
240 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# DeltaTag: enhanced geo-referencing survey images
# @author: Sander Smeets (sander@droneslab.com)
# Copyright (c) 2018 Vertical Technologies
# DeltaTag provides an alternate method to geo-referencing images from survey missions.
# It uses the delta in seconds between the images and the delta between the triggers to
# match geo information with pictures, allowing for missing images.
# It uses the last image and last trigger event as a calibration point as errors are
# more likely to arrise in the first images (test triggers, booting cameras, etc)
# Note: DeltaTag does not make copies, it writes the Exif information directly to the images
# Install: pip install pyulog piexif Pillow numpy
# Run: python geotag_images_ulog.py [logfile] [image dir] (optional offset)
# eg: python geotag_images_ulog.py mylog.ulg ./images
# Parameters
# logfile: a ulog formatted logfile containing camera_capture events (survey missions)
# image_dir: the directory where the images are located
# offset (optional): skip [offset] triggers to reference the last image
# 0 means the last trigger event equals last image (default)
# 1 means the second last trigger event equals last image
# ...etc
# Parts included from https://gist.github.com/c060604/8a51f8999be12fc2be498e9ca56adc72
# Parts included from https://github.com/PX4/flight_review/
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, time, datetime, piexif
from pyulog import *
from pyulog.px4 import *
from PIL import Image
from fractions import Fraction
if(len(sys.argv)) < 3:
print("Usage: python geotag_images_ulog.py [logfile] [image dir]")
print("Example: python geotag_images_ulog.py mylog.ulg ./images")
logfile = sys.argv[1]
imageDir = sys.argv[2]
triggerOffset = 0
if(len(sys.argv) > 3):
triggerOffset = int(sys.argv[3])
def to_deg(value, loc):
"""convert decimal coordinates into degrees, munutes and seconds tuple
Keyword arguments: value is float gps-value, loc is direction list ["S", "N"] or ["W", "E"]
return: tuple like (25, 13, 48.343 ,'N')
if value < 0:
loc_value = loc[0]
elif value > 0:
loc_value = loc[1]
loc_value = ""
abs_value = abs(value)
deg = int(abs_value)
t1 = (abs_value-deg)*60
min = int(t1)
sec = round((t1 - min)* 60, 5)
return (deg, min, sec, loc_value)
def change_to_rational(number):
"""convert a number to rantional
Keyword arguments: number
return: tuple like (1, 2), (numerator, denominator)
f = Fraction(str(number))
return (f.numerator, f.denominator)
class ULogException(Exception):
Exception to indicate an ULog parsing error. It is most likely a corrupt log
file, but could also be a bug in the parser.
def load_ulog_file(file_name):
""" load an ULog file
:return: ULog object
# The reason to put this method into helper is that the main module gets
# (re)loaded on each page request. Thus the caching would not work there.
# load only the messages we really need
msg_filter = ['camera_capture']
ulog = ULog(file_name, msg_filter)
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Error: file %s not found" % file_name)
# catch all other exceptions and turn them into an ULogException
except Exception as error:
raise ULogException()
# filter messages with timestamp = 0 (these are invalid).
# The better way is not to publish such messages in the first place, and fix
# the code instead (it goes against the monotonicity requirement of ulog).
# So we display the values such that the problem becomes visible.
# for d in ulog.data_list:
# t = d.data['timestamp']
# non_zero_indices = t != 0
# if not np.all(non_zero_indices):
# d.data = np.compress(non_zero_indices, d.data, axis=0)
return ulog
class ULogException(Exception):
Exception to indicate an ULog parsing error. It is most likely a corrupt log
file, but could also be a bug in the parser.
def load_ulog_file(file_name):
""" load an ULog file
:return: ULog object
# The reason to put this method into helper is that the main module gets
# (re)loaded on each page request. Thus the caching would not work there.
# load only the messages we really need
msg_filter = ['camera_capture']
ulog = ULog(file_name)
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Error: file %s not found" % file_name)
# catch all other exceptions and turn them into an ULogException
except Exception as error:
raise ULogException()
# filter messages with timestamp = 0 (these are invalid).
# The better way is not to publish such messages in the first place, and fix
# the code instead (it goes against the monotonicity requirement of ulog).
# So we display the values such that the problem becomes visible.
# for d in ulog.data_list:
# t = d.data['timestamp']
# non_zero_indices = t != 0
# if not np.all(non_zero_indices):
# d.data = np.compress(non_zero_indices, d.data, axis=0)
return ulog
ulog = load_ulog_file(logfile)
camera_capture = ulog.get_dataset('camera_capture')
count = len(camera_capture.data['timestamp_utc'])
init = round(camera_capture.data['timestamp_utc'][count-1-triggerOffset] / 1000000)
offsets = {}
for i in range(0, count):
test = round(camera_capture.data['timestamp_utc'][i] / 1000000)
offset = init - test
offsets[offset] = i
files = os.listdir(imageDir)
#files.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getctime(x))
first = 0
for f in reversed(files):
img = Image.open(f)
exif_dict = piexif.load(img.info['exif'])
timestring = exif_dict['Exif'][piexif.ExifIFD.DateTimeOriginal]
timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(timestring, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S").timetuple())
if first == 0:
first = timestamp
print("Calibrating on",f,"as last image on",timestring)
print("[filename] [offset] [trigger seq] [lat] [lng] [alt]")
offset = first - timestamp
print((f), end=' ')
print((offset), end=' ')
if not offset in offsets:
offset += 1
if not offset in offsets:
offset += 1
if offset in offsets:
print((offsets[offset]), end=' ')
print((camera_capture.data['lat'][offsets[offset]]), end=' ')
print((camera_capture.data['lon'][offsets[offset]]), end=' ')
lat = camera_capture.data['lat'][offsets[offset]]
lng = camera_capture.data['lon'][offsets[offset]]
altitude = camera_capture.data['alt'][offsets[offset]]
lat_deg = to_deg(lat, ["S", "N"])
lng_deg = to_deg(lng, ["W", "E"])
exiv_lat = (change_to_rational(lat_deg[0]), change_to_rational(lat_deg[1]), change_to_rational(lat_deg[2]))
exiv_lng = (change_to_rational(lng_deg[0]), change_to_rational(lng_deg[1]), change_to_rational(lng_deg[2]))
gps_ifd = {
piexif.GPSIFD.GPSVersionID: (2, 0, 0, 0),
piexif.GPSIFD.GPSAltitudeRef: 0,
piexif.GPSIFD.GPSAltitude: change_to_rational(round(altitude)),
piexif.GPSIFD.GPSLatitudeRef: lat_deg[3],
piexif.GPSIFD.GPSLatitude: exiv_lat,
piexif.GPSIFD.GPSLongitudeRef: lng_deg[3],
piexif.GPSIFD.GPSLongitude: exiv_lng,
exif_dict["GPS"] = gps_ifd
exif_bytes = piexif.dump(exif_dict)
piexif.insert(exif_bytes, f)
print("Could not georeference")