67 lines
2.7 KiB
67 lines
2.7 KiB
import nested from '../ThemeProvider/nested';
* This is the list of the style rule name we use as drop in replacement for the built-in
* pseudo classes (:checked, :disabled, :focused, etc.).
* Why do they exist in the first place?
* These classes are used at a specificity of 2.
* It allows them to override previously definied styles as well as
* being untouched by simple user overrides.
var pseudoClasses = ['checked', 'disabled', 'error', 'focused', 'focusVisible', 'required', 'expanded', 'selected']; // Returns a function which generates unique class names based on counters.
// When new generator function is created, rule counter is reset.
// We need to reset the rule counter for SSR for each request.
// It's inspired by
// https://github.com/cssinjs/jss/blob/4e6a05dd3f7b6572fdd3ab216861d9e446c20331/src/utils/createGenerateClassName.js
export default function createGenerateClassName() {
var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
var _options$disableGloba = options.disableGlobal,
disableGlobal = _options$disableGloba === void 0 ? false : _options$disableGloba,
_options$productionPr = options.productionPrefix,
productionPrefix = _options$productionPr === void 0 ? 'jss' : _options$productionPr,
_options$seed = options.seed,
seed = _options$seed === void 0 ? '' : _options$seed;
var seedPrefix = seed === '' ? '' : "".concat(seed, "-");
var ruleCounter = 0;
return function (rule, styleSheet) {
ruleCounter += 1;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (ruleCounter >= 1e10) {
console.warn(['Material-UI: you might have a memory leak.', 'The ruleCounter is not supposed to grow that much.'].join(''));
var name = styleSheet.options.name; // Is a global static MUI style?
if (name && name.indexOf('Mui') === 0 && !styleSheet.options.link && !disableGlobal) {
// We can use a shorthand class name, we never use the keys to style the components.
if (pseudoClasses.indexOf(rule.key) !== -1) {
return "Mui-".concat(rule.key);
var prefix = "".concat(seedPrefix).concat(name, "-").concat(rule.key);
if (!styleSheet.options.theme[nested] || seed !== '') {
return prefix;
return "".concat(prefix, "-").concat(ruleCounter);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
return "".concat(seedPrefix).concat(productionPrefix).concat(ruleCounter);
var suffix = "".concat(rule.key, "-").concat(ruleCounter); // Help with debuggability.
if (styleSheet.options.classNamePrefix) {
return "".concat(seedPrefix).concat(styleSheet.options.classNamePrefix, "-").concat(suffix);
return "".concat(seedPrefix).concat(suffix);
} |