/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ 'use strict'; const chalk = require('chalk'); const url = require('url'); const globalModules = require('global-modules'); const fs = require('fs'); function printHostingInstructions( appPackage, publicUrl, publicPath, buildFolder, useYarn ) { if (publicUrl && publicUrl.includes('.github.io/')) { // "homepage": "http://user.github.io/project" const publicPathname = url.parse(publicPath).pathname; const hasDeployScript = typeof appPackage.scripts.deploy !== 'undefined'; printBaseMessage(buildFolder, publicPathname); printDeployInstructions(publicUrl, hasDeployScript, useYarn); } else if (publicPath !== '/') { // "homepage": "http://mywebsite.com/project" printBaseMessage(buildFolder, publicPath); } else { // "homepage": "http://mywebsite.com" // or no homepage printBaseMessage(buildFolder, publicUrl); printStaticServerInstructions(buildFolder, useYarn); } console.log(); console.log('Find out more about deployment here:'); console.log(); console.log(` ${chalk.yellow('https://bit.ly/CRA-deploy')}`); console.log(); } function printBaseMessage(buildFolder, hostingLocation) { console.log( `The project was built assuming it is hosted at ${chalk.green( hostingLocation || 'the server root' )}.` ); console.log( `You can control this with the ${chalk.green( 'homepage' )} field in your ${chalk.cyan('package.json')}.` ); if (!hostingLocation) { console.log('For example, add this to build it for GitHub Pages:'); console.log(); console.log( ` ${chalk.green('"homepage"')} ${chalk.cyan(':')} ${chalk.green( '"http://myname.github.io/myapp"' )}${chalk.cyan(',')}` ); } console.log(); console.log(`The ${chalk.cyan(buildFolder)} folder is ready to be deployed.`); } function printDeployInstructions(publicUrl, hasDeployScript, useYarn) { console.log(`To publish it at ${chalk.green(publicUrl)} , run:`); console.log(); // If script deploy has been added to package.json, skip the instructions if (!hasDeployScript) { if (useYarn) { console.log(` ${chalk.cyan('yarn')} add --dev gh-pages`); } else { console.log(` ${chalk.cyan('npm')} install --save-dev gh-pages`); } console.log(); console.log( `Add the following script in your ${chalk.cyan('package.json')}.` ); console.log(); console.log(` ${chalk.dim('// ...')}`); console.log(` ${chalk.yellow('"scripts"')}: {`); console.log(` ${chalk.dim('// ...')}`); console.log( ` ${chalk.yellow('"predeploy"')}: ${chalk.yellow( `"${useYarn ? 'yarn' : 'npm run'} build",` )}` ); console.log( ` ${chalk.yellow('"deploy"')}: ${chalk.yellow( '"gh-pages -d build"' )}` ); console.log(' }'); console.log(); console.log('Then run:'); console.log(); } console.log(` ${chalk.cyan(useYarn ? 'yarn' : 'npm')} run deploy`); } function printStaticServerInstructions(buildFolder, useYarn) { console.log('You may serve it with a static server:'); console.log(); if (!fs.existsSync(`${globalModules}/serve`)) { if (useYarn) { console.log(` ${chalk.cyan('yarn')} global add serve`); } else { console.log(` ${chalk.cyan('npm')} install -g serve`); } } console.log(` ${chalk.cyan('serve')} -s ${buildFolder}`); } module.exports = printHostingInstructions;