ekf2: remove old mag declination auto-code

This commit is contained in:
bresch 2022-10-19 16:25:45 +02:00 committed by Daniel Agar
parent f0a0a3e545
commit 96e7ea7a08
2 changed files with 0 additions and 278 deletions

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@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "../../../../../matrix/matrix/math.hpp"
typedef matrix::Vector<float, 24> Vector24f;
typedef matrix::SquareMatrix<float, 24> SquareMatrix24f;
float sq(float in) {
return in * in;
int main()
// Compare calculation of observation Jacobians and Kalman gains for sympy and matlab generated equations
float Hfusion[24] = {};
Vector24f H_DECL;
Vector24f Kfusion;
float decl_innov_var;
const float R_DECL = sq(0.3f);
const float _gps_yaw_offset = 1.5f;
// quaternion inputs must be normalised
float q0 = 2.0f * ((float)rand() - 0.5f);
float q1 = 2.0f * ((float)rand() - 0.5f);
float q2 = 2.0f * ((float)rand() - 0.5f);
float q3 = 2.0f * ((float)rand() - 0.5f);
const float length = sqrtf(sq(q0) + sq(q1) + sq(q2) + sq(q3));
q0 /= length;
q1 /= length;
q2 /= length;
q3 /= length;
const float magN = 0.04f;
const float magE = -0.03f;
const float h_field_min = 1e-3f;
// create a symmetrical positive dfinite matrix with off diagonals between -1 and 1 and diagonals between 0 and 1
SquareMatrix24f P;
for (int col=0; col<=23; col++) {
for (int row=0; row<=col; row++) {
if (row == col) {
P(row,col) = (float)rand();
} else {
P(col,row) = P(row,col) = 2.0f * ((float)rand() - 0.5f);
// First calculate observationjacobians and Kalman gains using sympy generated equations
// Calculate intermediate variables
const float magN_sq = sq(magN);
if (magN_sq < sq(h_field_min)) {
printf("bad numerical conditioning\n");
return 0;
const float HK0 = 1.0F / magN_sq;
const float HK1 = HK0*sq(magE) + 1.0F;
const float HK2 = 1.0F/HK1;
const float HK3 = 1.0F/magN;
const float HK4 = HK2*HK3;
const float HK5 = HK3*magE;
const float HK6 = HK5*P(16,17) - P(17,17);
const float HK7 = 1.0F/sq(HK1);
const float HK8 = HK5*P(16,16) - P(16,17);
const float innovation_variance = -HK0*HK6*HK7 + HK7*HK8*magE/(magN * magN_sq) + R_DECL;
float HK9;
if (innovation_variance > R_DECL) {
HK9 = HK4/innovation_variance;
} else {
printf("bad numerical conditioning\n");
// Calculate the observation Jacobian
// Note only 2 terms are non-zero which can be used in matrix operations for calculation of Kalman gains and covariance update to significantly reduce cost
Hfusion[16] = -HK0*HK2*magE;
Hfusion[17] = HK4;
// Calculate the Kalman gains
for (unsigned row = 0; row <= 15; row++) {
Kfusion(row) = -HK9*(HK5*P(row,16) - P(row,17));
Kfusion(16) = -HK8*HK9;
Kfusion(17) = -HK6*HK9;
for (unsigned row = 18; row <= 23; row++) {
Kfusion(row) = -HK9*(HK5*P(16,row) - P(17,row));
// save output and repeat calculation using legacy matlab generated code
float Hfusion_sympy[24];
Vector24f Kfusion_sympy;
for (int row=0; row<24; row++) {
Hfusion_sympy[row] = Hfusion[row];
