#!/usr/bin/env groovy pipeline { agent none stages { stage('Analysis') { when { anyOf { branch 'main' branch 'master' // should be removed, but in case there is something going on... branch 'pr-jenkins' // for testing } } parallel { // stage('Catkin build on ROS workspace') { // agent { // docker { // image 'px4io/px4-dev-ros-melodic:2021-08-18' // args '-e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -v ${CCACHE_DIR}:${CCACHE_DIR}:rw -e HOME=$WORKSPACE' // } // } // steps { // sh 'ls -l' // sh '''#!/bin/bash -l // echo $0; // mkdir -p catkin_ws/src; // cd catkin_ws; // git -C ${WORKSPACE}/catkin_ws/src/Firmware submodule update --init --recursive --force Tools/sitl_gazebo // git clone --recursive ${WORKSPACE}/catkin_ws/src/Firmware/Tools/sitl_gazebo src/mavlink_sitl_gazebo; // git -C ${WORKSPACE}/catkin_ws/src/Firmware fetch --tags; // source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash; // export PYTHONPATH=/opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages; // catkin init; // catkin build -j$(nproc) -l$(nproc); // ''' // // test if the binary was correctly installed and runs using 'mavros_posix_silt.launch' // sh '''#!/bin/bash -l // echo $0; // source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash; // rostest px4 pub_test.launch; // ''' // } // post { // always { // sh 'rm -rf catkin_ws' // } // failure { // archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts: '.ros/**/*.xml, .ros/**/*.log') // } // } // options { // checkoutToSubdirectory('catkin_ws/src/Firmware') // } // } stage('Colcon build on ROS2 workspace') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-ros2-foxy:2021-08-18' args '-e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -v ${CCACHE_DIR}:${CCACHE_DIR}:rw -e HOME=$WORKSPACE' } } steps { sh 'ls -l' sh '''#!/bin/bash -l echo $0; unset ROS_DISTRO; mkdir -p colcon_ws/src; cd colcon_ws; git -C ${WORKSPACE}/colcon_ws/src/Firmware submodule update --init --recursive --force Tools/sitl_gazebo; git -C ${WORKSPACE}/colcon_ws/src/Firmware fetch --tags; source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.sh; colcon build --event-handlers console_direct+ --symlink-install; ''' } post { always { sh 'rm -rf colcon_ws' } } options { checkoutToSubdirectory('colcon_ws/src/Firmware') } } stage('Airframe') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base-focal:2021-08-18' } } steps { sh 'make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .' sh 'git fetch --all --tags' sh 'make airframe_metadata' dir('build/px4_sitl_default/docs') { archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'airframes.md, airframes.xml') stash includes: 'airframes.md, airframes.xml', name: 'metadata_airframes' } } post { always { sh 'make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .' } } } stage('Parameter') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base-focal:2021-08-18' } } steps { sh 'make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .' sh 'git fetch --all --tags' sh 'make parameters_metadata' dir('build/px4_sitl_default/docs') { archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'parameters.md, parameters.xml, parameters.json.xz') stash includes: 'parameters.md, parameters.xml, parameters.json.xz', name: 'metadata_parameters' } } post { always { sh 'make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .' } } } stage('Module') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base-focal:2021-08-18' } } steps { sh 'make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .' sh 'git fetch --all --tags' sh 'make module_documentation' dir('build/px4_sitl_default/docs') { archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'modules/*.md') stash includes: 'modules/*.md', name: 'metadata_module_documentation' } } post { always { sh 'make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .' } } } stage('msg file docs') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base-focal:2021-08-18' } } steps { sh 'mkdir -p build/msg_docs; ./msg/tools/generate_msg_docs.py -d build/msg_docs' dir('build') { archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'msg_docs/*.md') stash includes: 'msg_docs/*.md', name: 'msg_documentation' } } post { always { sh 'make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .' } } } stage('uORB graphs') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-nuttx-focal:2021-08-18' args '-e CCACHE_BASEDIR=$WORKSPACE -v ${CCACHE_DIR}:${CCACHE_DIR}:rw' } } steps { sh 'export' sh 