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Spiri Cloud Simulator Frontend

This project contains the the frontend project for the Spiri Cloud Simulators.

  1. Setup the project on your machine :

    sudo apt install curl
    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

    Verify your node and npm version:

    node --version 
    npm --version 
  2. From the github repo project :

    cd ~/Frontend
    npm install
    npm start
  3. Project description : Router: Routing to different pages frontend/src/routing.js

    Indexer: Mounting the routes to the main index.html frontend/src/index.js

    components: the various components mounted to the project frontend/src/components

Docker build run and clean commands:

  1. Docker build an image docker build -t spiri-demo-image_test_1 .
  2. Docker containerize an image docker run --name spiri-demo-image_test_1 -p 80:5000 -d spiri-demo-image_test_1
  3. docker list images docker image ls
  4. Docker container ls docker container ls
  5. docker remove everything (rarely use this) docker system prune -a