#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 ### Cesar Rodriguez March 2022 ### Reads waypoints from .yaml file and keeps track of them import rospy, tf import rosservice import time from geometry_msgs.msg import Point from oscillation_ctrl.srv import WaypointTrack,WaypointTrackResponse class Main: def __init__(self): # Variables needed for testing start self.tstart = rospy.get_time() # Keep track of the start time while self.tstart == 0.0: # Need to make sure get_rostime works self.tstart = rospy.get_time() # initialize variables self.xd = Point() # used to in response self.wpoints = [] # used to save waypoint from yaml file self.resp = WaypointTrackResponse() self.param_exists = False # check in case param does not exist while self.param_exists == False: if rospy.has_param('sim/waypoints'): self.wpoints = rospy.get_param('sim/waypoints') # get waypoints self.xd.x = self.wpoints['x'] self.xd.y = self.wpoints['y'] self.xd.z = self.wpoints['z'] self.param_exists = True elif rospy.has_param('mocap/waypoints'): self.wpoints = rospy.get_param('mocap/waypoints') # get waypoints self.xd.x = self.wpoints['x'] self.xd.y = self.wpoints['y'] self.xd.z = self.wpoints['z'] self.param_exists = True elif rospy.get_time() - self.tstart >= 5.0: self.xd.x = 0.0 self.xd.y = 0.0 self.xd.z = 1.5 break # service(s) # subscriber(s) rospy.Subscriber('/reference/waypoints',Point, self.waypoints_cb) # publisher(s) def waypoint_relay(self,req): #TODO Need to add check to make sure query is boolean if req.query: self.xd = req.xd self.resp.xd = self.xd else: self.resp.xd = self.xd return self.resp # Change desired position if there is a change def waypoints_cb(self,msg): try: self.xd = msg except ValueError or TypeError: pass if __name__=="__main__": # Initiate ROS node rospy.init_node('waypoints_server',anonymous=False) try: obj = Main() # create class object s = rospy.Service('status/waypoint_tracker',WaypointTrack,obj.waypoint_relay) rospy.loginfo_once('waypoints_server has started with:\nxd.x = %.1f\nxd.y = %.1f\nxd.z = %.1f', obj.xd.x, obj.xd.y, obj.xd.z) rospy.spin() # loop until shutdown signal except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass