Flight tested: ekf2 w/ mag and compass by @nathantsoi: https://logs.px4.io/plot_app?log=79b81031-cf1e-41f0-890b-d6cd7d559766
NOTE: external I2C devices need a pullup. I have tested with a 3.3v 2.2k pullup.
- mpu6000, bench tested and verified via nsh
- fmu
- all 6 ch output bench tested w/ pwm and oneshot via nsh
- ppm input bench tested
- dsm input bench tested
- bmp280, bench tested and verified via nsh
- hmc5883, bench tested and verified via nsh, but requires an external i2c pullup
- gps on uart6
- startuplog, nsh, mavlink on uart4, but params are not sent for some reason. RSSI pin is TX, MOTOR 5 is RX (normal mode, 57600 baud)
- rgbled over i2c, bench tested and workingp
- sbus via the shared sbus/ppm pin (which includes an inverter to the mcu SBUS in pin), remove the solder bridge or jumper to the ppm pin before use
Not yet implemented:
- OSD: passthrough video is untested, use at your own risk until a basic driver is implemented.
-created a test base class to centralize redundant methods among the different tests
-added mission waypoint list topic listener (this also helps make sure the simulation is ready)
-check number of mission waypoints in FCU against mission
-increase time for mavros topics to be ready from 30 to 60 seconds
-reduce position check loop rates
-clean up logging
-support QGC plan for mission file format, see #8619
-vehicle is an arg for mission test launch file, working toward other airframes
-Jenkins: fix vtol vehicle arg value
-get MAV_TYPE param and use FW radius for pure fixed-wing mission position check
-remove unused vehicle arg from test in multiple tests launch, clearing runtime warning
two xml log files are generated for each rostest. they're named according to the launch file, which is reused for each mission test. currently subsequent tests overwrite the previous test's logs. this renames them after they're generated, appending the mission name to the end of the file name.