6.1.2 / 2018-10-05 ================= - [fix] Add link-type styling recommendation to anchor-is-valid #486 - [fix] `label-has-for`: `textarea`s are inputs too #470 6.1.1 / 2018-07-03 ================== - [fix] aria-proptypes support for idlist, #454 - [fix] Image with expanded props throws 'The prop must be a JSXAttribute collected by the AST parser.', #459 - [fix] label-has-for: broken in v6.1.0, #455 6.1.0 / 2018-06-26 ================== - [new] Support for eslint v5, #451 - [new] aria-query updated to latest version - [new] eslint-config-airbnb-base updated to the latest version - [deprecate] The rule label-has-for is deprecated and replaced with label-has-associated-control - [fix] heading-has-content updated to work with custom components, #431 - [fix] aria-errormessage prop is now a valid ARIA property, #424 6.0.2 / 2017-06-28 ================== - [fix] Prefix directories in `.npmignore` with `/` so it only matches the top-level directory 6.0.1 / 2017-06-28 ================== - [temporary] Remove `src` and `flow` from package to resolve flow issues for consuming packages. 6.0.0 / 2017-06-05 ================= - [new] Add rule `anchor-is-valid`. See documentation for configuration options. Thanks @AlmeroSteyn. - [breaking] `href-no-hash` replaced with `anchor-is-valid` in the recommended and strict configs. Use the `invalidHref` aspect (active by default) in `anchor-is-valid` to continue to apply the behavior provided by `href-no-hash`. - [breaking] Removed support for ESLint peer dependency at version ^2.10.2. - [update] The rule `label-has-for` now allows inputs nested in label tags. Previously it was strict about requiring a `for` attribute. Thanks @ignatiusreza and @mjaltamirano. - [update] New configuration for `interactive-supports-focus`. Recommended and strict configs for now contain a trimmed-down whitelist of roles that will be checked. - [fix] Incompatibility between node version 4 and 5. Thanks @evilebottnawi. - [fix] Missing README entry for `media-has-caption`. Thanks @ismail-syed. - [fix] README updates explaining recommended and strict configs. Thanks @Donaldini. - [fix] Updated to aria-query@0.7.0, which includes new ARIA 1.1 properties. Previously, the `aria-props` rule incorrectly threw errors for these new properties. 5.1.1 / 2017-07-03 ================== - [fix] revert v6 breaking changes unintentionally added in v5.1 (#283) 5.1.0 / 2017-06-26 ================== - [new] Support eslint v4. (#267) - [new] `label-has-for`: add "required" option to allow customization (#240) - [new] add `anchor-is-valid` (#224) - [new] `interactive-supports-focus`: Split interactive supports focus into tabbable and focusable cases (#236) - [new] `anchor-is-valid`: add `aspects` option (#251) - [Deps] Bump aria-query to 0.7.0 5.0.3 / 2017-05-16 ================== - [fix] Remove `flow` directory from `.npmignore` to accommodate explicit imports from `v5.0.2`. 5.0.2 / 2017-05-16 ================== - [fix] Explicitly import flow types to resolve flow failures in consuming projects. 5.0.1 / 2017-05-07 ================== - [fix] Polyfill Array.includes for node < 6 support. 5.0.0 / 2017-05-05 ================== - [breaking] Refactor `img-has-alt` rule into `alt-text` rule - [breaking] Rule `onclick-has-role` is removed. Replaced with `no-static-element-interactions` and `no-noninteractive-element-interactions`. - [breaking] Rule `onclick-has-focus` is removed. Replaced with `interactive-supports-focus`. - [new] - Add rule `media-has-caption` rule - [new] - Add `ignoreNonDOM` option to `no-autofocus`. - [new] - Add rule `no-interactive-element-to-noninteractive-role` - [new] - Add rule `no-noninteractive-element-to-interactive-role` - [new] - Add rule `no-noninteractive-tabindex` - [new] - Configs split into "recommended" and "strict". - [enhanced] - Configuration options added to `no-static-element-interactions` and `no-noninteractive-element-interactions`. Options allow for fine-tuning of elements and event handlers to check. 