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'''Run human tests of Idle's window, dialog, and popup widgets.
run(test): run *test*, a callable that causes a widget to be displayed.
runall(): run all tests defined in this file.
Let X be a global name bound to a widget callable. End the module with
if __name__ == '__main__':
<unittest, if there is one>
from idlelib.idle_test.htest import run
The X object must have a .__name__ attribute and a 'parent' parameter.
X will often be a widget class, but a callable instance with .__name__
or a wrapper function also work. The name of wrapper functions, like
'_editor_Window', should start with '_'.
This file must contain a matching instance of the folling template,
with X.__name__ prepended, as in '_editor_window_spec ...'.
_spec = {
'file': '',
'kwds': {'title': ''},
'msg': ""
file (no .py): used in runall() to import the file and get X.
kwds: passed to X (**kwds), after 'parent' is added, to initialize X.
title: an example; used for some widgets, delete if not.
msg: displayed in a master window. Hints as to how the user might
test the widget. Close the window to skip or end the test.
from importlib import import_module
import tkinter as tk
AboutDialog_spec = {
'file': 'aboutDialog',
'kwds': {'title': 'aboutDialog test',
'_htest': True,
'msg': "Test every button. Ensure Python, TK and IDLE versions "
"are correctly displayed.\n [Close] to exit.",
_calltip_window_spec = {
'file': 'CallTipWindow',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Typing '(' should display a calltip.\n"
"Typing ') should hide the calltip.\n"
_class_browser_spec = {
'file': 'ClassBrowser',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Inspect names of module, class(with superclass if "
"applicable), methods and functions.\nToggle nested items.\n"
"Double clicking on items prints a traceback for an exception "
"that is ignored."
_color_delegator_spec = {
'file': 'ColorDelegator',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "The text is sample Python code.\n"
"Ensure components like comments, keywords, builtins,\n"
"string, definitions, and break are correctly colored.\n"
"The default color scheme is in idlelib/config-highlight.def"
_dyn_option_menu_spec = {
'file': 'dynOptionMenuWidget',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Select one of the many options in the 'old option set'.\n"
"Click the button to change the option set.\n"
"Select one of the many options in the 'new option set'."
_editor_window_spec = {
'file': 'EditorWindow',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Test editor functions of interest."
GetCfgSectionNameDialog_spec = {
'file': 'configSectionNameDialog',
'kwds': {'title':'Get Name',
'message':'Enter something',
'used_names': {'abc'},
'_htest': True},
'msg': "After the text entered with [Ok] is stripped, <nothing>, "
"'abc', or more that 30 chars are errors.\n"
"Close 'Get Name' with a valid entry (printed to Shell), "
"[Cancel], or [X]",
GetHelpSourceDialog_spec = {
'file': 'configHelpSourceEdit',
'kwds': {'title': 'Get helpsource',
'_htest': True},
'msg': "Enter menu item name and help file path\n "
"<nothing> and more than 30 chars are invalid menu item names.\n"
"<nothing>, file does not exist are invalid path items.\n"
"Test for incomplete web address for help file path.\n"
"A valid entry will be printed to shell with [0k].\n"
"[Cancel] will print None to shell",
# Update once issue21519 is resolved.
GetKeysDialog_spec = {
'file': 'keybindingDialog',
'kwds': {'title': 'Test keybindings',
'action': 'find-again',
'currentKeySequences': [''] ,
'_htest': True,
'msg': "Test for different key modifier sequences.\n"
"<nothing> is invalid.\n"
"No modifier key is invalid.\n"
"Shift key with [a-z],[0-9], function key, move key, tab, space"
"is invalid.\nNo validitity checking if advanced key binding "
"entry is used."
_help_dialog_spec = {
'file': 'EditorWindow',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "If the help text displays, this works.\n"
"Text is selectable. Window is scrollable."
_io_binding_spec = {
'file': 'IOBinding',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Test the following bindings\n"
"<Control-o> to display open window from file dialog.\n"
"<Control-s> to save the file\n"
_multi_call_spec = {
'file': 'MultiCall',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "The following actions should trigger a print to console or IDLE"
" Shell.\nEntering and leaving the text area, key entry, "
"<Control-Key>,\n<Alt-Key-a>, <Control-Key-a>, "
"<Alt-Control-Key-a>, \n<Control-Button-1>, <Alt-Button-1> and "
"focusing out of the window\nare sequences to be tested."
