# react-confirm-alert
react component confirm dialog. [Live demo](https://ga-mo.github.io/react-confirm-alert/demo/)
[![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/react-confirm-alert.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/react-confirm-alert)
Document for v.1.x.x [see](https://github.com/GA-MO/react-confirm-alert/blob/master/Document-v1.md)
## Getting started
#### Install with NPM:
$ npm install react-confirm-alert --save
#### Options
const options = {
title: 'Title',
message: 'Message',
buttons: [
label: 'Yes',
onClick: () => alert('Click Yes')
label: 'No',
onClick: () => alert('Click No')
childrenElement: () =>
customUI: ({ onClose }) => Custom UI
closeOnEscape: true,
closeOnClickOutside: true,
willUnmount: () => {},
onClickOutside: () => {},
onKeypressEscape: () => {}
#### Use with function:
import { confirmAlert } from 'react-confirm-alert'; // Import
import 'react-confirm-alert/src/react-confirm-alert.css'; // Import css
class App extends React.Component {
submit = () => {
title: 'Confirm to submit',
message: 'Are you sure to do this.',
buttons: [
label: 'Yes',
onClick: () => alert('Click Yes')
label: 'No',
onClick: () => alert('Click No')
render() {
return (
#### Custom UI Component
customUI: ({ onClose }) => {
return (
Are you sure?
You want to delete this file?