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1998-08-18 11:54:11 -03:00
/* BBPython
A simple menu command to send the contents of a window to the Python interpreter
copyright <EFBFBD> 1996 Just van Rossum, Letterror: just@knoware.nl
All Rights Reserved
#include "BBPy.h"
OSErr SendTextAsAE(ExternalCallbackBlock *callbacks, Ptr theText, long theSize, Str255 windowTitle)
OSErr err;
AEDesc theEvent;
AEAddressDesc theTarget;
AppleEvent theReply;
AEDesc theTextDesc;
AEDesc theNameDesc;
OSType pythonSig = 'Pyth';
FSSpec docSpec;
short itemHit;
long time;
EventRecord theDummyEvent;
/* initialize AE descriptor for python's signature */
err = AECreateDesc (typeApplSignature, &pythonSig, sizeof(OSType), &theTarget);
if(err != noErr) return err;
/* initialize AE descriptor for the title of our window */
err = AECreateDesc (typeChar, &windowTitle[1], windowTitle[0], &theNameDesc);
if(err != noErr) return err;
/* initialize AE descriptor for the content of our window */
err = AECreateDesc ('TEXT', theText, theSize, &theTextDesc);
if(err != noErr) return err;
/* initialize AppleEvent */
err = AECreateAppleEvent ('pyth', 'EXEC', &theTarget, kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, &theEvent);
if(err != noErr) return err;
/* add the content of our window to the AppleEvent */
err = AEPutParamDesc (&theEvent, keyDirectObject, &theTextDesc);
if(err != noErr) return err;
/* add the title of our window to the AppleEvent */
err = AEPutParamDesc (&theEvent, 'NAME', &theNameDesc);
if(err != noErr) return err;
/* send the AppleEvent */
err = AESend (&theEvent, &theReply, kAEWaitReply, kAEHighPriority, kNoTimeOut, NULL, NULL);
if(err == connectionInvalid) {
// launch PythonSlave.py
itemHit = Alert(128, NULL);
if(itemHit == 2) return noErr; /* user cancelled */
if( ! GetPythonSlaveSpec(&docSpec) )
return noErr; /* user cancelled */
err = LaunchPythonSlave(&docSpec);
if(err != noErr) return err;
} else if(err != noErr)
return err;
/* clean up */
err = AEDisposeDesc (&theTarget);
if(err != noErr) return err;
err = AEDisposeDesc (&theNameDesc);
if(err != noErr) return err;
err = AEDisposeDesc (&theTextDesc);
if(err != noErr) return err;
err = AEDisposeDesc (&theEvent);
if(err != noErr) return err;
err = AEDisposeDesc (&theReply);
if(err != noErr) return err;
/* everything is cool */
return noErr;
pascal void main(ExternalCallbackBlock *callbacks, WindowPtr theWindow)
long oldA4;
OSErr err;
Handle windowContents;
Str255 windowTitle;
//RememberA0(); /* Can't find header file for this. Seems to work anyway. */
oldA4 = SetUpA4();
GetWTitle(theWindow, windowTitle);
windowContents = callbacks->GetWindowContents(theWindow);
err = SendTextAsAE(callbacks, *windowContents, GetHandleSize(windowContents), windowTitle);
if(err != noErr) callbacks->ReportOSError(err);