/* Copyright 2012-2015, Yahoo Inc. Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ "use strict"; var PCT_COLS = 9, MISSING_COL = 18, TAB_SIZE = 1, DELIM = ' |', COL_DELIM = '-|'; function padding(num, ch) { var str = '', i; ch = ch || ' '; for (i = 0; i < num; i += 1) { str += ch; } return str; } function fill(str, width, right, tabs) { tabs = tabs || 0; str = String(str); var leadingSpaces = tabs * TAB_SIZE, remaining = width - leadingSpaces, leader = padding(leadingSpaces), fmtStr = '', fillStr, strlen = str.length; if (remaining > 0) { if (remaining >= strlen) { fillStr = padding(remaining - strlen); fmtStr = right ? fillStr + str : str + fillStr; } else { fmtStr = str.substring(strlen - remaining); fmtStr = '... ' + fmtStr.substring(4); } } return leader + fmtStr; } function formatName(name, maxCols, level) { return fill(name, maxCols, false, level); } function formatPct(pct, width) { return fill(pct, width || PCT_COLS, true, 0); } function nodeName(node) { return node.getRelativeName() || 'All files'; } function depthFor(node) { var ret = 0; node = node.getParent(); while (node) { ret += 1; node = node.getParent(); } return ret; } function findNameWidth(node, context) { var last = 0, compareWidth = function (node) { var depth = depthFor(node), idealWidth = TAB_SIZE * depth + nodeName(node).length; if (idealWidth > last) { last = idealWidth; } }, visitor = { onSummary: function (node) { compareWidth(node); }, onDetail: function (node) { compareWidth(node); } }; node.visit(context.getVisitor(visitor)); return last; } function makeLine(nameWidth) { var name = padding(nameWidth, '-'), pct = padding(PCT_COLS, '-'), elements = []; elements.push(name); elements.push(pct); elements.push(pct); elements.push(pct); elements.push(pct); elements.push(padding(MISSING_COL, '-')); return elements.join(COL_DELIM) + COL_DELIM; } function tableHeader(maxNameCols) { var elements = []; elements.push(formatName('File', maxNameCols, 0)); elements.push(formatPct('% Stmts')); elements.push(formatPct('% Branch')); elements.push(formatPct('% Funcs')); elements.push(formatPct('% Lines')); elements.push(formatPct('Uncovered Line #s', MISSING_COL)); return elements.join(' |') + ' |'; } function missingLines (node, colorizer) { var missingLines = node.isSummary() ? [] : node.getFileCoverage().getUncoveredLines(); return colorizer(formatPct(missingLines.join(','), MISSING_COL), 'low'); } function missingBranches (node, colorizer) { var branches = node.isSummary() ? {} : node.getFileCoverage().getBranchCoverageByLine(), missingLines = Object.keys(branches).filter(function (key) { return branches[key].coverage < 100; }).map(function (key) { return key; }); return colorizer(formatPct(missingLines.join(','), MISSING_COL), 'medium'); } function tableRow(node, context, colorizer, maxNameCols, level) { var name = nodeName(node), metrics = node.getCoverageSummary(), mm = { statements: metrics.statements.pct, branches: metrics.branches.pct, functions: metrics.functions.pct, lines: metrics.lines.pct, }, colorize = function (str, key) { return colorizer(str, context.classForPercent(key, mm[key])); }, elements = []; elements.push(colorize(formatName(name, maxNameCols, level),'statements')); elements.push(colorize(formatPct(mm.statements),'statements')); elements.push(colorize(formatPct(mm.branches), 'branches')); elements.push(colorize(formatPct(mm.functions), 'functions')); elements.push(colorize(formatPct(mm.lines), 'lines')); if (mm.lines === 100) { elements.push(missingBranches(node, colorizer)); } else { elements.push(missingLines(node, colorizer)); } return elements.join(DELIM) + DELIM; } function TextReport(opts) { opts = opts || {}; this.file = opts.file || null; this.maxCols = opts.maxCols || 0; this.cw = null; } TextReport.prototype.onStart = function (root, context) { var line, statsWidth = 4 * (PCT_COLS + 2) + MISSING_COL, maxRemaining; this.cw = context.writer.writeFile(this.file); this.nameWidth = findNameWidth(root, context); if (this.maxCols > 0) { maxRemaining = this.maxCols - statsWidth - 2; if (this.nameWidth > maxRemaining) { this.nameWidth = maxRemaining; } } line = makeLine(this.nameWidth); this.cw.println(line); this.cw.println(tableHeader(this.nameWidth)); this.cw.println(line); }; TextReport.prototype.onSummary = function (node, context) { var nodeDepth = depthFor(node); this.cw.println(tableRow(node, context, this.cw.colorize.bind(this.cw),this.nameWidth, nodeDepth)); }; TextReport.prototype.onDetail = function (node, context) { return this.onSummary(node, context); }; TextReport.prototype.onEnd = function () { this.cw.println(makeLine(this.nameWidth)); this.cw.close(); }; module.exports = TextReport;