
158 lines
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Copyright (c) 2014, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.
See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.
'use strict';
exports.match = matchQuery;
exports.parse = parseQuery;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var RE_MEDIA_QUERY = /(?:(only|not)?\s*([^\s\(\)]+)(?:\s*and)?\s*)?(.+)?/i,
RE_MQ_EXPRESSION = /\(\s*([^\s\:\)]+)\s*(?:\:\s*([^\s\)]+))?\s*\)/,
RE_MQ_FEATURE = /^(?:(min|max)-)?(.+)/,
RE_LENGTH_UNIT = /(em|rem|px|cm|mm|in|pt|pc)?$/,
RE_RESOLUTION_UNIT = /(dpi|dpcm|dppx)?$/;
function matchQuery(mediaQuery, values) {
return parseQuery(mediaQuery).some(function (query) {
var inverse = query.inverse;
// Either the parsed or specified `type` is "all", or the types must be
// equal for a match.
var typeMatch = query.type === 'all' || values.type === query.type;
// Quit early when `type` doesn't match, but take "not" into account.
if ((typeMatch && inverse) || !(typeMatch || inverse)) {
return false;
var expressionsMatch = query.expressions.every(function (expression) {
var feature = expression.feature,
modifier = expression.modifier,
expValue = expression.value,
value = values[feature];
// Missing or falsy values don't match.
if (!value) { return false; }
switch (feature) {
case 'orientation':
case 'scan':
return value.toLowerCase() === expValue.toLowerCase();
case 'width':
case 'height':
case 'device-width':
case 'device-height':
expValue = toPx(expValue);
value = toPx(value);
case 'resolution':
expValue = toDpi(expValue);
value = toDpi(value);
case 'aspect-ratio':
case 'device-aspect-ratio':
case /* Deprecated */ 'device-pixel-ratio':
expValue = toDecimal(expValue);
value = toDecimal(value);
case 'grid':
case 'color':
case 'color-index':
case 'monochrome':
expValue = parseInt(expValue, 10) || 1;
value = parseInt(value, 10) || 0;
switch (modifier) {
case 'min': return value >= expValue;
case 'max': return value <= expValue;
default : return value === expValue;
return (expressionsMatch && !inverse) || (!expressionsMatch && inverse);
function parseQuery(mediaQuery) {
return mediaQuery.split(',').map(function (query) {
query = query.trim();
var captures = query.match(RE_MEDIA_QUERY),
modifier = captures[1],
type = captures[2],
expressions = captures[3] || '',
parsed = {};
parsed.inverse = !!modifier && modifier.toLowerCase() === 'not';
parsed.type = type ? type.toLowerCase() : 'all';
// Split expressions into a list.
expressions = expressions.match(/\([^\)]+\)/g) || [];
parsed.expressions = (expression) {
var captures = expression.match(RE_MQ_EXPRESSION),
feature = captures[1].toLowerCase().match(RE_MQ_FEATURE);
return {
modifier: feature[1],
feature : feature[2],
value : captures[2]
return parsed;
// -- Utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------
function toDecimal(ratio) {
var decimal = Number(ratio),
if (!decimal) {
numbers = ratio.match(/^(\d+)\s*\/\s*(\d+)$/);
decimal = numbers[1] / numbers[2];
return decimal;
function toDpi(resolution) {
var value = parseFloat(resolution),
units = String(resolution).match(RE_RESOLUTION_UNIT)[1];
switch (units) {
case 'dpcm': return value / 2.54;
case 'dppx': return value * 96;
default : return value;
function toPx(length) {
var value = parseFloat(length),
units = String(length).match(RE_LENGTH_UNIT)[1];
switch (units) {
case 'em' : return value * 16;
case 'rem': return value * 16;
case 'cm' : return value * 96 / 2.54;
case 'mm' : return value * 96 / 2.54 / 10;
case 'in' : return value * 96;
case 'pt' : return value * 72;
case 'pc' : return value * 72 / 12;
default : return value;