forked from Archive/PX4-Autopilot
Tools/serial: add script to generate ROMFS serial startup logic & serial parameters
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
""" Script to generate Serial (UART) parameters and the ROMFS startup script """
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import os
import sys
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
## Configuration
# All possible Serial ports and their default param values.
# Omitted default values will be set to 0.
serial_ports = {
"GPS1": {
"label": "GPS 1",
"defaults": {
"CONFIG": 'Main GPS',
"BAUD": 0,
"GPS2": {
"label": "GPS 2",
"defaults": {
"CONFIG": 'Disabled',
"BAUD": 0,
"TEL1": {
"label": "TELEM 1",
"defaults": {
"CONFIG": 'MAVLink',
"BAUD": 57600,
"MAV_MDE": 'Normal',
"MAV_R": 1200,
"MAV_FWD": 1,
"TEL2": { # companion port
"label": "TELEM 2",
"defaults": {
"CONFIG": 'Disabled', # disabled by default to reduce RAM usage
"BAUD": 57600,
"TEL3": {
"label": "TELEM 3",
"defaults": {
"CONFIG": 'Disabled',
"BAUD": 57600,
"MAV_MDE": 'Normal',
"TEL4": {
"label": "TELEM 4",
"defaults": {
"CONFIG": 'MAVLink',
"BAUD": 57600,
"MAV_MDE": 'Normal',
"MAV_R": 1200,
"URT3": { # for Omnibus
"label": "UART 3",
"defaults": {
"CONFIG": 'MAVLink',
"BAUD": 57600,
"MAV_MDE": 'Normal',
"MAV_R": 1200,
"MAV_FWD": 1,
"URT6": { # for Omnibus
"label": "UART 6",
"defaults": {
"CONFIG": 'Main GPS',
"BAUD": 0,
# Serial commands: each dict entry is a list with 2 items:
# - user-facing label (must be short, will be shown in a drop-down list)
# - ROMFS command (can be more than one or any scripting logic).
# These variables can be used:
# ${SER_DEV} Serial device (e.g. /dev/ttyS1)
# ${SER_TAG} Serial tag (e.g. GPS1)
# SER_${SER_TAG}_CONFIG Param name for the current configuration
# SER_${SER_TAG}_BAUD Param name for the current baudrate
# SER_${SER_TAG}_MAV_MDE Param name for the current mavlink mode
# SER_${SER_TAG}_MAV_R Param name for the current mavlink rate
# SER_${SER_TAG}_MAV_FWD Param name for current mavlink forwarding
# ${DUAL_GPS_ARGS} Arguments passed to the gps to start the secondary GPS
# ${MAV_ARGS} Mavlink arguments (baudrate, mode and rate)
# Note: do NOT re-use or change indexes. When adding a command, always use an
# index that has never been used before. This is important for compatibility
# with QGC
serial_commands = {
0: ["Disabled", ""],
# MAVLink & RTPS
1: ["MAVLink", "mavlink start -d ${SER_DEV} ${MAV_ARGS} -x"],
2: ["MAVLink over Syslink", '''
syslink start
mavlink start -d /dev/bridge0 ${MAV_ARGS}
3: ["MAVLink over Iridium", '''
iridiumsbd start -d ${SER_DEV}
mavlink start -d /dev/iridium -b 19200 -m iridium -r 10
4: ["MAVLink + FastRTPS", '''
protocol_splitter start ${SER_DEV}
mavlink start -d /dev/mavlink ${MAV_ARGS} -x
micrortps_client start -d /dev/rtps -b p:SER_${SER_TAG}_BAUD -l -1
5: ["FastRTPS", "micrortps_client start -d ${SER_DEV} -b p:SER_${SER_TAG}_BAUD -l -1"],
50: ["Main GPS", "gps start -d ${SER_DEV} ${DUAL_GPS_ARGS}"],
51: ["Secondary GPS", ""], # special handling for the command
# Telemetry
100: ["FrSky Telemetry", "frsky_telemetry start -d ${SER_DEV}"],
101: ["HoTT Telemetry", "hott_telemetry start -d ${SER_DEV}"],
# Sensor drivers
200: ["LeddarOne Rangefinder", "leddar_one start -d ${SER_DEV}"],
201: ["Benewake TFmini Rangefinder", "tfmini start -d ${SER_DEV}"],
202: ["Lightware Laser Rangefinder", "sf0x start -d ${SER_DEV}"],
mavlink_modes = {
0: "Normal",
1: "Custom",
2: "Onboard",
3: "OSD",
4: "Magic",
5: "Config",
6: "Iridium",
7: "Minimal",
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate Serial params & startup script')
parser.add_argument('--serial-ports', type=str, nargs='*', metavar="TAG:DEVICE",
help='Serial ports: mappings from the tag name to the device (e.g. GPS1:/dev/ttyS1)')
parser.add_argument('--all-ports', action='store_true',
help='Generate output for all known ports (params file only)')
parser.add_argument('--rc-file', type=str, action='store',
help='ROMFS output script', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--params-file', type=str, action='store',
help='Parameter output file', default=None)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
help='Verbose Output')
args = parser.parse_args()
