dchvs 2021-03-08 20:37:31 +00:00
parent 25b809bdf4
commit 184e394a3f

@ -1,19 +1,71 @@
### Git submodules
### Adding a submodule
### Add submodule
#### Add submodules
cd spiri-project/
git submodule add -b cti-jetpack-4.4.1 https://git.spirirobotics.com/dchvs/Jetpack.git source/Jetpack
(git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.source/Jetpack.branch cti-jetpack-4.4.1)
# Make the submodule sync to a branch
git submodule add -b <branch name> <repository link>
git submodule add -b jetpack-4.4.1 https://git.spirirobotics.com/dchvs/li-mt9m021.git source/drivers/li-mt9m021
git submodule add -b 4.4.1/feature/install-script-on-level2-directory https://git.spirirobotics.com/dchvs/CTI-L4T.git
git submodule add -b 4.4.1/feature/install-script-on-level2-directory https://git.spirirobotics.com/dchvs/CTI-L4T.git CTI-L4T
#### Update submodules
# Update submodules branches after they got updated
git submodule update --remote
# Fetch and pull from submodules repositories
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
### Adding a Driver
### Add Driver
In order to add a Driver you would follow this procedure, where you add the the dtbs Makefiles to the DTB_LIST and the Driver Makefile to the KERNEL_OVERLAY variable. Refer to the following example:
> vi kernel/kernel-4.9/arch/arm64/boot/dts/Makefile
Add the following content before `DTB_LIST += $(dtb-y)`:
######### Include RidgeRun #########
dtb-y :=
dts_makefile=$(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*), $(call dts_makefile,$(d)/,$(2)) $(if $(findstring Makefile,$(d)),$(d)))
dts_mfiles_d = $(call dts_makefile, $(LI_MT9M021_MAKEFILE_PATH), Makefile)
ifneq ($(dts_mfiles_d),)
dts-include :=
include $(dts_mfiles_d)
dtb-y := $(addprefix $(LI_MT9M021_PATH)/,$(dtb-y))
dtbo-y := $(addprefix $(LI_MT9M021_PATH)/,$(dtbo-y))
ifneq ($(dts-include),)
DTC_FLAGS += $(addprefix -i $(LI_MT9M021_PATH)/,$(dts-include))
DTCCPP_FLAGS += $(addprefix -I$(LI_MT9M021_PATH)/,$(dts-include))
DTC_FLAGS += -i $(LI_MT9M021_MAKEFILE_PATH)/../soc/t18x/kernel-include
DTC_FLAGS += -i $(LI_MT9M021_MAKEFILE_PATH)/../soc/t18x/kernel-dts
DTC_FLAGS += -i $(LI_MT9M021_MAKEFILE_PATH)/t18x/common/kernel-dts
DTC_FLAGS += -i $(LI_MT9M021_MAKEFILE_PATH)/t18x/quill/kernel-dts
DTCCPP_FLAGS += -I$(LI_MT9M021_MAKEFILE_PATH)/../soc/t18x/kernel-include
DTCCPP_FLAGS += -I$(LI_MT9M021_MAKEFILE_PATH)/../soc/t18x/kernel-dts
DTCCPP_FLAGS += -I$(LI_MT9M021_MAKEFILE_PATH)/t18x/common/kernel-dts
DTCCPP_FLAGS += -I$(LI_MT9M021_MAKEFILE_PATH)/t18x/quill/kernel-dts
DTB_LIST += $(dtb-y)
DTB_NEW_RULE_LIST += $(dtb-y)
DTBO_LIST += $(dtbo-y)
DTBO_NEW_RULE_LIST += $(dtbo-y)
> vi kernel/kernel-4.9/Makefile
KERNEL_OVERLAYS += $(CURDIR)/../../../drivers/$(LI_MT9M021_KERNEL_PATH)
> vi kernel/kernel-4.9/arch/arm64/configs/tegra_defconfig