'make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .' sh 'git fetch --all --tags' sh 'make uorb_graphs' dir('Tools/uorb_graph') { archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'graph_*.json') stash includes: 'graph_*.json', name: 'uorb_graph' } } post { always { sh 'make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .' } } } } // parallel } // stage: Generate Metadata stage('Deploy') { parallel { stage('Userguide') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base-focal:2021-08-18' } } steps { sh('export') unstash 'metadata_airframes' unstash 'metadata_parameters' unstash 'metadata_module_documentation' unstash 'msg_documentation' unstash 'uorb_graph' withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'px4buildbot_github_personal_token', passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASS', usernameVariable: 'GIT_USER')]) { sh('git clone https://${GIT_USER}:${GIT_PASS}@github.com/PX4/PX4-user_guide.git') sh('cp airframes.md PX4-user_guide/en/airframes/airframe_reference.md') sh('cp parameters.md PX4-user_guide/en/advanced_config/parameter_reference.md') sh('cp -R modules/*.md PX4-user_guide/en/modules/') sh('cp -R graph_*.json PX4-user_guide/.vuepress/public/en/middleware/') sh('cp -R msg_docs/*.md PX4-user_guide/en/msg_docs/') sh('cd PX4-user_guide; git status; git add .; git commit -a -m "Update PX4 Firmware metadata `date`" || true') sh('cd PX4-user_guide; git push origin main || true') sh('rm -rf PX4-user_guide') } } when { anyOf { branch 'main' branch 'master' // should be removed, but in case there is something going on... branch 'pr-jenkins' // for testing } } options { skipDefaultCheckout() } } stage('QGroundControl') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base-focal:2021-08-18' } } steps { sh('export') unstash 'metadata_airframes' unstash 'metadata_parameters' withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'px4buildbot_github_personal_token', passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASS', usernameVariable: 'GIT_USER')]) { sh('git clone https://${GIT_USER}:${GIT_PASS}@github.com/mavlink/qgroundcontrol.git') sh('cp airframes.xml qgroundcontrol/src/AutoPilotPlugins/PX4/AirframeFactMetaData.xml') sh('cp parameters.xml qgroundcontrol/src/FirmwarePlugin/PX4/PX4ParameterFactMetaData.xml') sh('cd qgroundcontrol; git status; git add .; git commit -a -m "Update PX4 Firmware metadata `date`" || true') sh('cd qgroundcontrol; git push origin master || true') sh('rm -rf qgroundcontrol') } } when { anyOf { branch 'main' branch 'master' // should be removed, but in case there is something going on... branch 'pr-jenkins' // for testing } } options { skipDefaultCheckout() } } stage('microRTPS agent') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base-focal:2021-08-18' } } steps { sh('export') sh('git fetch --all --tags') sh('make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .') sh('make px4_sitl_rtps') withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'px4buildbot_github_personal_token', passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASS', usernameVariable: 'GIT_USER')]) { sh("git clone https://${GIT_USER}:${GIT_PASS}@github.com/PX4/micrortps_agent.git -b ${BRANCH_NAME}") sh("rm -rf micrortps_agent/src micrortps_agent/idl") sh('cp -R build/px4_sitl_rtps/src/modules/micrortps_bridge/micrortps_agent/* micrortps_agent') sh('cd micrortps_agent; git status; git add src; git commit -a -m "Update microRTPS agent source code `date`" || true') sh('cd micrortps_agent; git push origin ${BRANCH_NAME} || true') sh('cd micrortps_agent; git status; git add idl; git commit -a -m "Update IDL definitions `date`" || true') sh('cd micrortps_agent; git push origin ${BRANCH_NAME} || true') sh('cd micrortps_agent; git status; git add CMakeLists.txt; git commit -a -m "Update CMakeLists.txt `date`" || true') sh('cd micrortps_agent; git push origin ${BRANCH_NAME} || true') sh('rm -rf micrortps_agent') } } when { anyOf { branch 'main' branch 'master' // should be removed, but in case there is something going on... branch 'pr-jenkins' // for testing } } } stage('PX4 ROS msgs') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base-focal:2021-08-18' } } steps { sh('export') sh('make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .') withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'px4buildbot_github_personal_token', passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASS', usernameVariable: 'GIT_USER')]) { sh("git