4.0.0 / 2017-02-04 ================== Add new rules: - `jsx-a11y/accessible-emoji` - `jsx-a11y/aria-activedescendant-has-tabindex` - `jsx-a11y/iframe-has-title` - `jsx-a11y/no-autofocus` - `jsx-a11y/no-distracting-elements` *(breaking: consolidated no-marquee and no-blink into this rule.)* - `jsx-a11y/no-redundant-roles` - [fix] - redundant-alt to only check full words - [docs] - Documentation upgrades across the board. - [new] - Add `ignoreNonDom` - [dev] - Add script to scaffold new rule creation. 3.0.2 / 2016-12-14 ================== - [fix] - make `aria-invalid` values true and false pass for rule `aria-proptypes` 3.0.1 / 2016-10-11 ================== - [breaking] - Update all rule schemas to accept objects. This allows a future schema expansion to not be a breaking change. - [breaking] - All rules with schemas that accepted a string OR array, now only allows an array. - [new] - `href-no-hash` accepts new schema property `specialLink` to check for custom `href` properties on elements. (fixes [#76](https://github.com/evcohen/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/issues/76)) - [breaking][fix] - `img-has-alt` now prefers `alt=""` over `role="presentation"`. You can set both, but not just `role="presentation"` by itself to ensure a11y across all devices. Note - see [rule documentation](https://github.com/evcohen/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/tree/master/docs/rules) for updated schemas. 2.2.3 / 2016-10-08 ================== - [fix] - Add `switch` aria role. - [devDependencies] - Updgrade dev dependencies and fix linting issues. 2.2.2 / 2016-09-12 ================== - [fix] `x-has-content` rules now pass with children prop set. 2.2.1 / 2016-08-31 ================== - [fix] Update `tablist` role to include missing property `aria-multiselectable`. 2.2.0 / 2016-08-26 ================== - [new] Add `click-events-have-key-events` rule. - [new] Add `no-static-element-interactions` rule. - [devDependencies] Upgrade `eslint`, `eslint-config-airbnb`, `mocha` to latest. - [lint] Fix all new linting errors with upgrade - [nit] Use `error` syntax over `2` syntax in recommended config. 2.1.0 / 2016-08-10 ================== - [fix] Require `aria-checked` for roles that are subclasses of `checkbox` - [new] Add `anchor-has-content` rule. - [refactor] Use new eslint rule syntax - [new] Add support for custom words in `img-redundant-alt` (mainly for i18n). 2.0.1 / 2016-07-13 ================== - [fix] JSXElement support in expression handlers for prop types. - [fix] `heading-has-content`: dangerouslySetInnerHTML will pass. 2.0.0 / 2016-07-12 ================== - [breaking] Scope `no-onchange` rule to select menu elements only. 1.5.5 / 2016-07-05 ================== - [fix] Add `eslint` v3 as a `peerDependency`. 1.5.4 / 2016-07-05 ================== - [fix] Add `eslint` as a `peerDependency`. 1.5.3 / 2016-06-16 ================== - [fix] Fix crash when ```` for `role-supports-aria-props`. 1.5.2 / 2016-06-16 ================== - [fix] Fix `img-redundant-alt` rule to use `getLiteralPropValue` from `jsx-ast-utils`. 1.5.1 / 2016-06-16 ================== - [fix] Fix checking for undefined in `heading-has-content` for children content. 1.5.0 / 2016-06-16 ================== - [new] Add [heading-has-content](docs/rules/heading-has-content.md) rule. - [new] Add [html-has-lang](docs/rules/html-has-lang.md) rule. - [new] Add [lang](docs/rules/lang.md) rule. - [new] Add [no-marquee](docs/rules/no-marquee.md) rule. - [new] Add [scope](docs/rules/scope.md) rule. 1.4.2 / 2016-06-10 ================== - [new] Integrate with latest `jsx-ast-utils` to use `propName` function. More support for namespaced names on attributes and elements. 1.4.1 / 2016-06-10 ================== - [fix] Handle spread props in `aria-unsupported-elements` and `role-supports-aria-props` when reporting. 