('Select file with aeut/aete resource:')
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
if not ok:
def process(fullname):
"""Process all resources in a single file"""
cur = CurResFile()
print fullname
rf = OpenRFPerm(fullname, 0, 1)
resources = []
for i in range(Count1Resources('aete')):
res = Get1IndResource('aete', 1+i)
for i in range(Count1Resources('aeut')):
res = Get1IndResource('aeut', 1+i)
print "\nLISTING aete+aeut RESOURCES IN", `fullname`
for res in resources:
print "decoding", res.GetResInfo(), "..."
data = res.data
aete = decode(data)
compileaete(aete, fullname)
if rf <> cur:
def decode(data):
"""Decode a resource into a python data structure"""
f = StringIO.StringIO(data)
aete = generic(getaete, f)
aete = simplify(aete)
processed = f.tell()
unprocessed = len(f.read())
total = f.tell()
if unprocessed:
sys.stderr.write("%d processed + %d unprocessed = %d total\n" %
(processed, unprocessed, total))
return aete
def simplify(item):
"""Recursively replace singleton tuples by their constituent item"""
if type(item) is types.ListType:
return map(simplify, item)
elif type(item) == types.TupleType and len(item) == 2:
return simplify(item[1])
return item
# Here follows the aete resource decoder.
# It is presented bottom-up instead of top-down because there are direct
# references to the lower-level part-decoders from the high-level part-decoders.
def getbyte(f, *args):
c = f.read(1)
if not c:
raise EOFError, 'in getbyte' + str(args)
return ord(c)
def getword(f, *args):
s = f.read(2)
if len(s) < 2:
raise EOFError, 'in getword' + str(args)
return (ord(s[0])<<8) | ord(s[1])
def getlong(f, *args):
s = f.read(4)
if len(s) < 4:
raise EOFError, 'in getlong' + str(args)
return (ord(s[0])<<24) | (ord(s[1])<<16) | (ord(s[2])<<8) | ord(s[3])
def getostype(f, *args):
s = f.read(4)
if len(s) < 4:
raise EOFError, 'in getostype' + str(args)
return s
def getpstr(f, *args):
c = f.read(1)
if len(c) < 1:
raise EOFError, 'in getpstr[1]' + str(args)
nbytes = ord(c)
if nbytes == 0: return ''
s = f.read(nbytes)
if len(s) < nbytes:
raise EOFError, 'in getpstr[2]' + str(args)
return s
def getalign(f):
if f.tell() & 1:
c = f.read(1)
##if c <> '\0':
## print 'align:', `c`
def getlist(f, description, getitem):
count = getword(f)
list = []
for i in range(count):
list.append(generic(getitem, f))
return list
def alt_generic(what, f, *args):
print "generic", `what`, args
res = vageneric(what, f, args)
print '->', `res`
return res
def generic(what, f, *args):
if type(what) == types.FunctionType:
return apply(what, (f,) + args)
if type(what) == types.ListType:
record = []
for thing in what:
item = apply(generic, thing[:1] + (f,) + thing[1:])
record.append((thing[1], item))
return record
return "BAD GENERIC ARGS: %s" % `what`
getdata = [
(getostype, "type"),
(getpstr, "description"),
(getword, "flags")
getargument = [
(getpstr, "name"),
(getostype, "keyword"),
(getdata, "what")
getevent = [
(getpstr, "name"),
(getpstr, "description"),
(getostype, "suite code"),
(getostype, "event code"),
(getdata, "returns"),
(getdata, "accepts"),
(getlist, "optional arguments", getargument)
getproperty = [
(getpstr, "name"),
(getostype, "code"),
(getdata, "what")
getelement = [
(getostype, "type"),
(getlist, "keyform", getostype)
getclass = [
(getpstr, "name"),
(getostype, "class code"),
(getpstr, "description"),
(getlist, "properties", getproperty),
(getlist, "elements", getelement)
getcomparison = [
(getpstr, "operator name"),
(getostype, "operator ID"),
(getpstr, "operator comment"),
getenumerator = [
(getpstr, "enumerator name"),
(getostype, "enumerator ID"),
(getpstr, "enumerator comment")
getenumeration = [
(getostype, "enumeration ID"),
(getlist, "enumerator", getenumerator)
getsuite = [
(getpstr, "suite name"),
(getpstr, "suite description"),
(getostype, "suite ID"),
(getword, "suite level"),
