
340 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

('abc', 'abc', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('abc', 'xbc', 1)
('abc', 'axc', 1)
('abc', 'abx', 1)
('abc', 'xabcy', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('abc', 'ababc', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('ab*c', 'abc', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('ab*bc', 'abc', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('ab*bc', 'abbc', 0, 'found', 'abbc')
('ab*bc', 'abbbbc', 0, 'found', 'abbbbc')
('ab+bc', 'abbc', 0, 'found', 'abbc')
('ab+bc', 'abc', 1)
('ab+bc', 'abq', 1)
('ab+bc', 'abbbbc', 0, 'found', 'abbbbc')
('ab?bc', 'abbc', 0, 'found', 'abbc')
('ab?bc', 'abc', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('ab?bc', 'abbbbc', 1)
('ab?c', 'abc', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('^abc$', 'abc', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('^abc$', 'abcc', 1)
('^abc', 'abcc', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('^abc$', 'aabc', 1)
('abc$', 'aabc', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('^', 'abc', 0, 'found+"-"', '-')
('$', 'abc', 0, 'found+"-"', '-')
('a.c', 'abc', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('a.c', 'axc', 0, 'found', 'axc')
('a.*c', 'axyzc', 0, 'found', 'axyzc')
('a.*c', 'axyzd', 1)
('a[bc]d', 'abc', 1)
('a[bc]d', 'abd', 0, 'found', 'abd')
('a[b-d]e', 'abd', 1)
('a[b-d]e', 'ace', 0, 'found', 'ace')
('a[b-d]', 'aac', 0, 'found', 'ac')
('a[-b]', 'a-', 0, 'found', 'a-')
('a[b-]', 'a-', 2)
('a[]b', '-', 2)
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 1078, in compile
if pattern[index] != ']':
IndexError: string index out of range
('a[', '-', 2)
('a\\', '-', 2)
('abc)', '-', 2)
('(abc', '-', 2)
('a]', 'a]', 0, 'found', 'a]')
('a[]]b', 'a]b', 0, 'found', 'a]b')
('a[^bc]d', 'aed', 0, 'found', 'aed')
('a[^bc]d', 'abd', 1)
('a[^-b]c', 'adc', 0, 'found', 'adc')
('a[^-b]c', 'a-c', 1)
('a[^]b]c', 'a]c', 1)
('a[^]b]c', 'adc', 0, 'found', 'adc')
('\\ba\\b', 'a-', 0, '"-"', '-')
=== Failed incorrectly ('\\ba\\b', 'a-', 0, '"-"', '-')
('\\ba\\b', '-a', 0, '"-"', '-')
=== Failed incorrectly ('\\ba\\b', '-a', 0, '"-"', '-')
('\\ba\\b', '-a-', 0, '"-"', '-')
=== Failed incorrectly ('\\ba\\b', '-a-', 0, '"-"', '-')
('\\by\\b', 'xy', 1)
('\\by\\b', 'yz', 1)
('\\by\\b', 'xyz', 1)
('ab|cd', 'abc', 0, 'found', 'ab')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 1097, in compile
if stack[-1][0].name == '(':
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('ab|cd', 'abcd', 0, 'found', 'ab')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 1097, in compile
if stack[-1][0].name == '(':
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('()ef', 'def', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'ef-')
=== Syntax error: ('()ef', 'def', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'ef-')
('$b', 'b', 1)
('a(b', 'a(b', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'a(b-None')
=== Syntax error: ('a(b', 'a(b', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'a(b-None')
('a\\(*b', 'ab', 0, 'found', 'ab')
('a\\(*b', 'a((b', 0, 'found', 'a((b')
=== Failed incorrectly ('a\\(*b', 'a((b', 0, 'found', 'a((b')
('a\\\\b', 'a\\b', 0, 'found', 'a\\b')
=== Failed incorrectly ('a\\\\b', 'a\\b', 0, 'found', 'a\\b')
('((a))', 'abc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'a-a-a')
=== grouping error ('((a))', 'abc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'a-a-a') 'a--' should be 'a-a-a'
('(a)b(c)', 'abc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abc-a-c')
=== grouping error ('(a)b(c)', 'abc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abc-a-c') 'abc--' should be 'abc-a-c'
('a+b+c', 'aabbabc', 0, 'found', 'abc')
('(a+|b)*', 'ab', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'ab-b')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(a+|b)+', 'ab', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'ab-b')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(a+|b)?', 'ab', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'a-a')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
(')(', '-', 2)
('[^ab]*', 'cde', 0, 'found', 'cde')
('abc', '', 1)
('a*', '', 0, 'found', '')
('a|b|c|d|e', 'e', 0, 'found', 'e')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 625, in compile
while (len(stack) != 0) and \
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(a|b|c|d|e)f', 'ef', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'ef-e')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 625, in compile
while (len(stack) != 0) and \
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('abcd*efg', 'abcdefg', 0, 'found', 'abcdefg')
