/**************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. * Author: @author Lorenz Meier * @author Tobias Naegeli * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ /* * @file rate_control.c * Implementation of attitude rate control */ #include "rate_control.h" #include "ardrone_motor_control.h" #include extern int ardrone_write; extern int gpios; typedef struct { uint16_t motor_front_nw; ///< Front motor in + configuration, front left motor in x configuration uint16_t motor_right_ne; ///< Right motor in + configuration, front right motor in x configuration uint16_t motor_back_se; ///< Back motor in + configuration, back right motor in x configuration uint16_t motor_left_sw; ///< Left motor in + configuration, back left motor in x configuration uint8_t target_system; ///< System ID of the system that should set these motor commands } quad_motors_setpoint_t; void control_rates(int ardrone_write, struct sensor_combined_s *raw, struct ardrone_motors_setpoint_s *setpoints) { static quad_motors_setpoint_t actuators_desired; //static quad_motors_setpoint_t quad_motors_setpoint_desired; static int16_t outputBand = 0; // static uint16_t control_counter; static hrt_abstime now_time; static hrt_abstime last_time; static float setpointXrate; static float setpointYrate; static float setpointZrate; static float setpointRateCast[3]; static float Kp; // static float Ki; static float setpointThrustCast; static float startpointFullControll; static float maxThrustSetpoints; static float gyro_filtered[3]; static float gyro_filtered_offset[3]; static float gyro_alpha; static float gyro_alpha_offset; // static float errXrate; static float attRatesScaled[3]; static uint16_t offsetCnt; // static float antiwindup; static int motor_skip_counter; static int read_ret; static bool initialized; if (initialized == false) { initialized = true; /* Read sensors for initial values */ gyro_filtered_offset[0] = 0.00026631611f * (float)raw->gyro_raw[0]; gyro_filtered_offset[1] = 0.00026631611f * (float)raw->gyro_raw[1]; gyro_filtered_offset[2] = 0.00026631611f * (float)raw->gyro_raw[2]; gyro_filtered[0] = 0.00026631611f * (float)raw->gyro_raw[0]; gyro_filtered[1] = 0.00026631611f * (float)raw->gyro_raw[1]; gyro_filtered[2] = 0.00026631611f * (float)raw->gyro_raw[2]; outputBand = 0; startpointFullControll = 150.0f; maxThrustSetpoints = 511.0f; //Kp=60; //Kp=40.0f; //Kp=45; Kp = 30.0f; // Ki=0.0f; // antiwindup=50.0f; } /* Get setpoint */ //Rate Controller setpointRateCast[0] = -((float)setpoints->motor_right_ne - 9999.0f) * 0.01f / 180.0f * 3.141f; setpointRateCast[1] = -((float)setpoints->motor_front_nw - 9999.0f) * 0.01f / 180.0f * 3.141f; setpointRateCast[2] = 0; //-((float)setpoints->motor_back_se-9999.0f)*0.01f; //Ki=actuatorDesired.motorRight_NE*0.001f; setpointThrustCast = setpoints->motor_left_sw; attRatesScaled[0] = 0.000317603994f * (float)raw->gyro_raw[0]; attRatesScaled[1] = 0.000317603994f * (float)raw->gyro_raw[1]; attRatesScaled[2] = 0.000317603994f * (float)raw->gyro_raw[2]; //filtering of the gyroscope values //compute filter coefficient alpha //gyro_alpha=0.005/(2.0f*3.1415f*200.0f+0.005f); //gyro_alpha=0.009; gyro_alpha = 0.09f; gyro_alpha_offset = 0.001f; //gyro_alpha=0.001; //offset estimation and filtering offsetCnt++; uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (offsetCnt < 5000) { gyro_filtered_offset[i] = attRatesScaled[i] * gyro_alpha_offset + gyro_filtered_offset[i] * (1 - gyro_alpha_offset); } gyro_filtered[i] = 1.0f * ((attRatesScaled[i] - gyro_filtered_offset[i]) * gyro_alpha + gyro_filtered[i] * (1 - gyro_alpha)) - 0 * setpointRateCast[i]; } // //START DEBUG // /* write