clone https://${GIT_USER}:${GIT_PASS}@github.com/PX4/px4_msgs.git") // 'master' branch sh('./msg/tools/uorb_to_ros_msgs.py msg/ px4_msgs/msg/') sh('cd px4_msgs; git status; git add .; git commit -a -m "Update message definitions `date`" || true') sh('cd px4_msgs; git push origin master || true') // 'ros1' branch sh('cd px4_msgs; git checkout ros1') sh('./msg/tools/uorb_to_ros_msgs.py msg/ px4_msgs/msg/') sh('cd px4_msgs; git status; git add .; git commit -a -m "Update message definitions `date`" || true') sh('cd px4_msgs; git push origin ros1 || true') sh('rm -rf px4_msgs') } } when { anyOf { branch 'main' branch 'master' // should be removed, but in case there is something going on... branch 'pr-jenkins' // for testing } } } stage('PX4 ROS2 bridge') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base-focal:2021-08-18' } } steps { sh('export') sh('make distclean; git clean -ff -x -d .') withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'px4buildbot_github_personal_token', passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASS', usernameVariable: 'GIT_USER')]) { sh("git clone https://${GIT_USER}:${GIT_PASS}@github.com/PX4/px4_ros_com.git -b ${BRANCH_NAME}") // deploy uORB RTPS ID map sh('./msg/tools/uorb_to_ros_urtps_topics.py -i msg/tools/urtps_bridge_topics.yaml -o px4_ros_com/templates/urtps_bridge_topics.yaml') sh('cd px4_ros_com; git status; git add .; git commit -a -m "Update uORB RTPS ID map `date`" || true') sh('cd px4_ros_com; git push origin ${BRANCH_NAME} || true') // deploy uORB RTPS required tools sh('cp msg/tools/uorb_rtps_classifier.py px4_ros_com/scripts/uorb_rtps_classifier.py') sh('cp msg/tools/generate_microRTPS_bridge.py px4_ros_com/scripts/generate_microRTPS_bridge.py') sh('cp msg/tools/px_generate_uorb_topic_files.py px4_ros_com/scripts/px_generate_uorb_topic_files.py') sh('cp msg/tools/px_generate_uorb_topic_helper.py px4_ros_com/scripts/px_generate_uorb_topic_helper.py') // deploy templates sh('cp msg/templates/urtps/microRTPS_agent.cpp.em px4_ros_com/templates/microRTPS_agent.cpp.em') sh('cp msg/templates/urtps/microRTPS_timesync.cpp.em px4_ros_com/templates/microRTPS_timesync.cpp.em') sh('cp msg/templates/urtps/microRTPS_timesync.h.em px4_ros_com/templates/microRTPS_timesync.h.em') sh('cp msg/templates/urtps/microRTPS_transport.cpp px4_ros_com/templates/microRTPS_transport.cpp') sh('cp msg/templates/urtps/microRTPS_transport.h px4_ros_com/templates/microRTPS_transport.h') sh('cp msg/templates/urtps/Publisher.cpp.em px4_ros_com/templates/Publisher.cpp.em') sh('cp msg/templates/urtps/Publisher.h.em px4_ros_com/templates/Publisher.h.em') sh('cp msg/templates/urtps/Subscriber.cpp.em px4_ros_com/templates/Subscriber.cpp.em') sh('cp msg/templates/urtps/Subscriber.h.em px4_ros_com/templates/Subscriber.h.em') sh('cp msg/templates/urtps/RtpsTopics.cpp.em px4_ros_com/templates/RtpsTopics.cpp.em') sh('cp msg/templates/urtps/RtpsTopics.h.em px4_ros_com/templates/RtpsTopics.h.em') sh('cd px4_ros_com; git status; git add .; git commit -a -m "Update uORB RTPS script tools `date`" || true') sh('cd px4_ros_com; git push origin ${BRANCH_NAME} || true') sh('rm -rf px4_msgs') } } when { anyOf { branch 'main' branch 'master' // should be removed, but in case there is something going on... branch 'pr-jenkins' // for testing } } } stage('S3') { agent { docker { image 'px4io/px4-dev-base-focal:2021-08-18' } } steps { sh('export') unstash 'metadata_airframes' unstash 'metadata_parameters' sh('ls') withAWS(credentials: 'px4_aws_s3_key', region: 'us-east-1') { s3Upload(acl: 'PublicRead', bucket: 'px4-travis', file: 'airframes.xml', path: 'Firmware/master/') s3Upload(acl: 'PublicRead', bucket: 'px4-travis', file: 'parameters.xml', path: 'Firmware/master/') s3Upload(acl: 'PublicRead', bucket: 'px4-travis', file: 'parameters.json.xz', path: 'Firmware/master/') } } when { anyOf { branch 'main' branch 'master' // should be removed, but in case there is something going on... branch 'pr-jenkins' // for testing } } options { skipDefaultCheckout() } } } // parallel } // stage: Generate Metadata } // stages environment { CCACHE_DIR = '/tmp/ccache' CI = true GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL = "bot@px4.io" GIT_AUTHOR_NAME = "PX4BuildBot" GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL = "bot@px4.io" GIT_COMMITTER_NAME = "PX4BuildBot" } options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '20', artifactDaysToKeepStr: '30')) timeout(time: 90, unit: 'MINUTES') } }