574 lines
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574 lines
14 KiB
import isInBrowser from 'is-in-browser';
import _toConsumableArray from '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toConsumableArray';
// Export javascript style and css style vendor prefixes.
var js = '';
var css = '';
var vendor = '';
var browser = '';
var isTouch = isInBrowser && 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement; // We should not do anything if required serverside.
if (isInBrowser) {
// Order matters. We need to check Webkit the last one because
// other vendors use to add Webkit prefixes to some properties
var jsCssMap = {
Moz: '-moz-',
ms: '-ms-',
O: '-o-',
Webkit: '-webkit-'
var _document$createEleme = document.createElement('p'),
style = _document$createEleme.style;
var testProp = 'Transform';
for (var key in jsCssMap) {
if (key + testProp in style) {
js = key;
css = jsCssMap[key];
} // Correctly detect the Edge browser.
if (js === 'Webkit' && 'msHyphens' in style) {
js = 'ms';
css = jsCssMap.ms;
browser = 'edge';
} // Correctly detect the Safari browser.
if (js === 'Webkit' && '-apple-trailing-word' in style) {
vendor = 'apple';
* Vendor prefix string for the current browser.
* @type {{js: String, css: String, vendor: String, browser: String}}
* @api public
var prefix = {
js: js,
css: css,
vendor: vendor,
browser: browser,
isTouch: isTouch
* Test if a keyframe at-rule should be prefixed or not
* @param {String} vendor prefix string for the current browser.
* @return {String}
* @api public
function supportedKeyframes(key) {
// Keyframes is already prefixed. e.g. key = '@-webkit-keyframes a'
if (key[1] === '-') return key; // No need to prefix IE/Edge. Older browsers will ignore unsupported rules.
// https://caniuse.com/#search=keyframes
if (prefix.js === 'ms') return key;
return "@" + prefix.css + "keyframes" + key.substr(10);
// https://caniuse.com/#search=appearance
var appearence = {
noPrefill: ['appearance'],
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
if (prop !== 'appearance') return false;
if (prefix.js === 'ms') return "-webkit-" + prop;
return prefix.css + prop;
// https://caniuse.com/#search=color-adjust
var colorAdjust = {
noPrefill: ['color-adjust'],
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
if (prop !== 'color-adjust') return false;
if (prefix.js === 'Webkit') return prefix.css + "print-" + prop;
return prop;
var regExp = /[-\s]+(.)?/g;
* Replaces the letter with the capital letter
* @param {String} match
* @param {String} c
* @return {String}
* @api private
function toUpper(match, c) {
return c ? c.toUpperCase() : '';
* Convert dash separated strings to camel-cased.
* @param {String} str
* @return {String}
* @api private
function camelize(str) {
return str.replace(regExp, toUpper);
* Convert dash separated strings to pascal cased.
* @param {String} str
* @return {String}
* @api private
function pascalize(str) {
return camelize("-" + str);
// but we can use a longhand property instead.
// https://caniuse.com/#search=mask
var mask = {
noPrefill: ['mask'],
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
if (!/^mask/.test(prop)) return false;
if (prefix.js === 'Webkit') {
var longhand = 'mask-image';
if (camelize(longhand) in style) {
return prop;
if (prefix.js + pascalize(longhand) in style) {
return prefix.css + prop;
return prop;
// https://caniuse.com/#search=text-orientation
var textOrientation = {
noPrefill: ['text-orientation'],
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
if (prop !== 'text-orientation') return false;
if (prefix.vendor === 'apple' && !prefix.isTouch) {
return prefix.css + prop;
return prop;
// https://caniuse.com/#search=transform
var transform = {
noPrefill: ['transform'],
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style, options) {
if (prop !== 'transform') return false;
if (options.transform) {
return prop;
return prefix.css + prop;
// https://caniuse.com/#search=transition
var transition = {
noPrefill: ['transition'],
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style, options) {
if (prop !== 'transition') return false;
if (options.transition) {
return prop;
return prefix.css + prop;
// https://caniuse.com/#search=writing-mode
var writingMode = {
noPrefill: ['writing-mode'],
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
if (prop !== 'writing-mode') return false;
if (prefix.js === 'Webkit' || prefix.js === 'ms') {
return prefix.css + prop;
return prop;
// https://caniuse.com/#search=user-select
var userSelect = {
noPrefill: ['user-select'],
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
if (prop !== 'user-select') return false;
if (prefix.js === 'Moz' || prefix.js === 'ms' || prefix.vendor === 'apple') {
return prefix.css + prop;
return prop;
// https://caniuse.com/#search=multicolumn
// https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer/issues/491
// https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer/issues/177
var breakPropsOld = {
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
if (!/^break-/.test(prop)) return false;
if (prefix.js === 'Webkit') {
var jsProp = "WebkitColumn" + pascalize(prop);
return jsProp in style ? prefix.css + "column-" + prop : false;
if (prefix.js === 'Moz') {
var _jsProp = "page" + pascalize(prop);
return _jsProp in style ? "page-" + prop : false;
return false;
// See https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer/issues/324.
