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# A test suite for pdb; not very comprehensive at the moment.
import imp
import pdb
import sys
import unittest
import subprocess
from test import support
# This little helper class is essential for testing pdb under doctest.
from test.test_doctest import _FakeInput
class PdbTestInput(object):
"""Context manager that makes testing Pdb in doctests easier."""
def __init__(self, input):
self.input = input
def __enter__(self):
self.real_stdin = sys.stdin
sys.stdin = _FakeInput(self.input)
def __exit__(self, *exc):
sys.stdin = self.real_stdin
def test_pdb_displayhook():
"""This tests the custom displayhook for pdb.
>>> def test_function(foo, bar):
... import pdb; pdb.Pdb().set_trace()
... pass
>>> with PdbTestInput([
... 'foo',
... 'bar',
... 'for i in range(5): print(i)',
... 'continue',
... ]):
... test_function(1, None)
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_displayhook[0]>(3)test_function()
-> pass
(Pdb) foo
(Pdb) bar
(Pdb) for i in range(5): print(i)
(Pdb) continue
def test_pdb_skip_modules():
"""This illustrates the simple case of module skipping.
>>> def skip_module():
... import string
... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(skip=['stri*']).set_trace()
... string.capwords('FOO')
>>> with PdbTestInput([
... 'step',
... 'continue',
... ]):
... skip_module()
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules[0]>(4)skip_module()
-> string.capwords('FOO')
(Pdb) step
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules[0]>(4)skip_module()->None
-> string.capwords('FOO')
(Pdb) continue
# Module for testing skipping of module that makes a callback
mod = imp.new_module('module_to_skip')
exec('def foo_pony(callback): x = 1; callback(); return None', mod.__dict__)
def test_pdb_skip_modules_with_callback():
"""This illustrates skipping of modules that call into other code.
>>> def skip_module():
... def callback():
... return None
... import pdb; pdb.Pdb(skip=['module_to_skip*']).set_trace()
... mod.foo_pony(callback)
>>> with PdbTestInput([
... 'step',
... 'step',
... 'step',
... 'step',
... 'step',
... 'continue',
... ]):
... skip_module()
... pass # provides something to "step" to
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules_with_callback[0]>(5)skip_module()
-> mod.foo_pony(callback)
(Pdb) step
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules_with_callback[0]>(2)callback()
-> def callback():
(Pdb) step
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules_with_callback[0]>(3)callback()
-> return None
(Pdb) step
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules_with_callback[0]>(3)callback()->None
-> return None
(Pdb) step
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules_with_callback[0]>(5)skip_module()->None
-> mod.foo_pony(callback)
(Pdb) step
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_skip_modules_with_callback[1]>(10)<module>()
-> pass # provides something to "step" to
(Pdb) continue
def test_pdb_continue_in_bottomframe():
"""Test that "continue" and "next" work properly in bottom frame (issue #5294).
>>> def test_function():
... import pdb, sys; inst = pdb.Pdb()
... inst.set_trace()
... inst.botframe = sys._getframe() # hackery to get the right botframe
... print(1)
... print(2)
... print(3)
... print(4)
>>> with PdbTestInput([ # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
... 'next',
... 'break 7',
... 'continue',
... 'next',
... 'continue',
... 'continue',
... ]):
... test_function()
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_continue_in_bottomframe[0]>(4)test_function()
-> inst.botframe = sys._getframe() # hackery to get the right botframe
(Pdb) next
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_continue_in_bottomframe[0]>(5)test_function()
-> print(1)
(Pdb) break 7
Breakpoint ... at <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_continue_in_bottomframe[0]>:7
(Pdb) continue
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_continue_in_bottomframe[0]>(7)test_function()
-> print(3)
(Pdb) next
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_continue_in_bottomframe[0]>(8)test_function()
-> print(4)
(Pdb) continue
def test_pdb_breakpoints():
"""Test handling of breakpoints.
>>> def test_function():
... import pdb; pdb.Pdb().set_trace()
... print(1)
... print(2)
... print(3)
... print(4)
First, need to clear bdb state that might be left over from previous tests.
Otherwise, the new breakpoints might get assigned different numbers.
>>> from bdb import Breakpoint
>>> Breakpoint.next = 1
>>> Breakpoint.bplist = {}
>>> Breakpoint.bpbynumber = [None]
Now test the breakpoint commands. NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE is needed because
the breakpoint list outputs a tab for the "stop only" and "ignore next"
lines, which we don't want to put in here.
>>> with PdbTestInput([ # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
... 'break 3',
... 'disable 1',
... 'ignore 1 10',
... 'condition 1 1 < 2',
... 'break 4',
... 'break',
... 'condition 1',
... 'enable 1',
... 'clear 1',
... 'commands 2',
... 'print 42',
... 'end',
... 'continue', # will stop at breakpoint 2
... 'continue',
... ]):
... test_function()
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_breakpoints[0]>(3)test_function()
-> print(1)
(Pdb) break 3
Breakpoint 1 at <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_breakpoints[0]>:3
(Pdb) disable 1
Disabled breakpoint 1 at <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_breakpoints[0]>:3
(Pdb) ignore 1 10
Will ignore next 10 crossings of breakpoint 1.
(Pdb) condition 1 1 < 2
New condition set for breakpoint 1.
(Pdb) break 4
Breakpoint 2 at <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_breakpoints[0]>:4
(Pdb) break
Num Type Disp Enb Where
1 breakpoint keep no at <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_breakpoints[0]>:3
stop only if 1 < 2
ignore next 10 hits
2 breakpoint keep yes at <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_breakpoints[0]>:4
(Pdb) condition 1
Breakpoint 1 is now unconditional.
(Pdb) enable 1
Enabled breakpoint 1 at <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_breakpoints[0]>:3
(Pdb) clear 1
Deleted breakpoint 1 at <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_breakpoints[0]>:3
(Pdb) commands 2
(com) print 42
(com) end
(Pdb) continue
> <doctest test.test_pdb.test_pdb_breakpoints[0]>(4)test_function()
-> print(2)
(Pdb) continue
def pdb_invoke(method, arg):
"""Run pdb.method(arg)."""
import pdb; getattr(pdb, method)(arg)
def test_pdb_run_with_incorrect_argument():
"""Testing run and runeval with incorrect first argument.
>>> pti = PdbTestInput(['continue',])
>>> with pti:
... pdb_invoke('run', lambda x: x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: exec() arg 1 must be a string, bytes or code object
>>> with pti:
... pdb_invoke('runeval', lambda x: x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: eval() arg 1 must be a string, bytes or code object
def test_pdb_run_with_code_object():
"""Testing run and runeval with code object as a first argument.
>>> with PdbTestInput(['step','x', 'continue']):
... pdb_invoke('run', compile('x=1', '<string>', 'exec'))
> <string>(1)<module>()
(Pdb) step
> <string>(1)<module>()->None
(Pdb) x
(Pdb) continue
>>> with PdbTestInput(['x', 'continue']):
... x=0
... pdb_invoke('runeval', compile('x+1', '<string>', 'eval'))
> <string>(1)<module>()->None
(Pdb) x
(Pdb) continue
class PdbTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_issue7964(self):
# open the file as binary so we can force \r\n newline
with open(support.TESTFN, 'wb') as f:
f.write(b'print("testing my pdb")\r\n')
cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pdb', support.TESTFN]
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(b'quit\n')
self.assertNotIn(b'SyntaxError', stdout,
"Got a syntax error running test script under PDB")
def tearDown(self):
def test_main():
from test import test_pdb
support.run_doctest(test_pdb, verbosity=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':