715 lines
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715 lines
22 KiB
import _extends from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends';
import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose';
import React__default, { createElement, createContext, useState, useEffect, useContext, useRef, useCallback } from 'react';
import { formSubscriptionItems, createForm, version as version$1, fieldSubscriptionItems } from 'final-form';
function renderComponent(props, lazyProps, name) {
var render = props.render,
children = props.children,
component = props.component,
rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(props, ["render", "children", "component"]);
if (component) {
return createElement(component, Object.assign(lazyProps, rest, {
children: children,
render: render
if (render) {
return render(children === undefined ? Object.assign(lazyProps, rest) : // inject children back in
Object.assign(lazyProps, rest, {
children: children
if (typeof children !== 'function') {
throw new Error("Must specify either a render prop, a render function as children, or a component prop to " + name);
return children(Object.assign(lazyProps, rest));
function useWhenValueChanges(value, callback, isEqual) {
if (isEqual === void 0) {
isEqual = function isEqual(a, b) {
return a === b;
var previous = React__default.useRef(value);
React__default.useEffect(function () {
if (!isEqual(value, previous.current)) {
previous.current = value;
* A simple hook to create a constant value that lives for
* the lifetime of the component.
* Plagiarized from https://github.com/Andarist/use-constant
* Do NOT reuse this code unless you know what you're doing.
* Use Andarist's hook; it's more fault tolerant to things like
* falsy values.
* @param {Function} init - A function to generate the value
function useConstant(init) {
var ref = React__default.useRef();
if (!ref.current) {
ref.current = init();
return ref.current;
var shallowEqual = function shallowEqual(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return true;
if (typeof a !== 'object' || !a || typeof b !== 'object' || !b) {
return false;
var keysA = Object.keys(a);
var keysB = Object.keys(b);
if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) {
return false;
var bHasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(b);
for (var idx = 0; idx < keysA.length; idx++) {
var key = keysA[idx];
if (!bHasOwnProperty(key) || a[key] !== b[key]) {
return false;
return true;
var isSyntheticEvent = function isSyntheticEvent(candidate) {
return !!(candidate && typeof candidate.stopPropagation === 'function');
var ReactFinalFormContext = createContext();
function useLatest(value) {
var ref = React__default.useRef(value);
React__default.useEffect(function () {
ref.current = value;
return ref;
var version = "6.3.3";
var addLazyState = function addLazyState(dest, state, keys) {
keys.forEach(function (key) {
Object.defineProperty(dest, key, {
get: function get() {
return state[key];
enumerable: true
var addLazyFormState = function addLazyFormState(dest, state) {
return addLazyState(dest, state, ['active', 'dirty', 'dirtyFields', 'dirtySinceLastSubmit', 'error', 'errors', 'hasSubmitErrors', 'hasValidationErrors', 'initialValues', 'invalid', 'modified', 'pristine', 'submitError', 'submitErrors', 'submitFailed', 'submitSucceeded', 'submitting', 'touched', 'valid', 'validating', 'values', 'visited']);
var addLazyFieldMetaState = function addLazyFieldMetaState(dest, state) {
return addLazyState(dest, state, ['active', 'data', 'dirty', 'dirtySinceLastSubmit', 'error', 'initial', 'invalid', 'length', 'modified', 'pristine', 'submitError', 'submitFailed', 'submitSucceeded', 'submitting', 'touched', 'valid', 'validating', 'visited']);
var versions = {
'final-form': version$1,
'react-final-form': version
var all = formSubscriptionItems.reduce(function (result, key) {
result[key] = true;
return result;
}, {});
function ReactFinalForm(_ref) {
var debug = _ref.debug,
decorators = _ref.decorators,
destroyOnUnregister = _ref.destroyOnUnregister,
alternateFormApi = _ref.form,
initialValues = _ref.initialValues,
initialValuesEqual = _ref.initialValuesEqual,
keepDirtyOnReinitialize = _ref.keepDirtyOnReinitialize,
mutators = _ref.mutators,
onSubmit = _ref.onSubmit,
_ref$subscription = _ref.subscription,
subscription = _ref$subscription === void 0 ? all : _ref$subscription,
validate = _ref.validate,
validateOnBlur = _ref.validateOnBlur,
rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, ["debug", "decorators", "destroyOnUnregister", "form", "initialValues", "initialValuesEqual", "keepDirtyOnReinitialize", "mutators", "onSubmit", "subscription", "validate", "validateOnBlur"]);
var config = {
debug: debug,
destroyOnUnregister: destroyOnUnregister,
initialValues: initialValues,
keepDirtyOnReinitialize: keepDirtyOnReinitialize,
mutators: mutators,
onSubmit: onSubmit,
validate: validate,
validateOnBlur: validateOnBlur
var form = useConstant(function () {
var f = alternateFormApi || createForm(config); // pause validation until children register all fields on first render (unpaused in useEffect() below)
return f;
}); // synchronously register and unregister to query form state for our subscription on first render
var _React$useState = useState(function () {
var initialState = {};
form.subscribe(function (state) {
initialState = state;
}, subscription)();
return initialState;
state = _React$useState[0],
setState = _React$useState[1]; // save a copy of state that can break through the closure
// on the shallowEqual() line below.