var inlineLogicalOld = {
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
if (!/^(border|margin|padding)-inline/.test(prop)) return false;
if (prefix.js === 'Moz') return prop;
var newProp = prop.replace('-inline', '');
return prefix.js + pascalize(newProp) in style ? prefix.css + newProp : false;
// Camelization is required because we can't test using.
// CSS syntax for e.g. in FF.
var unprefixed = {
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
return camelize(prop) in style ? prop : false;
var prefixed = {
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
var pascalized = pascalize(prop); // Return custom CSS variable without prefixing.
if (prop[0] === '-') return prop; // Return already prefixed value without prefixing.
if (prop[0] === '-' && prop[1] === '-') return prop;
if (prefix.js + pascalized in style) return prefix.css + prop; // Try webkit fallback.
if (prefix.js !== 'Webkit' && "Webkit" + pascalized in style) return "-webkit-" + prop;
return false;
// https://caniuse.com/#search=scroll-snap
var scrollSnap = {
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
if (prop.substring(0, 11) !== 'scroll-snap') return false;
if (prefix.js === 'ms') {
return "" + prefix.css + prop;
return prop;
// https://caniuse.com/#search=overscroll-behavior
var overscrollBehavior = {
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop) {
if (prop !== 'overscroll-behavior') return false;
if (prefix.js === 'ms') {
return prefix.css + "scroll-chaining";
return prop;
var propMap = {
'flex-grow': 'flex-positive',
'flex-shrink': 'flex-negative',
'flex-basis': 'flex-preferred-size',
'justify-content': 'flex-pack',
order: 'flex-order',
'align-items': 'flex-align',
'align-content': 'flex-line-pack' // 'align-self' is handled by 'align-self' plugin.
}; // Support old flex spec from 2012.
var flex2012 = {
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style) {
var newProp = propMap[prop];
if (!newProp) return false;
return prefix.js + pascalize(newProp) in style ? prefix.css + newProp : false;
var propMap$1 = {
flex: 'box-flex',
'flex-grow': 'box-flex',
'flex-direction': ['box-orient', 'box-direction'],
order: 'box-ordinal-group',
'align-items': 'box-align',
'flex-flow': ['box-orient', 'box-direction'],
'justify-content': 'box-pack'
var propKeys = Object.keys(propMap$1);
var prefixCss = function prefixCss(p) {
return prefix.css + p;
}; // Support old flex spec from 2009.
var flex2009 = {
supportedProperty: function supportedProperty(prop, style, _ref) {
var multiple = _ref.multiple;
if (propKeys.indexOf(prop) > -1) {
var newProp = propMap$1[prop];
if (!Array.isArray(newProp)) {
return prefix.js + pascalize(newProp) in style ? prefix.css + newProp : false;
if (!multiple) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < newProp.length; i++) {
if (!(prefix.js + pascalize(newProp[0]) in style)) {
return false;
return newProp.map(prefixCss);
return false;
// plugins = [
// ...plugins,
// breakPropsOld,
// inlineLogicalOld,
// unprefixed,
// prefixed,
// scrollSnap,
// flex2012,
// flex2009
// ]
// Plugins without 'noPrefill' value, going last.
// 'flex-*' plugins should be at the bottom.
// 'flex2009' going after 'flex2012'.
// 'prefixed' going after 'unprefixed'
var plugins = [appearence, colorAdjust, mask, textOrientation, transform, transition, writingMode, userSelect, breakPropsOld, inlineLogicalOld, unprefixed, prefixed, scrollSnap, overscrollBehavior, flex2012, flex2009];
var propertyDetectors = plugins.filter(function (p) {
return p.supportedProperty;
}).map(function (p) {
return p.supportedProperty;
var noPrefill = plugins.filter(function (p) {
return p.noPrefill;
}).reduce(function (a, p) {
a.push.apply(a, _toConsumableArray(p.noPrefill));
return a;
}, []);
var el;
var cache = {};
if (isInBrowser) {
el = document.createElement('p'); // We test every property on vendor prefix requirement.