filtered values to global_data_attitude */ // global_data_attitude->rollspeed = gyro_filtered[0]; // global_data_attitude->pitchspeed = gyro_filtered[1]; // global_data_attitude->yawspeed = gyro_filtered[2]; // //END DEBUG //rate controller //X-axis setpointXrate = -Kp * (setpointRateCast[0] - gyro_filtered[0]); //Y-axis setpointYrate = -Kp * (setpointRateCast[1] - gyro_filtered[1]); //Z-axis setpointZrate = -Kp * (setpointRateCast[2] - gyro_filtered[2]); //Mixing if (setpointThrustCast <= 0) { setpointThrustCast = 0; outputBand = 0; } if ((setpointThrustCast < startpointFullControll) && (setpointThrustCast > 0)) { outputBand = 0.75f * setpointThrustCast; } if ((setpointThrustCast >= startpointFullControll) && (setpointThrustCast < maxThrustSetpoints - 0.75f * startpointFullControll)) { outputBand = 0.75f * startpointFullControll; } if (setpointThrustCast >= maxThrustSetpoints - 0.75f * startpointFullControll) { setpointThrustCast = 0.75f * startpointFullControll; outputBand = 0.75f * startpointFullControll; } actuators_desired.motor_front_nw = setpointThrustCast + (setpointXrate + setpointYrate + setpointZrate); actuators_desired.motor_right_ne = setpointThrustCast + (-setpointXrate + setpointYrate - setpointZrate); actuators_desired.motor_back_se = setpointThrustCast + (-setpointXrate - setpointYrate + setpointZrate); actuators_desired.motor_left_sw = setpointThrustCast + (setpointXrate - setpointYrate - setpointZrate); if ((setpointThrustCast + setpointXrate + setpointYrate + setpointZrate) > (setpointThrustCast + outputBand)) { actuators_desired.motor_front_nw = setpointThrustCast + outputBand; } if ((setpointThrustCast + setpointXrate + setpointYrate + setpointZrate) < (setpointThrustCast - outputBand)) { actuators_desired.motor_front_nw = setpointThrustCast - outputBand; } if ((setpointThrustCast + (-setpointXrate) + setpointYrate - setpointZrate) > (setpointThrustCast + outputBand)) { actuators_desired.motor_right_ne = setpointThrustCast + outputBand; } if ((setpointThrustCast + (-setpointXrate) + setpointYrate - setpointZrate) < (setpointThrustCast - outputBand)) { actuators_desired.motor_right_ne = setpointThrustCast - outputBand; } if ((setpointThrustCast + (-setpointXrate) + (-setpointYrate) + setpointZrate) > (setpointThrustCast + outputBand)) { actuators_desired.motor_back_se = setpointThrustCast + outputBand; } if ((setpointThrustCast + (-setpointXrate) + (-setpointYrate) + setpointZrate) < (setpointThrustCast - outputBand)) { actuators_desired.motor_back_se = setpointThrustCast - outputBand; } if ((setpointThrustCast + setpointXrate + (-setpointYrate) - setpointZrate) > (setpointThrustCast + outputBand)) { actuators_desired.motor_left_sw = setpointThrustCast + outputBand; } if ((setpointThrustCast + setpointXrate + (-setpointYrate) - setpointZrate) < (setpointThrustCast - outputBand)) { actuators_desired.motor_left_sw = setpointThrustCast - outputBand; } //printf("%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu\n",actuators_desired.motor_front_nw, actuators_desired.motor_right_ne, actuators_desired.motor_back_se, actuators_desired.motor_left_sw); if (motor_skip_counter % 5 == 0) { uint8_t motorSpeedBuf[5]; ar_get_motor_packet(motorSpeedBuf, actuators_desired.motor_front_nw, actuators_desired.motor_right_ne, actuators_desired.motor_back_se, actuators_desired.motor_left_sw); // uint8_t* motorSpeedBuf = ar_get_motor_packet(1, 1, 1, 1); // if(motor_skip_counter %50 == 0) // { // if(0==actuators_desired.motor_front_nw || 0 == actuators_desired.motor_right_ne || 0 == actuators_desired.motor_back_se || 0 == actuators_desired.motor_left_sw) // printf("Motors set: %u, %u, %u, %u\n", actuators_desired.motor_front_nw, actuators_desired.motor_right_ne, actuators_desired.motor_back_se, actuators_desired.motor_left_sw); // printf("input: %u\n", setpoints->motor_front_nw); // printf("Roll casted desired: %f, Pitch casted desired: %f, Yaw casted desired: %f\n", setpointRateCast[0], setpointRateCast[1], setpointRateCast[2]); // } write(ardrone_write, motorSpeedBuf, 5); // motor_skip_counter = 0; } motor_skip_counter++; //START DEBUG // global_data_lock(&global_data_ardrone_control->access_conf); // global_data_ardrone_control->timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); // global_data_ardrone_control->gyro_scaled[0] = attRatesScaled[0]; // global_data_ardrone_control->gyro_scaled[1] = attRatesScaled[1]; // global_data_ardrone_control->gyro_scaled[2] = attRatesScaled[2]; // global_data_ardrone_control->gyro_filtered[0] = gyro_filtered[0]; // global_data_ardrone_control->gyro_filtered[1] = gyro_filtered[1]; // global_data_ardrone_control->gyro_filtered[2] = gyro_filtered[2]; // global_data_ardrone_control->gyro_filtered_offset[0] = gyro_filtered_offset[0]; // global_data_ardrone_control->gyro_filtered_offset[1] = gyro_filtered_offset[1]; // global_data_ardrone_control->gyro_filtered_offset[2] = gyro_filtered_offset[2]; // global_data_ardrone_control->setpoint_rate_cast[0] = setpointRateCast[0]; // global_data_ardrone_control->setpoint_rate_cast[1] = setpointRateCast[1]; // global_data_ardrone_control->setpoint_rate_cast[2] = setpointRateCast[2]; // global_data_ardrone_control->setpoint_thrust_cast = setpointThrustCast; // global_data_ardrone_control->setpoint_rate[0] = setpointXrate; // global_data_ardrone_control->setpoint_rate[1] = setpointYrate; // global_data_ardrone_control->setpoint_rate[2] = setpointZrate; // global_data_ardrone_control->motor_front_nw = actuators_desired.motor_front_nw; // global_data_ardrone_control->motor_right_ne = actuators_desired.motor_right_ne; // global_data_ardrone_control->motor_back_se = actuators_desired.motor_back_se; // global_data_ardrone_control->motor_left_sw = actuators_desired.motor_left_sw; // global_data_unlock(&global_data_ardrone_control->access_conf); // global_data_broadcast(&global_data_ardrone_control->access_conf); //END DEBUG // gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); // now = ((uint32_t)tv.tv_sec) * 1000 + tv.tv_usec/1000; // time_elapsed = now - last_run; // if (time_elapsed*1000 > CONTROL_LOOP_USLEEP) // { // sleep_time = (int32_t)CONTROL_LOOP_USLEEP - ((int32_t)time_elapsed*1000 - (int32_t)CONTROL_LOOP_USLEEP); // // if(motor_skip_counter %500 == 0) // { // printf("Desired: %u, New usleep: %i, Time elapsed: %u, Now: %u, Last run: %u\n",(uint32_t)CONTROL_LOOP_USLEEP, sleep_time, time_elapsed*1000, now, last_run); // } // } // // if (sleep_time <= 0) // { // printf("WARNING: CPU Overload!\n"); // printf("Desired: %u, New usleep: %i, Time elapsed: %u, Now: %u, Last run: %u\n",(uint32_t)CONTROL_LOOP_USLEEP, sleep_time, time_elapsed*1000, now, last_run); // usleep(CONTROL_LOOP_USLEEP); // } // else // { // usleep(sleep_time); // } // last_run = now; // // now_time = hrt_absolute_time(); // if(control_counter % 500 == 0) // { // printf("Now: %lu\n",(unsigned long)now_time); // printf("Last: %lu\n",(unsigned long)last_time); // printf("Difference: %lu\n", (unsigned long)(now_time - last_time)); // printf("now seconds: %lu\n", (unsigned long)(now_time / 1000000)); // } // last_time = now_time; // // now_time = hrt_absolute_time() / 1000000; // if(now_time - last_time > 0) // { // printf("Counter: %ld\n",control_counter); // last_time = now_time; // control_counter = 0; // } // control_counter++; }