(getword, "suite version"),
(getlist, "events", getevent),
(getlist, "classes", getclass),
(getlist, "comparisons", getcomparison),
(getlist, "enumerations", getenumeration)
getaete = [
(getword, "major/minor version in BCD"),
(getword, "language code"),
(getword, "script code"),
(getlist, "suites", getsuite)
def compileaete(aete, fname):
"""Generate code for a full aete resource. fname passed for doc purposes"""
[version, language, script, suites] = aete
major, minor = divmod(version, 256)
for suite in suites:
compilesuite(suite, major, minor, language, script, fname)
def compilesuite(suite, major, minor, language, script, fname):
"""Generate code for a single suite"""
[name, desc, code, level, version, events, classes, comps, enums] = suite
modname = identify(name)
fss, ok = macfs.StandardPutFile('Python output file', modname+'.py')
if not ok:
fp = open(fss.as_pathname(), 'w')
fss.SetCreatorType('PYTH', 'TEXT')
fp.write('"""Suite %s: %s\n' % (name, desc))
fp.write("Level %d, version %d\n\n" % (level, version))
fp.write("Generated from %s\n"%fname)
fp.write("AETE/AEUT resource version %d/%d, language %d, script %d\n" % \
(major, minor, language, script))
# XXXX Temp?
fp.write("import addpack\n")
fp.write('import aetools\n')
fp.write('import MacOS\n\n')
fp.write("_code = %s\n\n"% `code`)
enum_names = []
for enum in enums:
name = compileenumeration(fp, enum)
compileclassheader(fp, modname)
if events:
for event in events:
compileevent(fp, event)
for cls in classes:
compileclass(fp, cls)
for comp in comps:
compilecomparison(fp, comp)
def compileclassheader(fp, name):
"""Generate class boilerplate"""
fp.write("class %s:\n\n"%name)
def compileevent(fp, event):
"""Generate code for a single event"""
[name, desc, code, subcode, returns, accepts, arguments] = event
funcname = identify(name)
# generate name->keyword map
if arguments:
fp.write("\t_argmap_%s = {\n"%funcname)
for a in arguments:
fp.write("\t\t%s : %s,\n"%(`identify(a[0])`, `a[1]`))
# Generate function header
has_arg = (not is_null(accepts))
opt_arg = (has_arg and is_optional(accepts))
1995-10-03 11:35:58 -03:00
fp.write("\tdef %s(self, "%funcname)
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
if has_arg:
1995-10-03 11:35:58 -03:00
if not opt_arg:
fp.write("_object, ") # Include direct object, if it has one
fp.write("_object=None, ") # Also include if it is optional
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
1995-10-03 11:35:58 -03:00
fp.write("_no_object=None, ") # For argument checking
fp.write("_attributes={}, **_arguments):\n") # include attribute dict and args
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
# Generate doc string (important, since it may be the only
# available documentation, due to our name-remaping)
fp.write('\t\t"""%s: %s\n'%(name, desc))
if has_arg:
fp.write("\t\tRequired argument: %s\n"%getdatadoc(accepts))
elif opt_arg:
fp.write("\t\tOptional argument: %s\n"%getdatadoc(accepts))
for arg in arguments:
fp.write("\t\tKeyword argument %s: %s\n"%(identify(arg[0]),
fp.write("\t\tKeyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary\n")
if not is_null(returns):
fp.write("\t\tReturns: %s\n"%getdatadoc(returns))
# Fiddle the args so everything ends up in 'arguments' dictionary
fp.write("\t\t_code = %s\n"% `code`)
fp.write("\t\t_subcode = %s\n\n"% `subcode`)
1995-10-09 20:09:23 -03:00
# Do keyword name substitution
if arguments:
fp.write("\t\taetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_%s)\n"%funcname)
fp.write("\t\tif _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'\n")
# Stuff required arg (if there is one) into arguments
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
if has_arg:
1995-10-03 11:35:58 -03:00
fp.write("\t\t_arguments['----'] = _object\n")
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
elif opt_arg:
1995-10-03 11:35:58 -03:00
fp.write("\t\tif _object:\n")
fp.write("\t\t\t_arguments['----'] = _object\n")
fp.write("\t\tif _no_object != None: raise TypeError, 'No direct arg expected'\n")
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
1995-10-09 20:09:23 -03:00
# Do enum-name substitution
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
for a in arguments:
if is_enum(a[2]):
kname = a[1]
ename = a[2][0]
1995-10-03 11:35:58 -03:00
fp.write("\t\taetools.enumsubst(_arguments, %s, _Enum_%s)\n" %
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
(`kname`, ename))
# Do the transaction
1995-10-03 11:35:58 -03:00
fp.write("\t\t_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,\n")
fp.write("\t\t\t\t_arguments, _attributes)\n")
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
# Error handling
1995-10-03 11:35:58 -03:00
fp.write("\t\tif _arguments.has_key('errn'):\n")
fp.write("\t\t\traise MacOS.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)\n")
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
fp.write("\t\t# XXXX Optionally decode result\n")
# Decode result
1995-10-03 11:35:58 -03:00
fp.write("\t\tif _arguments.has_key('----'):\n")
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
if is_enum(returns):
fp.write("\t\t\t# XXXX Should do enum remapping here...\n")
1995-10-03 11:35:58 -03:00
fp.write("\t\t\treturn _arguments['----']\n")
1995-07-17 08:43:20 -03:00
# print "\n# Command %s -- %s (%s, %s)" % (`name`, `desc`, `code`, `subcode`)
# print "# returns", compiledata(returns)
# print "# accepts", compiledata(accepts)
# for arg in arguments:
# compileargument(arg)
def compileargument(arg):
[name, keyword, what] = arg
print "# %s (%s)" % (name, `keyword`), compiledata(what)
def compileclass(fp, cls):
[name, code, desc, properties, elements] = cls
fp.write("\n# Class %s (%s) -- %s\n" % (`name`, `code`, `desc`))
for prop in properties:
compileproperty(fp, prop)
for elem in elements:
compileelement(fp, elem)
def compileproperty(fp, prop):
[name, code, what] = prop
fp.write("# property %s (%s) %s\n" % (`name`, `code`, compiledata(what)))
def compileelement(fp, elem):
[code, keyform] = elem
fp.write("# element %s as %s\n" % (`code`, keyform))
def compilecomparison(fp, comp):
[name, code, comment] = comp
fp.write("# comparison %s (%s) -- %s\n" % (`name`, `code`, comment))
def compileenumeration(fp, enum):
[code, items] = enum
fp.write("_Enum_%s = {\n" % identify(code))
for item in items:
compileenumerator(fp, item)
return code
def compileenumerator(fp, item):
[name, code, desc] = item
fp.write("\t%s : %s,\t# %s\n" % (`identify(name)`, `code`, desc))
def compiledata(data):
[type, description, flags] = data
return "%s -- %s %s" % (`type`, `description`, compiledataflags(flags))
def is_null(data):
return data[0] == 'null'
def is_optional(data):
return (data[2] & 0x8000)
def is_enum(data):
return (data[2] & 0x2000)
def getdatadoc(data):
[type, descr, flags] = data
if descr:
return descr
if type == '****':
return 'anything'
if type == 'obj ':
return 'an AE object reference'
return "undocumented, typecode %s"%`type`
dataflagdict = {15: "optional", 14: "list", 13: "enum", 12: "mutable"}
def compiledataflags(flags):
bits = []
for i in range(16):
if flags & (1<<i):
if i in dataflagdict.keys():
return '[%s]' % string.join(bits)
# XXXX Do we have a set of python keywords somewhere?
illegal_ids = [ "for", "in", "from", "and", "or", "not", "print" ]
def identify(str):
"""Turn any string into an identifier:
- replace space by _
- replace other illegal chars by _xx_ (hex code)
- prepend _ if the result is a python keyword
rv = ''
ok = string.letters + '_'
ok2 = ok + string.digits
for c in str:
if c in ok:
rv = rv + c
elif c == ' ':
rv = rv + '_'
rv = rv + '_%02.2x_'%ord(c)
ok = ok2
if rv in illegal_ids:
rv = '_' + rv
return rv
# Call the main program
if __name__ == '__main__':