Kfusion_sympy(row) = Kfusion(row);
// repeat calculation using matlab generated equations
// Calculate intermediate variables
float t2 = magE*magE;
float t3 = magN*magN;
float t4 = t2+t3;
// if the horizontal magnetic field is too small, this calculation will be badly conditioned
if (t4 < h_field_min*h_field_min) {
printf("bad numerical conditioning\n");
return 0;
float t5 = P(16,16)*t2;
float t6 = P(17,17)*t3;
float t7 = t2*t2;
float t8 = R_DECL*t7;
float t9 = t3*t3;
float t10 = R_DECL*t9;
float t11 = R_DECL*t2*t3*2.0f;
float t14 = P(16,17)*magE*magN;
float t15 = P(17,16)*magE*magN;
float t12 = t5+t6+t8+t10+t11-t14-t15;
float t13;
if (fabsf(t12) > 1e-6f) {
t13 = 1.0f / t12;
} else {
printf("bad numerical conditioning\n");
return 0;
float t18 = magE*magE;
float t19 = magN*magN;
float t20 = t18+t19;
float t21;
if (fabsf(t20) > 1e-6f) {
t21 = 1.0f/t20;
} else {
printf("bad numerical conditioning\n");
return 0;
// Calculate the observation Jacobian
// Note only 2 terms are non-zero which can be used in matrix operations for calculation of Kalman gains and covariance update to significantly reduce cost
memset(&H_DECL, 0, sizeof(H_DECL));
H_DECL(16) = -magE*t21;
H_DECL(17) = magN*t21;
// Calculate the Kalman gains
Kfusion(0) = -t4*t13*(P(0,16)*magE-P(0,17)*magN);
Kfusion(1) = -t4*t13*(P(1,16)*magE-P(1,17)*magN);
Kfusion(2) = -t4*t13*(P(2,16)*magE-P(2,17)*magN);
Kfusion(3) = -t4*t13*(P(3,16)*magE-P(3,17)*magN);
Kfusion(4) = -t4*t13*(P(4,16)*magE-P(4,17)*magN);
Kfusion(5) = -t4*t13*(P(5,16)*magE-P(5,17)*magN);
Kfusion(6) = -t4*t13*(P(6,16)*magE-P(6,17)*magN);
Kfusion(7) = -t4*t13*(P(7,16)*magE-P(7,17)*magN);
Kfusion(8) = -t4*t13*(P(8,16)*magE-P(8,17)*magN);
Kfusion(9) = -t4*t13*(P(9,16)*magE-P(9,17)*magN);
Kfusion(10) = -t4*t13*(P(10,16)*magE-P(10,17)*magN);
Kfusion(11) = -t4*t13*(P(11,16)*magE-P(11,17)*magN);
Kfusion(12) = -t4*t13*(P(12,16)*magE-P(12,17)*magN);
Kfusion(13) = -t4*t13*(P(13,16)*magE-P(13,17)*magN);
Kfusion(14) = -t4*t13*(P(14,16)*magE-P(14,17)*magN);
Kfusion(15) = -t4*t13*(P(15,16)*magE-P(15,17)*magN);
Kfusion(16) = -t4*t13*(P(16,16)*magE-P(16,17)*magN);
Kfusion(17) = -t4*t13*(P(17,16)*magE-P(17,17)*magN);
Kfusion(18) = -t4*t13*(P(18,16)*magE-P(18,17)*magN);
Kfusion(19) = -t4*t13*(P(19,16)*magE-P(19,17)*magN);
Kfusion(20) = -t4*t13*(P(20,16)*magE-P(20,17)*magN);
Kfusion(21) = -t4*t13*(P(21,16)*magE-P(21,17)*magN);
Kfusion(22) = -t4*t13*(P(22,16)*magE-P(22,17)*magN);
Kfusion(23) = -t4*t13*(P(23,16)*magE-P(23,17)*magN);
// find largest observation variance difference as a fraction of the matlab value
float max_diff_fraction = 0.0f;
int max_row;
float max_old, max_new;
for (int row=0; row<24; row++) {
float diff_fraction;
if (H_DECL(row) != 0.0f) {
diff_fraction = fabsf(Hfusion_sympy[row] - H_DECL(row)) / fabsf(H_DECL(row));
} else if (Hfusion_sympy[row] != 0.0f) {
diff_fraction = fabsf(Hfusion_sympy[row] - H_DECL(row)) / fabsf(Hfusion_sympy[row]);
} else {
diff_fraction = 0.0f;
if (diff_fraction > max_diff_fraction) {