var stateRef = useLatest(state);
useEffect(function () {
// We have rendered, so all fields are now registered, so we can unpause validation
form.isValidationPaused() && form.resumeValidation();
var unsubscriptions = [form.subscribe(function (s) {
if (!shallowEqual(s, stateRef.current)) {
}, subscription)].concat(decorators ? decorators.map(function (decorator) {
return (// this noop ternary is to appease the flow gods
// istanbul ignore next
}) : []);
return function () {
form.pauseValidation(); // pause validation so we don't revalidate on every field deregistration
unsubscriptions.reverse().forEach(function (unsubscribe) {
return unsubscribe();
}); // don't need to resume validation here; either unmounting, or will re-run this hook with new deps
}; // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [decorators]); // warn about decorator changes
// istanbul ignore next
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// You're never supposed to use hooks inside a conditional, but in this
// case we can be certain that you're not going to be changing your
// NODE_ENV between renders, so this is safe.
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
useWhenValueChanges(decorators, function () {
console.error('Form decorators should not change from one render to the next as new values will be ignored');
}, shallowEqual);
} // allow updatable config
useWhenValueChanges(debug, function () {
form.setConfig('debug', debug);
useWhenValueChanges(destroyOnUnregister, function () {
form.destroyOnUnregister = !!destroyOnUnregister;
useWhenValueChanges(initialValues, function () {
form.setConfig('initialValues', initialValues);
}, initialValuesEqual || shallowEqual);
useWhenValueChanges(keepDirtyOnReinitialize, function () {
form.setConfig('keepDirtyOnReinitialize', keepDirtyOnReinitialize);
useWhenValueChanges(mutators, function () {
form.setConfig('mutators', mutators);
useWhenValueChanges(onSubmit, function () {
form.setConfig('onSubmit', onSubmit);
useWhenValueChanges(validate, function () {
form.setConfig('validate', validate);
useWhenValueChanges(validateOnBlur, function () {
form.setConfig('validateOnBlur', validateOnBlur);
var handleSubmit = function handleSubmit(event) {
if (event) {
// sometimes not true, e.g. React Native
if (typeof event.preventDefault === 'function') {
if (typeof event.stopPropagation === 'function') {
// prevent any outer forms from receiving the event too
return form.submit();
var renderProps = {
form: _extends({}, form, {
reset: function reset(eventOrValues) {
if (isSyntheticEvent(eventOrValues)) {
// it's a React SyntheticEvent, call reset with no arguments
} else {
handleSubmit: handleSubmit
addLazyFormState(renderProps, state);
return createElement(ReactFinalFormContext.Provider, {
value: form
}, renderComponent(_extends({}, rest, {
__versions: versions
}), renderProps, 'ReactFinalForm'));
function useForm(componentName) {
var form = useContext(ReactFinalFormContext);
if (!form) {
throw new Error((componentName || 'useForm') + " must be used inside of a <Form> component");
return form;
function useFormState(_temp) {
var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp,
onChange = _ref.onChange,
_ref$subscription = _ref.subscription,
subscription = _ref$subscription === void 0 ? all : _ref$subscription;
var form = useForm('useFormState');
var firstRender = useRef(true);
var onChangeRef = useRef(onChange);
onChangeRef.current = onChange; // synchronously register and unregister to query field state for our subscription on first render
var _React$useState = useState(function () {
var initialState = {};
form.subscribe(function (state) {
initialState = state;
}, subscription)();
if (onChange) {
return initialState;
state = _React$useState[0],
setState = _React$useState[1];
useEffect(function () {
return form.subscribe(function (newState) {
if (firstRender.current) {
firstRender.current = false;
} else {
if (onChangeRef.current) {
}, subscription);
}, // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
var lazyState = {};
addLazyFormState(lazyState, state);
return lazyState;
function FormSpy(_ref) {
var onChange = _ref.onChange,
subscription = _ref.subscription,
rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, ["onChange", "subscription"]);
var reactFinalForm = useForm('FormSpy');
var state = useFormState({
onChange: onChange,
subscription: subscription
if (onChange) {
return null;
var renderProps = {
form: _extends({}, reactFinalForm, {
reset: function reset(eventOrValues) {
if (isSyntheticEvent(eventOrValues)) {
