
58 lines
993 B

# USB HIL start
echo "[HIL] starting.."
uorb start
# Tell MAVLink that this link is "fast"
mavlink start -b 230400 -d /dev/console
# Create a fake HIL /dev/pwm_output interface
hil mode_pwm
# Load microSD params
echo "[init] loading microSD params"
param select /fs/microsd/parameters
if [ -f /fs/microsd/parameters ]
param load /fs/microsd/parameters
# Force some key parameters to sane values
# MAV_TYPE 1 = fixed wing, 2 = quadrotor, 13 = hexarotor
# see https://pixhawk.ethz.ch/mavlink/
param set MAV_TYPE 1
# Start the commander (depends on orb, mavlink)
commander start
# Start the sensors (depends on orb, px4io)
sh /etc/init.d/rc.sensors
# Start the attitude estimator (depends on orb)
kalman_demo start
# Load mixer and start controllers (depends on px4io)
mixer load /dev/pwm_output /etc/mixers/FMU_AET.mix
control_demo start
echo "[HIL] setup done, running"
# Exit shell to make it available to MAVLink