# Change Log This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## 4.0.1 * Remove development file from npm package. ## 4.0 * Remove Node.js 9 and Node.js 4 support. * Remove IE and “dead” browsers from Babel. * Use PostCSS 7.0. ## 3.0.1 * Fix parsing IE filter with missed semicolon. ## 3.0 * Use PostCSS 6.0. * Use `babel-preset-env`. ## 2.0.1 * Do not fall on colon instead of semicolon in the declaration end. ## 2.0 * Use PostCSS 5.2 core tokenizer. ## 1.0.7 * Parse new lines according W3C CSS syntax specification. ## 1.0.6 * Fix package dependencies. ## 1.0.5 * Fix CSS syntax error position on unclosed quotes. ## 1.0.4 * Fix wrong `main` in `package.json`. ## 1.0.3 * Remove Babel from dependencies (by Jonny Buchanan). ## 1.0.2 * Clean code for PostCSS 5.0.13 internal changes. * Use Babel 6. ## 1.0.1 * Fix `url()` parsing. ## 1.0 * Initial release from PostCSS sources.