#!/bin/bash COMPAT_MAJOR=("32") COMPAT_MINOR=("2.1") COMPAT_JETSON=("TX2" "TX2i" "TX2-4G") CTI_L4T_VER="V004" #utility functions chkroot(){ if [ $EUID -ne 0 ] then echo "Please run as sudo or root" exit 1 fi } chkhost(){ if [ $( uname -i | grep -c x86) -lt 1 ]; then echo "This version of the CTI-L4T BSP must be installed on the x86 Host system" exit 1 fi } #check if bsp installed in the correct folder on host machine chkfolder(){ if [ $(basename $(dirname $(pwd))) != "Linux_for_Tegra" ] || [ $(basename $(pwd)) != "CTI-L4T" ]; then echo "This BSP should be extracted in the Linux_for_Tegra directory" echo "of your Jetpack install. This install script must be run from the" echo "Linux_for_Tegra/CTI-L4T directory" exit 2 fi } install_conf(){ cp -r ./conf/* .. } install_dtb(){ cp ./kernel/dtb/* ../kernel/dtb/ } install_kernel(){ cp ./kernel/*Image ../kernel/ cp ./kernel/kernel_supplements.tbz2 ../kernel/ } install_bl(){ cp -r ./bl/* ../bootloader/ } install_rootfs(){ cp -r ./rootfs/* ../rootfs/ } install_ver_file(){ mkdir -p ../rootfs/etc/cti echo $CTI_L4T_VER > ../rootfs/etc/cti/CTI-L4T.version } print_versions(){ echo "Supported Version Information" echo " CTI-L4T Board Support Package Version:" $CTI_L4T_VER echo " Supported Linux for Tegra Release Versions: " for j in ${COMPAT_MINOR[@]}; do echo " " $COMPAT_MAJOR"."$j done echo " Supported Nvidia Jetson Module Hardware: " for k in ${COMPAT_JETSON[@]}; do echo " " $k done } #help functions usage(){ echo -e " Usage: ./install.sh " echo -e " Before installing this BSP, please read the included readme.txt" echo -e " To switch between different products, the TX2/TX2i/TX2-4G will need" echo -e " to be re-flashed" echo -e " Below are the compatible L4T versions and board profiles:\n" print_versions } #start usage chkroot chkfolder tar -pxzf resources.tgz #install CTI-flash mv cti-flash.sh .. chmod +x ../cti-flash.sh install_conf install_dtb install_bl install_kernel install_ver_file pushd .. ./apply_binaries.sh popd install_rootfs # ensure the files finish copying sync echo "CTI-L4T-$CTI_L4T_VER Installed!"