#include #include #include #include #include "QMIThread.h" static int ql_system(const char *shell_cmd) { int ret = 0; dbg_time("%s", shell_cmd); ret = system(shell_cmd); if (ret) { //dbg_time("Fail to system(\"%s\") = %d, errno: %d (%s)", shell_cmd, ret, errno, strerror(errno)); } return ret; } static void ql_set_mtu(const char *ifname, int ifru_mtu) { int inet_sock; struct ifreq ifr; inet_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (inet_sock > 0) { strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname); if (!ioctl(inet_sock, SIOCGIFMTU, &ifr)) { if (ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_mtu != ifru_mtu) { dbg_time("change mtu %d -> %d", ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_mtu , ifru_mtu); ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_mtu = ifru_mtu; ioctl(inet_sock, SIOCSIFMTU, &ifr); } } close(inet_sock); } } #ifdef ANDROID static void android_property_set(char *ifname, char *type, uint32_t ipaddr) { char shell_cmd[128]; unsigned char *r = (unsigned char *)&ipaddr; snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "/system/bin/setprop net.%s.%s %d.%d.%d.%d", ifname, type, r[3], r[2], r[1], r[0]); ql_system(shell_cmd); } #endif static void* udhcpc_thread_function(void* arg) { FILE * udhcpc_fp; char *udhcpc_cmd = (char *)arg; if (udhcpc_cmd == NULL) return NULL; dbg_time("%s", udhcpc_cmd); udhcpc_fp = popen(udhcpc_cmd, "r"); free(udhcpc_cmd); if (udhcpc_fp) { char buf[0xff]; buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0'; while((fgets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, udhcpc_fp)) != NULL) { if ((strlen(buf) > 1) && (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] == '\n')) buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; dbg_time("%s", buf); } pclose(udhcpc_fp); } return NULL; } #define USE_DHCLIENT #ifdef USE_DHCLIENT static int dhclient_alive = 0; #endif static int dibbler_client_alive = 0; void udhcpc_start(PROFILE_T *profile) { char *ifname = profile->usbnet_adapter; char shell_cmd[128]; if (profile->qmapnet_adapter) { ifname = profile->qmapnet_adapter; } if (profile->rawIP && profile->ipv4.Address && profile->ipv4.Mtu) { ql_set_mtu(ifname, (profile->ipv4.Mtu)); } #ifdef ANDROID if(!access("/system/bin/netcfg", F_OK)) { snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "/system/bin/netcfg %s up", ifname); ql_system(shell_cmd); snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "/system/bin/netcfg %s dhcp", ifname); ql_system(shell_cmd); } else { // snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "/system/bin/dhcptool %s", ifname); unsigned char *r = (unsigned char *)&profile->ipv4.Address; unsigned char *m = (unsigned char *)&profile->ipv4.SubnetMask; snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "/system/bin/ifconfig %s %d.%d.%d.%d netmask %d.%d.%d.%d", ifname, r[3],r[2], r[1], r[0], m[3],m[2], m[1], m[0]); ql_system(shell_cmd); android_property_set(ifname, "dns1", profile->ipv4.DnsPrimary); android_property_set(ifname, "dns2", profile->ipv4.DnsSecondary); } android_property_set(ifname, "gw", profile->ipv4.Gateway); return; #endif if (strcmp(ifname, profile->usbnet_adapter)) { snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd) - 1, "ifconfig %s up", profile->usbnet_adapter); ql_system(shell_cmd); } snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd) - 1, "ifconfig %s up", ifname); ql_system(shell_cmd); #if 1 //for bridge mode, only one public IP, so donot run udhcpc to obtain { char BRIDGE_MODE_FILE[128]; char BRIDGE_IPV4_FILE[128]; if (strncmp(qmichannel, "/dev/qcqmi", strlen("/dev/qcqmi"))) { strcpy(BRIDGE_MODE_FILE , "/sys/module/qmi_wwan/parameters/bridge_mode"); strcpy(BRIDGE_IPV4_FILE, "/sys/module/qmi_wwan/parameters/bridge_ipv4"); } else { snprintf(BRIDGE_MODE_FILE, sizeof(BRIDGE_MODE_FILE), "/sys/class/net/%s/bridge_mode", ifname); snprintf(BRIDGE_IPV4_FILE, sizeof(BRIDGE_IPV4_FILE), "/sys/class/net/%s/bridge_ipv4", ifname); } if (profile->ipv4.Address && !access(BRIDGE_MODE_FILE, R_OK)) { int bridge_fd = open(BRIDGE_MODE_FILE, O_RDONLY); char bridge_mode[2] = {0, 0}; if (bridge_fd > 0) { read(bridge_fd, &bridge_mode, sizeof(bridge_mode)); close(bridge_fd); if(bridge_mode[0] != '0') { snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "echo 0x%08x > %s", profile->ipv4.Address, BRIDGE_IPV4_FILE); ql_system(shell_cmd); return; } } } } #endif //because must use udhcpc to obtain IP when working on ETH mode, //so it is better also use udhcpc to obtain IP when working on IP mode. //use the same policy for all modules #if 0 if (profile->rawIP != 0) //mdm9x07/ec25,ec20 R2.0 { if (profile->ipv4.Address) { unsigned char *ip = (unsigned char *)&profile->ipv4.Address; unsigned char *gw = (unsigned char *)&profile->ipv4.Gateway; unsigned char *netmask = (unsigned char *)&profile->ipv4.SubnetMask; unsigned char *dns1 = (unsigned char *)&profile->ipv4.DnsPrimary; unsigned char *dns2 = (unsigned char *)&profile->ipv4.DnsSecondary; snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "ifconfig %s %d.%d.%d.%d netmask %d.%d.%d.