dchvs 31faf4d851 cti_kernel: Add CTI sources
Elroy L4T r32.4.4 – JetPack 4.4.1
2021-03-15 20:15:11 -06:00

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7.6 KiB

* Linux DHD Bus Module for PCIE
* Copyright (C) 1999-2015, Broadcom Corporation
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* $Id: dhd_pcie.h 511256 2014-10-29 07:06:18Z $
#ifndef dhd_pcie_h
#define dhd_pcie_h
#include <bcmpcie.h>
#include <hnd_cons.h>
#ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_MSM8994
#include <linux/msm_pcie.h>
#include <mach/msm_pcie.h>
#endif /* CONFIG_ARCH_MSM */
/* defines */
#define DONGLE_REG_MAP_SIZE (32 * 1024)
#define DONGLE_TCM_MAP_SIZE (4096 * 1024)
#define DONGLE_MIN_MEMSIZE (128 *1024)
#ifdef DHD_DEBUG
#endif /* DHD_DEBUG */
#define REMAP_ENAB(bus) ((bus)->remap)
#define REMAP_ISADDR(bus, a) (((a) >= ((bus)->orig_ramsize)) && ((a) < ((bus)->ramsize)))
#define MAX_DHD_TX_FLOWS 256
/* user defined data structures */
#ifdef DHD_DEBUG
/* Device console log buffer state */
#define CONSOLE_LINE_MAX 192
typedef struct dhd_console {
uint count; /* Poll interval msec counter */
uint log_addr; /* Log struct address (fixed) */
hnd_log_t log; /* Log struct (host copy) */
uint bufsize; /* Size of log buffer */
uint8 *buf; /* Log buffer (host copy) */
uint last; /* Last buffer read index */
} dhd_console_t;
#endif /* DHD_DEBUG */
typedef struct ring_sh_info {
uint32 ring_mem_addr;
uint32 ring_state_w;
uint32 ring_state_r;
} ring_sh_info_t;
typedef struct dhd_bus {
dhd_pub_t *dhd;
struct pci_dev *dev; /* pci device handle */
dll_t const_flowring; /* constructed list of tx flowring queues */
si_t *sih; /* Handle for SI calls */
char *vars; /* Variables (from CIS and/or other) */
uint varsz; /* Size of variables buffer */
uint32 sbaddr; /* Current SB window pointer (-1, invalid) */
sbpcieregs_t *reg; /* Registers for PCIE core */
uint armrev; /* CPU core revision */
uint ramrev; /* SOCRAM core revision */
uint32 ramsize; /* Size of RAM in SOCRAM (bytes) */
uint32 orig_ramsize; /* Size of RAM in SOCRAM (bytes) */
uint32 srmemsize; /* Size of SRMEM */
uint32 bus; /* gSPI or SDIO bus */
uint32 intstatus; /* Intstatus bits (events) pending */
bool dpc_sched; /* Indicates DPC schedule (intrpt rcvd) */
bool fcstate; /* State of dongle flow-control */
uint16 cl_devid; /* cached devid for dhdsdio_probe_attach() */
char *fw_path; /* module_param: path to firmware image */
char *nv_path; /* module_param: path to nvram vars file */
char *nvram_params; /* user specified nvram params. */
int nvram_params_len;
struct pktq txq; /* Queue length used for flow-control */
uint rxlen; /* Length of valid data in buffer */
bool intr; /* Use interrupts */
bool ipend; /* Device interrupt is pending */
bool intdis; /* Interrupts disabled by isr */
uint intrcount; /* Count of device interrupt callbacks */
uint lastintrs; /* Count as of last watchdog timer */
#ifdef DHD_DEBUG
dhd_console_t console; /* Console output polling support */
uint console_addr; /* Console address from shared struct */
#endif /* DHD_DEBUG */