1.4.0 / 2016-06-10 ================== - [dependency] Integrate [jsx-ast-utils](https://github.com/evcohen/jsx-ast-utils) - [fix] Better error reporting for aria-unsupported-elements indicating which prop to remove. 1.3.0 / 2016-06-05 ================== - [new] Spelling suggestions for incorrect `aria-*` props - [fix] Ensure `role` value is a string before converting to lowercase in `img-has-alt` rule. 1.2.3 / 2016-06-02 ================== - [fix] Handle dynamic `tabIndex` expression values, but still retain validation logic for literal `tabIndex` values. 1.2.2 / 2016-05-20 ================== - [fix] Fix checks involving the tabIndex attribute that do not account for integer literals 1.2.1 / 2016-05-19 ================== - [fix] Avoid testing interactivity of wrapper components with same name but different casing as DOM elements (such as `Button` vs `button`). 1.2.0 / 2016-05-06 ================== - [new] Import all roles from DPUB-ARIA. 1.1.0 / 2016-05-06 ================== - [new] Add expression value handler for `BinaryExpression` type. - [new] Add expression value handler for `NewExpression` type. - [new] Add expression value handler for `ObjectExpression` type. - [fix] Throws error when getting an expression of type without a handler function. - This is for more graceful error handling and better issue reporting. 1.0.4 / 2016-04-28 ================== - [fix] Add expression value handler for `ConditionalExpression` type. 1.0.3 / 2016-04-25 ================== - [fix] Fix typo in recommended rules for `onclick-has-focus`. 1.0.2 / 2016-04-20 ================== - [fix] Add expression value handler for `ThisExpression` type. 1.0.1 / 2016-04-19 ================== - [fix] Fix build to copy source JSON files to build output. 1.0.0 / 2016-04-19 ================== - [breaking] Rename `img-uses-alt` to `img-has-alt` - [breaking] Rename `onlick-uses-role` to `onclick-has-role` - [breaking] Rename `mouse-events-map-to-key-events` to `mouse-events-have-key-events` - [breaking] Rename `use-onblur-not-onchange` to `no-onchange` - [breaking] Rename `label-uses-for` to `label-has-for` - [breaking] Rename `redundant-alt` to `img-redundant-alt` - [breaking] Rename `no-hash-href` to `href-no-hash` - [breaking] Rename `valid-aria-role` to `aria-role` - [new] Implement `aria-props` rule - [new] Implement `aria-proptypes` rule - [new] Implement `aria-unsupported-elements` rule - [new] Implement `onclick-has-focus` rule - [new] Implement `role-has-required-aria-props` rule - [new] Implement `role-supports-aria-props` rule - [new] Implement `tabindex-no-positive` rule 0.6.2 / 2016-04-08 ================== - [fix] Fix rule details for img-uses-alt: allow alt="" or role="presentation". 0.6.1 / 2016-04-07 ================== - [fix] Do not infer interactivity of components that are not low-level DOM elements. 0.6.0 / 2016-04-06 ================== - [breaking] Allow alt="" when role="presentation" on img-uses-alt rule. - [new] More descriptive error messaging for img-uses-alt rule. 0.5.2 / 2016-04-05 ================== - [fix] Handle token lists for valid-aria-role. 0.5.1 / 2016-04-05 ================== - [fix] Handle null valued props for valid-aria-role. 0.5.0 / 2016-04-02 ================== - [new] Implement valid-aria-role rule. Based on [AX_ARIA_01](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#ax_aria_01) 0.4.3 / 2016-03-29 ================== - [fix] Handle LogicalExpression attribute types when extracting values. LogicalExpressions are of form `` 0.4.2 / 2016-03-24 ================== - [fix] Allow component names of form `Object.Property` i.e. `UX.Layout` 0.3.0 / 2016-03-02 ================== - [new] Implement [no-hash-href](docs/rules/no-hash-href.md) rule. - [fix] Fixed TemplateLiteral AST value building to get more exact values from template strings. 0.2.0 / 2016-03-01 ================== - [new] Implement [redunant-alt](docs/rules/redundant-alt.md) rule. 0.1.2 / 2016-03-01 ================== - Initial pre-release.