%d",ifname, ip[3], ip[2], ip[1], ip[0], netmask[3], netmask[2], netmask[1], netmask[0]); ql_system(shell_cmd); //Resetting default routes snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "route del default gw dev %s", ifname); while(!system(shell_cmd)); snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "route add default gw %d.%d.%d.%d dev %s metric 0", gw[3], gw[2], gw[1], gw[0], ifname); ql_system(shell_cmd); //Adding DNS if (profile->ipv4.DnsSecondary == 0) profile->ipv4.DnsSecondary = profile->ipv4.DnsPrimary; if (dns1[0]) { dbg_time("Adding DNS %d.%d.%d.%d %d.%d.%d.%d", dns1[3], dns1[2], dns1[1], dns1[0], dns2[3], dns2[2], dns2[1], dns2[0]); snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "echo -n \"nameserver %d.%d.%d.%d\nnameserver %d.%d.%d.%d\n\" > /etc/resolv.conf", dns1[3], dns1[2], dns1[1], dns1[0], dns2[3], dns2[2], dns2[1], dns2[0]); system(shell_cmd); } } if (profile->ipv6.Address[0] && profile->ipv6.PrefixLengthIPAddr) { unsigned char *ip = (unsigned char *)&profile->ipv4.Address; #if 1 snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "ifconfig %s inet6 add %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x/%d", ifname, ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], ip[4], ip[5], ip[6], ip[7], ip[8], ip[9], ip[10], ip[11], ip[12], ip[13], ip[14], ip[15], profile->ipv6.PrefixLengthIPAddr); #else snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "ip -6 addr add %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x/%d dev %s", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], ip[4], ip[5], ip[6], ip[7], ip[8], ip[9], ip[10], ip[11], ip[12], ip[13], ip[14], ip[15], profile->ipv6.PrefixLengthIPAddr, ifname); #endif ql_system(shell_cmd); snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "route -A inet6 add default dev %s", ifname); ql_system(shell_cmd); } return; } #endif { char udhcpc_cmd[128]; pthread_attr_t udhcpc_thread_attr; pthread_t udhcpc_thread_id; pthread_attr_init(&udhcpc_thread_attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&udhcpc_thread_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if (profile->ipv4.Address) { #ifdef USE_DHCLIENT snprintf(udhcpc_cmd, sizeof(udhcpc_cmd), "dhclient -4 -d -q --no-pid %s", ifname); dhclient_alive++; #else if (access("/usr/share/udhcpc/default.script", X_OK)) { dbg_time("Fail to access /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script, errno: %d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); } //-f,--foreground Run in foreground //-b,--background Background if lease is not obtained //-n,--now Exit if lease is not obtained //-q,--quit Exit after obtaining lease //-t,--retries N Send up to N discover packets (default 3) snprintf(udhcpc_cmd, sizeof(udhcpc_cmd), "busybox udhcpc -f -n -q -t 5 -i %s", ifname); #endif #if 1 //for OpenWrt if (!access("/lib/netifd/dhcp.script", X_OK) && !access("/sbin/ifup", X_OK) && !access("/sbin/ifstatus", X_OK)) { dbg_time("you are use OpenWrt?"); dbg_time("should not calling udhcpc manually?"); dbg_time("should modify /etc/config/network as below?"); dbg_time("config interface wan"); dbg_time("\toption ifname %s", ifname); dbg_time("\toption proto dhcp"); dbg_time("should use \"/sbin/ifstaus wan\" to check %s 's status?", ifname); } #endif pthread_create(&udhcpc_thread_id, &udhcpc_thread_attr, udhcpc_thread_function, (void*)strdup(udhcpc_cmd)); sleep(1); } if (profile->ipv6.Address[0] && profile->ipv6.PrefixLengthIPAddr) { #ifdef USE_DHCLIENT snprintf(udhcpc_cmd, sizeof(udhcpc_cmd), "dhclient -6 -d -q --no-pid %s", ifname); dhclient_alive++; #else /* DHCPv6: Dibbler - a portable DHCPv6 1. download from http://klub.com.pl/dhcpv6/ 2. cross-compile 2.1 ./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf 2.2 copy dibbler-client to your board 3. mkdir -p /var/log/dibbler/ /var/lib/ on your board 4. create /etc/dibbler/client.conf on your board, the content is log-mode short log-level 7 iface wwan0 { ia option dns-server } 5. run "dibbler-client start" to get ipV6 address 6. run "route -A inet6 add default dev wwan0" to add default route */ snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd), "route -A inet6 add default %s", ifname); ql_system(shell_cmd); snprintf(udhcpc_cmd, sizeof(udhcpc_cmd), "dibbler-client run"); dibbler_client_alive++; #endif pthread_create(&udhcpc_thread_id, &udhcpc_thread_attr, udhcpc_thread_function, (void*)strdup(udhcpc_cmd)); } } } void udhcpc_stop(PROFILE_T *profile) { char *ifname = profile->usbnet_adapter; char shell_cmd[128]; char reset_ip[128]; if (profile->qmapnet_adapter) { ifname = profile->qmapnet_adapter; } #ifdef ANDROID if(!access("/system/bin/netcfg", F_OK)) { snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd) - 1, "/system/bin/netcfg %s down", ifname); } else { snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd) - 1, "ifconfig %s down", ifname); //for android 6.0 and above } #else #ifdef USE_DHCLIENT if (dhclient_alive) { system("killall dhclient"); dhclient_alive = 0; } #endif if (dibbler_client_alive) { system("killall dibbler-client"); dibbler_client_alive = 0; } snprintf(shell_cmd, sizeof(shell_cmd) - 1, "ifconfig %s down", ifname); #endif ql_system(shell_cmd); snprintf(reset_ip, sizeof(reset_ip) - 1, "ifconfig %s", ifname); ql_system(reset_ip); }