1: Follow the installation guide at https://git.spirirobotics.com/cesar.alejandro/oscillation_ctrl/src/branch/master to set up the oscillation_ctrl package, along with everything required to run the oscilattion_damp simulations
There are also two optional parameters. Like oscilattion_damp.launch, there is an option to change the model. You can do so by adding model:=model name, replacing model name with of spiri, spiri_with_tether, headless_spiri_with_tether.
There is also an option to also start a turtlesim node, and a turtle_test node, which will create a turtlesim window with a turtle that maps the two dimensional movements of the drone. This will allow you to see if the drone deviates from a circular path. To enable this option, add turtle:=true to the end of your launch command.