_multistatus_bar_spec = {
'file': 'MultiStatusBar',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Ensure presence of multi-status bar below text area.\n"
"Click 'Update Status' to change the multi-status text"
_object_browser_spec = {
'file': 'ObjectBrowser',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Double click on items upto the lowest level.\n"
"Attributes of the objects and related information "
"will be displayed side-by-side at each level."
_path_browser_spec = {
'file': 'PathBrowser',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Test for correct display of all paths in sys.path.\n"
"Toggle nested items upto the lowest level.\n"
"Double clicking on an item prints a traceback\n"
"for an exception that is ignored."
_percolator_spec = {
'file': 'Percolator',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "There are two tracers which can be toggled using a checkbox.\n"
"Toggling a tracer 'on' by checking it should print tracer"
"output to the console or to the IDLE shell.\n"
"If both the tracers are 'on', the output from the tracer which "
"was switched 'on' later, should be printed first\n"
"Test for actions like text entry, and removal."
_replace_dialog_spec = {
'file': 'ReplaceDialog',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Click the 'Replace' button.\n"
"Test various replace options in the 'Replace dialog'.\n"
"Click [Close] or [X] to close to the 'Replace Dialog'."
_search_dialog_spec = {
'file': 'SearchDialog',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Click the 'Search' button.\n"
"Test various search options in the 'Search dialog'.\n"
"Click [Close] or [X] to close to the 'Search Dialog'."
_scrolled_list_spec = {
'file': 'ScrolledList',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "You should see a scrollable list of items\n"
"Selecting (clicking) or double clicking an item "
"prints the name to the console or Idle shell.\n"
"Right clicking an item will display a popup."
_stack_viewer_spec = {
'file': 'StackViewer',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "A stacktrace for a NameError exception.\n"
"Expand 'idlelib ...' and '<locals>'.\n"
"Check that exc_value, exc_tb, and exc_type are correct.\n"
_tabbed_pages_spec = {
'file': 'tabbedpages',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Toggle between the two tabs 'foo' and 'bar'\n"
"Add a tab by entering a suitable name for it.\n"
"Remove an existing tab by entering its name.\n"
"Remove all existing tabs.\n"
"<nothing> is an invalid add page and remove page name.\n"
TextViewer_spec = {
'file': 'textView',
'kwds': {'title': 'Test textView',
'text':'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n'*35,
'_htest': True},
'msg': "Test for read-only property of text.\n"
"Text is selectable. Window is scrollable.",
_tooltip_spec = {
'file': 'ToolTip',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Place mouse cursor over both the buttons\n"
"A tooltip should appear with some text."
_tree_widget_spec = {
'file': 'TreeWidget',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "The canvas is scrollable.\n"
"Click on folders upto to the lowest level."
_widget_redirector_spec = {
'file': 'WidgetRedirector',
'kwds': {},
'msg': "Every text insert should be printed to the console."
"or the IDLE shell."
def run(*tests):
root = tk.Tk()
test_list = [] # List of tuples of the form (spec, callable widget)
if tests:
for test in tests:
test_spec = globals()[test.__name__ + '_spec']
test_spec['name'] = test.__name__
test_list.append((test_spec, test))
for k, d in globals().items():
if k.endswith('_spec'):
test_name = k[:-5]
test_spec = d
test_spec['name'] = test_name
mod = import_module('idlelib.' + test_spec['file'])
test = getattr(mod, test_name)
test_list.append((test_spec, test))
help_string = tk.StringVar('')
test_name = tk.StringVar('')
callable_object = None
test_kwds = None
def next():
nonlocal help_string, test_name, callable_object, test_kwds
if len(test_list) == 1:
test_spec, callable_object = test_list.pop()
test_kwds = test_spec['kwds']
test_kwds['parent'] = root
test_name.set('Test ' + test_spec['name'])
def run_test():
widget = callable_object(**test_kwds)
except AttributeError:
label = tk.Label(root, textvariable=help_string, justify='left')
button = tk.Button(root, textvariable=test_name, command=run_test)
next_button = tk.Button(root, text="Next", command=next)
if __name__ == '__main__':