('ab*', 'xabyabbbz', 0, 'found', 'ab')
('ab*', 'xayabbbz', 0, 'found', 'a')
('(ab|cd)e', 'abcde', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'cde-cd')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('[abhgefdc]ij', 'hij', 0, 'found', 'hij')
('^(ab|cd)e', 'abcde', 1, 'xg1y', 'xy')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(abc|)ef', 'abcdef', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'ef-')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(a|b)c*d', 'abcd', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'bcd-b')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(ab|ab*)bc', 'abc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abc-a')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('a([bc]*)c*', 'abc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abc-bc')
=== grouping error ('a([bc]*)c*', 'abc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abc-bc') 'abc-' should be 'abc-bc'
('a([bc]*)(c*d)', 'abcd', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcd-bc-d')
=== grouping error ('a([bc]*)(c*d)', 'abcd', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcd-bc-d') 'abcd--' should be 'abcd-bc-d'
('a([bc]+)(c*d)', 'abcd', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcd-bc-d')
=== grouping error ('a([bc]+)(c*d)', 'abcd', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcd-bc-d') 'abcd--' should be 'abcd-bc-d'
('a([bc]*)(c+d)', 'abcd', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcd-b-cd')
=== grouping error ('a([bc]*)(c+d)', 'abcd', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcd-b-cd') 'abcd--' should be 'abcd-b-cd'
('a[bcd]*dcdcde', 'adcdcde', 0, 'found', 'adcdcde')
('a[bcd]+dcdcde', 'adcdcde', 1)
('(ab|a)b*c', 'abc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abc-ab')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('((a)(b)c)(d)', 'abcd', 0, 'g1+"-"+g2+"-"+g3+"-"+g4', 'abc-a-b-d')
=== grouping error ('((a)(b)c)(d)', 'abcd', 0, 'g1+"-"+g2+"-"+g3+"-"+g4', 'abc-a-b-d') '---' should be 'abc-a-b-d'
('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', 'alpha', 0, 'found', 'alpha')
('^a(bc+|b[eh])g|.h$', 'abh', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'bh-None')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))', 'effgz', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'effgz-effgz-None')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 625, in compile
while (len(stack) != 0) and \
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))', 'ij', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'ij-ij-j')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 625, in compile
while (len(stack) != 0) and \
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))', 'effg', 1)
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 625, in compile
while (len(stack) != 0) and \
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))', 'bcdd', 1)
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 625, in compile
while (len(stack) != 0) and \
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))', 'reffgz', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'effgz-effgz-None')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 625, in compile
while (len(stack) != 0) and \
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(((((((((a)))))))))', 'a', 0, 'found', 'a')
('multiple words of text', 'uh-uh', 1)
('multiple words', 'multiple words, yeah', 0, 'found', 'multiple words')
=== Failed incorrectly ('multiple words', 'multiple words, yeah', 0, 'found', 'multiple words')
('(.*)c(.*)', 'abcde', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcde-ab-de')
=== grouping error ('(.*)c(.*)', 'abcde', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abcde-ab-de') 'abcde--' should be 'abcde-ab-de'
('((.*), (.*))', '(a, b)', 0, 'g2+"-"+g1', 'b-a')
=== grouping error ('((.*), (.*))', '(a, b)', 0, 'g2+"-"+g1', 'b-a') '-' should be 'b-a'
('[k]', 'ab', 1)
('a[-]?c', 'ac', 0, 'found', 'ac')
('(abc)\\1', 'abcabc', 0, 'g1', 'abc')
=== grouping error ('(abc)\\1', 'abcabc', 0, 'g1', 'abc') '' should be 'abc'
('([a-c]*)\\1', 'abcabc', 0, 'g1', 'abc')
=== grouping error ('([a-c]*)\\1', 'abcabc', 0, 'g1', 'abc') '' should be 'abc'
('^(.+)?B', 'AB', 0, 'g1', 'A')
=== grouping error ('^(.+)?B', 'AB', 0, 'g1', 'A') '' should be 'A'
('(a+).\\1$', 'aaaaa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aaaaa-aa')
=== grouping error ('(a+).\\1$', 'aaaaa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aaaaa-aa') 'aaaaa-' should be 'aaaaa-aa'
('^(a+).\\1$', 'aaaa', 1)
('(abc)\\1', 'abcabc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abcabc-abc')