// Once tested, result is cached. It gives us up to 70% perf boost.
// http://jsperf.com/element-style-object-access-vs-plain-object
// Prefill cache with known css properties to reduce amount of
// properties we need to feature test at runtime.
// http://davidwalsh.name/vendor-prefix
var computed = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, '');
for (var key$1 in computed) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
if (!isNaN(key$1)) cache[computed[key$1]] = computed[key$1];
} // Properties that cannot be correctly detected using the
// cache prefill method.
noPrefill.forEach(function (x) {
return delete cache[x];
* Test if a property is supported, returns supported property with vendor
* prefix if required. Returns `false` if not supported.
* @param {String} prop dash separated
* @param {Object} [options]
* @return {String|Boolean}
* @api public
function supportedProperty(prop, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
// For server-side rendering.
if (!el) return prop; // Remove cache for benchmark tests or return property from the cache.
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'benchmark' && cache[prop] != null) {
return cache[prop];
} // Check if 'transition' or 'transform' natively supported in browser.
if (prop === 'transition' || prop === 'transform') {
options[prop] = prop in el.style;
} // Find a plugin for current prefix property.
for (var i = 0; i < propertyDetectors.length; i++) {
cache[prop] = propertyDetectors[i](prop, el.style, options); // Break loop, if value found.
if (cache[prop]) break;
} // Reset styles for current property.
// Firefox can even throw an error for invalid properties, e.g., "0".
try {
el.style[prop] = '';
} catch (err) {
return false;
return cache[prop];
var cache$1 = {};
var transitionProperties = {
transition: 1,
'transition-property': 1,
'-webkit-transition': 1,
'-webkit-transition-property': 1
var transPropsRegExp = /(^\s*[\w-]+)|, (\s*[\w-]+)(?![^()]*\))/g;
var el$1;
* Returns prefixed value transition/transform if needed.
* @param {String} match
* @param {String} p1
* @param {String} p2
* @return {String}
* @api private
function prefixTransitionCallback(match, p1, p2) {
if (p1 === 'var') return 'var';
if (p1 === 'all') return 'all';
if (p2 === 'all') return ', all';
var prefixedValue = p1 ? supportedProperty(p1) : ", " + supportedProperty(p2);
if (!prefixedValue) return p1 || p2;
return prefixedValue;
if (isInBrowser) el$1 = document.createElement('p');
* Returns prefixed value if needed. Returns `false` if value is not supported.
* @param {String} property
* @param {String} value
* @return {String|Boolean}
* @api public
function supportedValue(property, value) {
// For server-side rendering.
var prefixedValue = value;
if (!el$1 || property === 'content') return value; // It is a string or a number as a string like '1'.
// We want only prefixable values here.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
if (typeof prefixedValue !== 'string' || !isNaN(parseInt(prefixedValue, 10))) {
return prefixedValue;
} // Create cache key for current value.
var cacheKey = property + prefixedValue; // Remove cache for benchmark tests or return value from cache.
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'benchmark' && cache$1[cacheKey] != null) {
return cache$1[cacheKey];
} // IE can even throw an error in some cases, for e.g. style.content = 'bar'.
try {
// Test value as it is.
el$1.style[property] = prefixedValue;
} catch (err) {
// Return false if value not supported.
cache$1[cacheKey] = false;
return false;
} // If 'transition' or 'transition-property' property.
if (transitionProperties[property]) {
prefixedValue = prefixedValue.replace(transPropsRegExp, prefixTransitionCallback);
} else if (el$1.style[property] === '') {
// Value with a vendor prefix.
prefixedValue = prefix.css + prefixedValue; // Hardcode test to convert "flex" to "-ms-flexbox" for IE10.
if (prefixedValue === '-ms-flex') el$1.style[property] = '-ms-flexbox'; // Test prefixed value.
el$1.style[property] = prefixedValue; // Return false if value not supported.
if (el$1.style[property] === '') {
cache$1[cacheKey] = false;
return false;
} // Reset styles for current property.
el$1.style[property] = ''; // Write current value to cache.
cache$1[cacheKey] = prefixedValue;
return cache$1[cacheKey];
export { prefix, supportedKeyframes, supportedProperty, supportedValue };