bool alp_only; /* Don't use HT clock (ALP only) */
bool remap; /* Contiguous 1MB RAM: 512K socram + 512K devram
* Available with socram rev 16
* Remap region not DMA-able
uint32 resetinstr;
uint32 dongle_ram_base;
ulong shared_addr;
pciedev_shared_t *pcie_sh;
bool bus_flowctrl;
ioctl_comp_resp_msg_t ioct_resp;
uint32 dma_rxoffset;
volatile char *regs; /* pci device memory va */
volatile char *tcm; /* pci device memory va */
uint32 tcm_size;
#ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_MSM8994
uint32 bar1_win_base;
uint32 bar1_win_mask;
osl_t *osh;
uint32 nvram_csm; /* Nvram checksum */
uint16 pollrate;
uint16 polltick;
uint32 *pcie_mb_intr_addr;
void *pcie_mb_intr_osh;
bool sleep_allowed;
/* version 3 shared struct related info start */
uint8 h2d_ring_count;
uint8 d2h_ring_count;
uint32 ringmem_ptr;
uint32 ring_state_ptr;
uint32 d2h_dma_scratch_buffer_mem_addr;
uint32 h2d_mb_data_ptr_addr;
uint32 d2h_mb_data_ptr_addr;
/* version 3 shared struct related info end */
uint32 def_intmask;
bool ltrsleep_on_unload;
uint wait_for_d3_ack;
uint8 txmode_push;
uint32 max_sub_queues;
bool db1_for_mb;
bool suspended;
struct msm_pcie_register_event pcie_event;
bool islinkdown;
#endif /* CONFIG_ARCH_MSM */
struct workqueue_struct *tx_wq;
struct work_struct create_flow_work;
struct work_struct delete_flow_work;
unsigned long *delete_flow_map;
struct sk_buff_head orphan_list;
#endif /* PCIE_TX_DEFERRAL */
uint8 force_suspend;
} dhd_bus_t;
/* function declarations */
extern uint32* dhdpcie_bus_reg_map(osl_t *osh, ulong addr, int size);
extern int dhdpcie_bus_register(void);
extern void dhdpcie_bus_unregister(void);
extern bool dhdpcie_chipmatch(uint16 vendor, uint16 device);
extern struct dhd_bus* dhdpcie_bus_attach(osl_t *osh, volatile char* regs,
volatile char* tcm, uint32 tcm_size);
extern uint32 dhdpcie_bus_cfg_read_dword(struct dhd_bus *bus, uint32 addr, uint32 size);
extern void dhdpcie_bus_cfg_write_dword(struct dhd_bus *bus, uint32 addr, uint32 size, uint32 data);
extern void dhdpcie_bus_intr_disable(struct dhd_bus *bus);
extern void dhdpcie_bus_remove_prep(struct dhd_bus *bus);
extern void dhdpcie_bus_release(struct dhd_bus *bus);
extern int32 dhdpcie_bus_isr(struct dhd_bus *bus);
extern void dhdpcie_free_irq(dhd_bus_t *bus);
extern int dhdpcie_bus_suspend(struct dhd_bus *bus, bool state);
extern int dhdpcie_pci_suspend_resume(struct dhd_bus *bus, bool state);
extern void dhdpcie_pme_active(osl_t *osh, bool enable);
extern int dhdpcie_start_host_pcieclock(dhd_bus_t *bus);
extern int dhdpcie_stop_host_pcieclock(dhd_bus_t *bus);
extern int dhdpcie_disable_device(dhd_bus_t *bus);
extern int dhdpcie_enable_device(dhd_bus_t *bus);
extern int dhdpcie_alloc_resource(dhd_bus_t *bus);
extern void dhdpcie_free_resource(dhd_bus_t *bus);
extern int dhdpcie_bus_request_irq(struct dhd_bus *bus);
extern int dhdpcie_oob_intr_register(dhd_bus_t *bus);
extern void dhdpcie_oob_intr_unregister(dhd_bus_t *bus);
extern void dhdpcie_oob_intr_set(dhd_bus_t *bus, bool enable);
extern int dhd_buzzz_dump_dngl(dhd_bus_t *bus);
#endif /* dhd_pcie_h */