
92 lines
1.5 KiB

# PX4 commands need the 'px4-' prefix in bash.
# (px4-alias.sh is expected to be in the PATH)
. px4-alias.sh
param load
param set BAT1_N_CELLS 3
param set CBRK_SUPPLY_CHK 894281
param set MAV_TYPE 22
param set VT_TYPE 2
dataman start
battery_simulator start
simulator_mavlink start
tone_alarm start
pwm_out_sim start
rc_update start
sensors start
commander start
land_detector start vtol
navigator start
ekf2 start
vtol_att_control start
mc_hover_thrust_estimator start
flight_mode_manager start
mc_pos_control start vtol
mc_att_control start vtol
mc_rate_control start vtol
fw_pos_control start vtol
fw_att_control start vtol
airspeed_selector start
control_allocator start
ver all
logger start -e -t
mavlink boot_complete
sleep 1
echo "Boot complete"
# status of all running modules
echo "Checking status of all modules"
logger status
pwm_out_sim status
sensors status
commander status
rc_update stop
land_detector status
navigator status
ekf2 status
flight_mode_manager status
mc_pos_control status
mc_att_control status
mc_rate_control status
fw_pos_control status
fw_att_control status
airspeed_selector status
dataman status
uorb status
# stop all
echo "Stopping all modules"
logger stop
pwm_out_sim stop
mc_rate_control stop
mc_att_control stop
fw_att_control stop
flight_mode_manager stop
mc_pos_control stop
fw_pos_control stop
navigator stop
commander stop
land_detector stop
ekf2 stop
airspeed_selector stop
sensors stop
simulator_mavlink stop
tone_alarm stop
dataman stop
#uorb stop