att pos estimator: on reset use projected gps position instead of [0,0,0] to set position state

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Thomas Gubler 2014-06-15 12:15:25 +02:00
parent de5c3580b3
commit bd8b071875
1 changed files with 11 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ void AttPosEKF::FuseAirspeed()
SH_TAS[0] = 1/(sqrt(sq(ve - vwe) + sq(vn - vwn) + sq(vd)));
SH_TAS[1] = (SH_TAS[0]*(2.0f*ve - 2*vwe))/2.0f;
SH_TAS[2] = (SH_TAS[0]*(2.0f*vn - 2*vwn))/2.0f;
float H_TAS[n_states];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n_states; i++) H_TAS[i] = 0.0f;
H_TAS[4] = SH_TAS[2];
@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@ int AttPosEKF::CheckAndBound()
if (StatesNaN(&last_ekf_error)) {
ekf_debug("re-initializing dynamic");
InitializeDynamic(velNED, magDeclination);
InitializeDynamic(velNED, magDeclination);
ret = 1;
@ -2474,10 +2474,18 @@ void AttPosEKF::InitializeDynamic(float (&initvelNED)[3], float declination)
magstate.R_MAG = sq(magMeasurementSigma);
magstate.DCM = DCM;
// Calculate position from gps measurement
float posNEDInit[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; // North, East Down position (m)
calcposNED(posNEDInit, gpsLat, gpsLon, gpsHgt, latRef, lonRef, hgtRef);
// write to state vector
for (uint8_t j=0; j<=3; j++) states[j] = initQuat[j]; // quaternions
for (uint8_t j=4; j<=6; j++) states[j] = initvelNED[j-4]; // velocities
for (uint8_t j=7; j<=15; j++) states[j] = 0.0f; // positions, dAngBias, dVelBias, windVel
// positions:
states[7] = posNEDInit[0];
states[8] = posNEDInit[1];
states[9] = posNEDInit[2];
for (uint8_t j=10; j<=15; j++) states[j] = 0.0f; // dAngBias, dVelBias, windVel
states[16] = initMagNED.x; // Magnetic Field North
states[17] = initMagNED.y; // Magnetic Field East
states[18] = initMagNED.z; // Magnetic Field Down