max_diff_fraction = diff_fraction;
max_row = row;
max_old = H_DECL(row);
max_new = Hfusion_sympy[row];
if (max_diff_fraction > 1e-5f) {
printf("Fail: Mag Declination Hfusion max diff fraction = %e , old = %e , new = %e , location index = %i\n",max_diff_fraction, max_old, max_new, max_row);
} else {
printf("Pass: Mag Declination Hfusion max diff fraction = %e\n",max_diff_fraction);
// find largest Kalman gain difference as a fraction of the matlab value
max_diff_fraction = 0.0f;
for (int row=0; row<4; row++) {
float diff_fraction;
if (Kfusion(row) != 0.0f) {
diff_fraction = fabsf(Kfusion_sympy(row) - Kfusion(row)) / fabsf(Kfusion(row));
} else if (Kfusion_sympy(row) != 0.0f) {
diff_fraction = fabsf(Kfusion_sympy(row) - Kfusion(row)) / fabsf(Kfusion_sympy(row));
} else {
diff_fraction = 0.0f;
if (diff_fraction > max_diff_fraction) {
max_diff_fraction = diff_fraction;
max_row = row;
max_old = Kfusion(row);
max_new = Kfusion_sympy(row);
if (max_diff_fraction > 1e-5f) {
printf("Fail: Mag Declination Kfusion max diff fraction = %e , old = %e , new = %e , location index = %i\n",max_diff_fraction, max_old, max_new, max_row);
} else {
printf("Pass: Mag Declination Kfusion max diff fraction = %e\n",max_diff_fraction);
return 0;

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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
// Sub Expressions
const float HK0 = 1.0F/((magN)*(magN));
const float HK1 = HK0*(magE)*(magE) + 1;
const float HK2 = 1.0F/(HK1);
const float HK3 = 1.0F/(magN);
const float HK4 = HK2*HK3;
const float HK5 = HK3*magE;
const float HK6 = HK5*P(16,17) - P(17,17);
const float HK7 = 1.0F/((HK1)*(HK1));
const float HK8 = HK5*P(16,16) - P(16,17);
const float HK9 = HK4/(-HK0*HK6*HK7 + HK7*HK8*magE/ecl::powf(magN, 3) + R_DECL);
// Observation Jacobians
Hfusion.at<16>() = -HK0*HK2*magE;
Hfusion.at<17>() = HK4;
// Kalman gains
Kfusion(0) = -HK9*(HK5*P(0,16) - P(0,17));
Kfusion(1) = -HK9*(HK5*P(1,16) - P(1,17));
Kfusion(2) = -HK9*(HK5*P(2,16) - P(2,17));
Kfusion(3) = -HK9*(HK5*P(3,16) - P(3,17));
Kfusion(4) = -HK9*(HK5*P(4,16) - P(4,17));
Kfusion(5) = -HK9*(HK5*P(5,16) - P(5,17));
Kfusion(6) = -HK9*(HK5*P(6,16) - P(6,17));
Kfusion(7) = -HK9*(HK5*P(7,16) - P(7,17));
Kfusion(8) = -HK9*(HK5*P(8,16) - P(8,17));
Kfusion(9) = -HK9*(HK5*P(9,16) - P(9,17));
Kfusion(10) = -HK9*(HK5*P(10,16) - P(10,17));
Kfusion(11) = -HK9*(HK5*P(11,16) - P(11,17));
Kfusion(12) = -HK9*(HK5*P(12,16) - P(12,17));
Kfusion(13) = -HK9*(HK5*P(13,16) - P(13,17));
Kfusion(14) = -HK9*(HK5*P(14,16) - P(14,17));
Kfusion(15) = -HK9*(HK5*P(15,16) - P(15,17));
Kfusion(16) = -HK8*HK9;
Kfusion(17) = -HK6*HK9;
Kfusion(18) = -HK9*(HK5*P(16,18) - P(17,18));
Kfusion(19) = -HK9*(HK5*P(16,19) - P(17,19));
Kfusion(20) = -HK9*(HK5*P(16,20) - P(17,20));
Kfusion(21) = -HK9*(HK5*P(16,21) - P(17,21));
Kfusion(22) = -HK9*(HK5*P(16,22) - P(17,22));
Kfusion(23) = -HK9*(HK5*P(16,23) - P(17,23));
// Predicted observation
// Innovation variance