// it's a React SyntheticEvent, call reset with no arguments
} else {
return renderComponent(_extends({}, rest, {}, renderProps), state, 'FormSpy');
var isReactNative = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator && window.navigator.product && window.navigator.product === 'ReactNative';
var getSelectedValues = function getSelectedValues(options) {
var result = [];
if (options) {
for (var index = 0; index < options.length; index++) {
var option = options[index];
if (option.selected) {
return result;
var getValue = function getValue(event, currentValue, valueProp, isReactNative) {
if (!isReactNative && event.nativeEvent && event.nativeEvent.text !== undefined) {
return event.nativeEvent.text;
if (isReactNative && event.nativeEvent) {
return event.nativeEvent.text;
var detypedEvent = event;
var _detypedEvent$target = detypedEvent.target,
type = _detypedEvent$target.type,
value = _detypedEvent$target.value,
checked = _detypedEvent$target.checked;
switch (type) {
case 'checkbox':
if (valueProp !== undefined) {
// we are maintaining an array, not just a boolean
if (checked) {
// add value to current array value
return Array.isArray(currentValue) ? currentValue.concat(valueProp) : [valueProp];
} else {
// remove value from current array value
if (!Array.isArray(currentValue)) {
return currentValue;
var index = currentValue.indexOf(valueProp);
if (index < 0) {
return currentValue;
} else {
return currentValue.slice(0, index).concat(currentValue.slice(index + 1));
} else {
// it's just a boolean
return !!checked;
case 'select-multiple':
return getSelectedValues(event.target.options);
return value;
var all$1 = fieldSubscriptionItems.reduce(function (result, key) {
result[key] = true;
return result;
}, {});
var defaultFormat = function defaultFormat(value, name) {
return value === undefined ? '' : value;
var defaultParse = function defaultParse(value, name) {
return value === '' ? undefined : value;
var defaultIsEqual = function defaultIsEqual(a, b) {
return a === b;
function useField(name, config) {
if (config === void 0) {
config = {};
var _config = config,
afterSubmit = _config.afterSubmit,
allowNull = _config.allowNull,
component = _config.component,
defaultValue = _config.defaultValue,
_config$format = _config.format,
format = _config$format === void 0 ? defaultFormat : _config$format,
formatOnBlur = _config.formatOnBlur,
initialValue = _config.initialValue,
multiple = _config.multiple,
_config$parse = _config.parse,
parse = _config$parse === void 0 ? defaultParse : _config$parse,
_config$subscription = _config.subscription,
subscription = _config$subscription === void 0 ? all$1 : _config$subscription,
type = _config.type,
validateFields = _config.validateFields,
_value = _config.value;
var form = useForm('useField');
var configRef = useLatest(config);
var register = function register(callback) {
return form.registerField(name, callback, subscription, {
afterSubmit: afterSubmit,
beforeSubmit: function beforeSubmit() {
var _configRef$current = configRef.current,
beforeSubmit = _configRef$current.beforeSubmit,
formatOnBlur = _configRef$current.formatOnBlur,
_configRef$current$fo = _configRef$current.format,
format = _configRef$current$fo === void 0 ? defaultFormat : _configRef$current$fo;
if (formatOnBlur) {
var _ref = form.getFieldState(state.name),
value = _ref.value;
var formatted = format(value, state.name);
if (formatted !== value) {
return beforeSubmit && beforeSubmit();
defaultValue: defaultValue,
getValidator: function getValidator() {
return configRef.current.validate;
initialValue: initialValue,
isEqual: function isEqual(a, b) {
return (configRef.current.isEqual || defaultIsEqual)(a, b);
validateFields: validateFields
var firstRender = useRef(true); // synchronously register and unregister to query field state for our subscription on first render
var _React$useState = useState(function () {
var initialState = {}; // temporarily disable destroyOnUnregister
var destroyOnUnregister = form.destroyOnUnregister;
form.destroyOnUnregister = false;
register(function (state) {
initialState = state;
})(); // return destroyOnUnregister to its original value
form.destroyOnUnregister = destroyOnUnregister;
return initialState;
state = _React$useState[0],
setState = _React$useState[1];
useEffect(function () {
return register(function (state) {
if (firstRender.current) {
firstRender.current = false;
} else {
}, // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
[name, defaultValue, // If we want to allow inline fat-arrow field-level validation functions, we
// cannot reregister field every time validate function !==.
