import * as CSS from 'csstype'; // disable automatic export export {}; export type PropsFor = SomeStyleFunction extends StyleFunction ? Props : never; export type StyleFunction = (props: Props) => any; type SimpleStyleFunction = StyleFunction>>; // borders.js export const border: SimpleStyleFunction<'border'>; export const borderTop: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderTop'>; export const borderRight: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderRight'>; export const borderBottom: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderBottom'>; export const borderLeft: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderLeft'>; export const borderColor: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderColor'>; export const borderRadius: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderRadius'>; export const borders: SimpleStyleFunction< | 'border' | 'borderTop' | 'borderRight' | 'borderBottom' | 'borderLeft' | 'borderColor' | 'borderRadius' >; export type BordersProps = PropsFor; // breakpoints.js type DefaultBreakPoints = 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl'; /** * * @returns An enhanced stylefunction that considers breakpoints */ export function breakpoints( styleFunction: StyleFunction, ): StyleFunction>>; // compose.js /** * given a list of StyleFunction return the intersection of the props each individual * StyleFunction requires. * * If `firstFn` requires { color: string } and `secondFn` requires { spacing: number } * their composed function requires { color: string, spacing: number } */ type ComposedArg = T extends Array<(arg: infer P) => any> ? P : never; type ComposedStyleProps = ComposedArg; export type ComposedStyleFunction>> = StyleFunction< ComposedStyleProps >; export function compose>>(...args: T): ComposedStyleFunction; // css.js export function css( styleFunction: StyleFunction, ): StyleFunction }>; export const display: SimpleStyleFunction< 'display' | 'displayPrint' | 'overflow' | 'textOverflow' | 'visibility' | 'whiteSpace' >; export type DisplayProps = PropsFor; export const flexbox: SimpleStyleFunction< | 'flexBasis' | 'flexDirection' | 'flexWrap' | 'justifyContent' | 'alignItems' | 'alignContent' | 'order' | 'flex' | 'flexGrow' | 'flexShrink' | 'alignSelf' | 'justifyItems' | 'justifySelf' >; export type FlexboxProps = PropsFor; // palette.js export const color: SimpleStyleFunction<'color'>; export const bgcolor: SimpleStyleFunction<'bgcolor'>; export const palette: SimpleStyleFunction<'bgcolor' | 'color'>; export type PaletteProps = PropsFor; export const positions: SimpleStyleFunction< 'zIndex' | 'position' | 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left' >; export type PositionsProps = PropsFor; export const shadows: SimpleStyleFunction<'boxShadow'>; export type ShadowsProps = PropsFor; // * sizing.js TODO export const width: SimpleStyleFunction<'width'>; export const maxWidth: SimpleStyleFunction<'maxWidth'>; export const minWidth: SimpleStyleFunction<'minWidth'>; export const height: SimpleStyleFunction<'height'>; export const maxHeight: SimpleStyleFunction<'maxHeight'>; export const minHeight: SimpleStyleFunction<'minHeight'>; export const sizeWidth: SimpleStyleFunction<'sizeWidth'>; export const sizeHeight: SimpleStyleFunction<'sizeHeight'>; export const sizing: SimpleStyleFunction< | 'width' | 'maxWidth' | 'minWidth' | 'height' | 'maxHeight' | 'minHeight' | 'sizeWidth' | 'sizeHeight' >; export type SizingProps = PropsFor; // spacing.js export const spacing: SimpleStyleFunction< | 'm' | 'mt' | 'mr' | 'mb' | 'ml' | 'mx' | 'my' | 'p' | 'pt' | 'pr' | 'pb' | 'pl' | 'px' | 'py' | 'margin' | 'marginTop' | 'marginRight' | 'marginBottom' | 'marginLeft' | 'marginX' | 'marginY' | 'padding' | 'paddingTop' | 'paddingRight' | 'paddingBottom' | 'paddingLeft' | 'paddingX' | 'paddingY' >; export type SpacingProps = PropsFor; // style.js export interface StyleOptions { cssProperty?: PropKey | keyof CSS.Properties | false; prop: PropKey; /** * dot access in `Theme` */ themeKey?: string; transform?: (cssValue: unknown) => number | string | React.CSSProperties; } export function style( options: StyleOptions, ): StyleFunction<{ [K in PropKey]?: unknown } & { theme: Theme }>; // typography.js export const fontFamily: SimpleStyleFunction<'fontFamily'>; export const fontSize: SimpleStyleFunction<'fontSize'>; export const fontStyle: SimpleStyleFunction<'fontStyle'>; export const fontWeight: SimpleStyleFunction<'fontWeight'>; export const letterSpacing: SimpleStyleFunction<'letterSpacing'>; export const lineHeight: SimpleStyleFunction<'lineHeight'>; export const textAlign: SimpleStyleFunction<'textAlign'>; export const typography: SimpleStyleFunction< | 'fontFamily' | 'fontSize' | 'fontStyle' | 'fontWeight' | 'letterSpacing' | 'lineHeight' | 'textAlign' >; export type TypographyProps = PropsFor; // utils type Omit = Pick>;