=== grouping error ('(abc)\\1', 'abcabc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abcabc-abc') 'abcabc-' should be 'abcabc-abc'
('([a-c]+)\\1', 'abcabc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abcabc-abc')
=== grouping error ('([a-c]+)\\1', 'abcabc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abcabc-abc') 'abcabc-' should be 'abcabc-abc'
('(a)\\1', 'aa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aa-a')
=== grouping error ('(a)\\1', 'aa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aa-a') 'aa-' should be 'aa-a'
('(a+)\\1', 'aa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aa-a')
=== grouping error ('(a+)\\1', 'aa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aa-a') 'aa-' should be 'aa-a'
('(a+)+\\1', 'aa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aa-a')
=== grouping error ('(a+)+\\1', 'aa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aa-a') 'aa-' should be 'aa-a'
('(a).+\\1', 'aba', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aba-a')
=== grouping error ('(a).+\\1', 'aba', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aba-a') 'aba-' should be 'aba-a'
('(a)ba*\\1', 'aba', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aba-a')
=== grouping error ('(a)ba*\\1', 'aba', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aba-a') 'aba-' should be 'aba-a'
('(aa|a)a\\1$', 'aaa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aaa-a')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(a|aa)a\\1$', 'aaa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aaa-a')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 745, in compile
while (len(stack) > 0) and (stack[-1][0].name != '('):
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(a+)a\\1$', 'aaa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aaa-a')
=== grouping error ('(a+)a\\1$', 'aaa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aaa-a') 'aaa-' should be 'aaa-a'
('([abc]*)\\1', 'abcabc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abcabc-abc')
=== grouping error ('([abc]*)\\1', 'abcabc', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abcabc-abc') 'abcabc-' should be 'abcabc-abc'
('(a)(b)c|ab', 'ab', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'ab-None-None')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 1097, in compile
if stack[-1][0].name == '(':
AttributeError: attribute-less object
('(a)+x', 'aaax', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aaax-a')
=== grouping error ('(a)+x', 'aaax', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aaax-a') 'aaax-' should be 'aaax-a'
('([ac])+x', 'aacx', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aacx-c')
=== grouping error ('([ac])+x', 'aacx', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aacx-c') 'aacx-' should be 'aacx-c'
('([^/]*/)*sub1/', 'd:msgs/tdir/sub1/trial/away.cpp', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'd:msgs/tdir/sub1/-tdir/')
=== grouping error ('([^/]*/)*sub1/', 'd:msgs/tdir/sub1/trial/away.cpp', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'd:msgs/tdir/sub1/-tdir/') 'd:msgs/tdir/sub1/-' should be 'd:msgs/tdir/sub1/-tdir/'
('([^.]*)\\.([^:]*):[T ]+(.*)', 'track1.title:TBlah blah blah', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2+"-"+g3', 'track1.title:TBlah blah blah-track1-title-Blah blah blah')
=== Failed incorrectly ('([^.]*)\\.([^:]*):[T ]+(.*)', 'track1.title:TBlah blah blah', 0, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2+"-"+g3', 'track1.title:TBlah blah blah-track1-title-Blah blah blah')
('([^N]*N)+', 'abNNxyzN', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abNNxyzN-xyzN')
=== grouping error ('([^N]*N)+', 'abNNxyzN', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abNNxyzN-xyzN') 'abNNxyzN-' should be 'abNNxyzN-xyzN'
('([^N]*N)+', 'abNNxyz', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abNN-N')
=== grouping error ('([^N]*N)+', 'abNNxyz', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abNN-N') 'abNN-' should be 'abNN-N'
('([abc]*)x', 'abcx', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abcx-abc')
=== grouping error ('([abc]*)x', 'abcx', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'abcx-abc') 'abcx-' should be 'abcx-abc'
('([abc]*)x', 'abc', 1)
('([xyz]*)x', 'abcx', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'x-')
('(a)+b|aac', 'aac', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aac-None')
*** Unexpected error ***
Traceback (innermost last):
File "../Lib/test/test_re.py", line 19, in ?
File "../Lib/re.py", line 1097, in compile
if stack[-1][0].name == '(':
AttributeError: attribute-less object