// validate,
initialValue // The validateFields array is often passed as validateFields={[]}, creating
// a !== new array every time. If it needs to be changed, a rerender/reregister
// can be forced by changing the key prop
// validateFields
var handlers = {
onBlur: useCallback(function (event) {
if (formatOnBlur) {
* Here we must fetch the value directly from Final Form because we cannot
* trust that our `state` closure has the most recent value. This is a problem
* if-and-only-if the library consumer has called `onChange()` immediately
* before calling `onBlur()`, but before the field has had a chance to receive
* the value update from Final Form.
var fieldState = form.getFieldState(state.name);
state.change(format(fieldState.value, state.name));
}, // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
[state.name, format, formatOnBlur]),
onChange: useCallback(function (event) {
// istanbul ignore next
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && event && event.target) {
var targetType = event.target.type;
var unknown = ~['checkbox', 'radio', 'select-multiple'].indexOf(targetType) && !type;
var _value2 = targetType === 'select-multiple' ? state.value : _value;
if (unknown) {
console.error("You must pass `type=\"" + (targetType === 'select-multiple' ? 'select' : targetType) + "\"` prop to your Field(" + name + ") component.\n" + ("Without it we don't know how to unpack your `value` prop - " + (Array.isArray(_value2) ? "[" + _value2 + "]" : "\"" + _value2 + "\"") + "."));
var value = event && event.target ? getValue(event, state.value, _value, isReactNative) : event;
state.change(parse(value, name));
}, // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
[_value, name, parse, state.change, state.value, type]),
onFocus: useCallback(function (event) {
state.focus(); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [])
var meta = {};
addLazyFieldMetaState(meta, state);
var input = _extends({
name: name,
get value() {
var value = state.value;
if (formatOnBlur) {
if (component === 'input') {
value = defaultFormat(value);
} else {
value = format(value, name);
if (value === null && !allowNull) {
value = '';
if (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') {
return _value;
} else if (component === 'select' && multiple) {
return value || [];
return value;
get checked() {
if (type === 'checkbox') {
if (_value === undefined) {
return !!state.value;
} else {
return !!(Array.isArray(state.value) && ~state.value.indexOf(_value));
} else if (type === 'radio') {
return state.value === _value;
return undefined;
}, handlers);
if (multiple) {
input.multiple = multiple;
if (type !== undefined) {
input.type = type;
var renderProps = {
input: input,
meta: meta
}; // assign to force Flow check
return renderProps;
var Field = function Field(_ref) {
var afterSubmit = _ref.afterSubmit,
allowNull = _ref.allowNull,
beforeSubmit = _ref.beforeSubmit,
children = _ref.children,
component = _ref.component,
defaultValue = _ref.defaultValue,
format = _ref.format,
formatOnBlur = _ref.formatOnBlur,
initialValue = _ref.initialValue,
isEqual = _ref.isEqual,
multiple = _ref.multiple,
name = _ref.name,
parse = _ref.parse,
subscription = _ref.subscription,
type = _ref.type,
validate = _ref.validate,
validateFields = _ref.validateFields,
value = _ref.value,
rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, ["afterSubmit", "allowNull", "beforeSubmit", "children", "component", "defaultValue", "format", "formatOnBlur", "initialValue", "isEqual", "multiple", "name", "parse", "subscription", "type", "validate", "validateFields", "value"]);
var field = useField(name, {
afterSubmit: afterSubmit,
allowNull: allowNull,
beforeSubmit: beforeSubmit,
children: children,
component: component,
defaultValue: defaultValue,
format: format,
formatOnBlur: formatOnBlur,
initialValue: initialValue,
isEqual: isEqual,
multiple: multiple,
parse: parse,
subscription: subscription,
type: type,
validate: validate,
validateFields: validateFields,
value: value
if (typeof children === 'function') {
return children(_extends({}, field, {}, rest));
if (typeof component === 'string') {
// ignore meta, combine input with any other props
return createElement(component, _extends({}, field.input, {
children: children
}, rest));
return renderComponent(_extends({
children: children,
component: component
}, rest), field, "Field(" + name + ")");
function withTypes() {
return {
Form: ReactFinalForm,
FormSpy: FormSpy
export { Field, ReactFinalForm as Form, FormSpy, useField, useForm, useFormState, version, withTypes };