arg_board_serial_ports = args.serial_ports
verbose = args.verbose
rc_serial_output_file = args.rc_file
rc_serial_template = 'rc.serial.jinja'
serial_params_output_file = args.params_file
serial_params_template = 'serial_params.c.jinja'
generate_for_all_ports = args.all_ports
if generate_for_all_ports:
board_ports = [(key, "") for key in serial_ports]
# convert arg_board_serial_ports list [ "TAG:DEVICE" ] into [ ("TAG", "DEVICE") ]
board_ports = [tuple(port.split(":")) for port in arg_board_serial_ports]
if rc_serial_output_file is None and serial_params_output_file is None:
raise Exception("At least one of --rc-file (e.g. rc.serial) or --params-file "
"(e.g. serial_params.c) needs to be specified")
# replace strings in defaults with their numerical value
for key in serial_ports:
defaults = serial_ports[key]["defaults"]
if "CONFIG" in defaults and isinstance(defaults["CONFIG"], str):
config_index_list = [ key for key in serial_commands \
if serial_commands[key][0] == defaults["CONFIG"]]
if len(config_index_list) == 0:
raise Exception("Config mode {:} not found".format(defaults["CONFIG"]))
defaults["CONFIG"] = config_index_list[0]
if "MAV_MDE" in defaults and isinstance(defaults["MAV_MDE"], str):
mode_index_list = [ key for key in mavlink_modes \
if mavlink_modes[key] == defaults["MAV_MDE"]]
if len(mode_index_list) == 0:
raise Exception("Mavlink mode {:} not found".format(defaults["MAV_MDE"]))
defaults["MAV_MDE"] = mode_index_list[0]
# sanity check (makes sure the param names don't exceed the max length of 16 chars)
for key in serial_ports:
if len(key) > 4:
raise Exception("Serial tag {:} is too long (max length=4)".format(key))
serial_devices = []
for tag, device in board_ports:
if tag not in serial_ports:
raise Exception("Unknown serial port {:}. "
"You might have to add it to serial_ports in\n {:}".format(tag,
'tag': tag,
'device': device,
'label': serial_ports[tag]["label"]
# construct commands based on selected board
commands = []
disabled_commands = [] # e.g. ["HoTT Telemetry"] TODO: do we need support for that and configure it from the board config?
for key in serial_commands:
if serial_commands[key][0] in disabled_commands:
label = serial_commands[key][0]
command = serial_commands[key][1]
'value': key,
'command': command,
'label': label
if verbose:
print("Serial Devices: {:}".format(serial_devices))
#print("Commands: {:}".format(commands))
jinja_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(
# generate the ROMFS script using a jinja template
if rc_serial_output_file is not None:
if generate_for_all_ports:
raise Exception("Cannot create rc file for --all-ports")
if verbose: print("Generating {:}".format(rc_serial_output_file))
if len(serial_devices) == 0:
# if the board has no UARTs, create an empty rc file
open(rc_serial_output_file, 'w').close()
template = jinja_env.get_template(rc_serial_template)
with open(rc_serial_output_file, 'w') as fid:
secondary_gps_value = 51
# sanity-check
if serial_commands[secondary_gps_value][0] != "Secondary GPS":
raise Exception("Unexpected value for Secondary GPS")
# parameter definitions
if serial_params_output_file is not None:
if verbose: print("Generating {:}".format(serial_params_output_file))
template = jinja_env.get_template(serial_params_template)
with open(serial_params_output_file, 'w') as fid:
commands=commands, mavlink_modes=mavlink_modes,
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
{# jinja template to generate the serial autostart script. #}
# serial autostart script generated with
# set dual gps args
set SER_TAG {{ serial_devices[0].tag }}
set SER_DEV {{ serial_devices[0].device }}
while [ ${SER_TAG} != exit ]
if param compare SER_${SER_TAG}_CONFIG {{ secondary_gps_value }}
echo "Starting Secondary GPS on ${SER_DEV} (${SER_TAG})"
# loop iteration
{# need to iterate in reversed order -#}
{% set last = serial_devices|last -%}
if [ ${SER_TAG} == {{ last.tag }} ]
set SER_TAG exit
{% for serial_device in serial_devices | reverse -%}
{% if not loop.first -%}
{% set next = loop.previtem -%}
if [ ${SER_TAG} == {{ serial_device.tag }} ]
set SER_TAG {{ next.tag }}
set SER_DEV {{ next.device }}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor %}
# start the devices on the configured ports
set SER_TAG {{ serial_devices[0].tag }}
set SER_DEV {{ serial_devices[0].device }}
while [ ${SER_TAG} != exit ]
# Access all params so that they're sent to a GCS upon param loading
# initialize params
if param compare SER_${SER_TAG}_MAV_FWD 1
set MAV_ARGS "${MAV_ARGS} -f"
# start commands
{% for command in commands -%}
{% if command.command | length > 0 -%}
if param compare SER_${SER_TAG}_CONFIG {{ command.value }}
{# the echo can be disabled if too verbose... -#}
echo "Starting {{ command.label }} on ${SER_DEV} (${SER_TAG})"
{{ command.command }}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor %}
# loop iteration
{# need to iterate in reversed order -#}
{% set last = serial_devices|last -%}
if [ ${SER_TAG} == {{ last.tag }} ]
set SER_TAG exit
{% for serial_device in serial_devices | reverse -%}
{% if not loop.first -%}
{% set next = loop.previtem -%}
if [ ${SER_TAG} == {{ serial_device.tag }} ]
set SER_TAG {{ next.tag }}
set SER_DEV {{ next.device }}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor %}
unset SER_TAG
unset SER_DEV
unset MAV_ARGS
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
{# jinja template to generate the serial parameters. #}
{% for serial_device in serial_devices -%}
* Serial Configuration for {{ serial_device.label }} Port
* Configure what is running on the {{ serial_device.label }} Serial Port.
{% for command in commands -%}
* @value {{ command.value }} {{ command.label }}
{% endfor -%}
* @group Serial
* @reboot_required true
PARAM_DEFINE_INT32(SER_{{ serial_device.tag }}_CONFIG, {{
serial_ports[serial_device.tag].defaults["CONFIG"]|default(0) }});
* Baudrate for {{ serial_device.label }} Port
* Configure the Baudrate for the {{ serial_device.label }} Serial Port.
* Certain drivers such as the GPS determine the Baudrate automatically, and
* changing this parameter will have no effect.
* @value 0 Auto
* @value 50 50 8N1
* @value 75 75 8N1
* @value 110 110 8N1
* @value 134 134 8N1
* @value 150 150 8N1
* @value 200 200 8N1
* @value 300 300 8N1
* @value 600 600 8N1
* @value 1200 1200 8N1
* @value 1800 1800 8N1
* @value 2400 2400 8N1
* @value 4800 4800 8N1
* @value 9600 9600 8N1
* @value 19200 19200 8N1
* @value 38400 38400 8N1
* @value 57600 57600 8N1
* @value 115200 115200 8N1
* @value 230400 230400 8N1
* @value 460800 460800 8N1
* @value 500000 500000 8N1
* @value 921600 921600 8N1
* @value 1000000 1000000 8N1
* @value 1500000 1500000 8N1
* @value 3000000 3000000 8N1
* @group Serial
* @reboot_required true
PARAM_DEFINE_INT32(SER_{{ serial_device.tag }}_BAUD, {{
serial_ports[serial_device.tag].defaults["BAUD"]|default(0) }});
* MAVLink Mode for {{ serial_device.label }} Port
* The MAVLink Mode defines the set of streamed messages (for example the
* vehicle's attitude) and their sending rates.
* Note: this is only used if the {{ serial_device.label }} Port is configured to run MAVLink.
{% for key, value in mavlink_modes.iteritems() -%}
* @value {{ key }} {{ value }}
{% endfor -%}
* @group Serial
* @reboot_required true
PARAM_DEFINE_INT32(SER_{{ serial_device.tag }}_MAV_MDE, {{
serial_ports[serial_device.tag].defaults["MAV_MDE"]|default(0) }});
* Maximum MAVLink sending rate for {{ serial_device.label }} Port
* Configure the maximum sending rate for the MAVLink streams in Bytes/sec.
* If the configured streams exceed the maximum rate, the sending rate of
* each stream is automatically decreased.
* If this is set to 0, a value of <baudrate>/20 is used, which corresponds to
* half of the theoretical maximum bandwidth.
* Note: this is only used if the {{ serial_device.label }} Port is configured to run MAVLink.
* @min 0
* @unit B/s
* @group Serial
* @reboot_required true
PARAM_DEFINE_INT32(SER_{{ serial_device.tag }}_MAV_R, {{
serial_ports[serial_device.tag].defaults["MAV_R"]|default(0) }});
* Enable MAVLink Message forwarding for {{ serial_device.label }} Port
* If enabled, forward incoming MAVLink messages to other MAVLink ports if the
* message is either broadcast or the target is not the autopilot.
* This allows for example a GCS to talk to a camera that is connected to the
* autopilot via MAVLink (on a different link than the GCS).
* Note: this is only used if the {{ serial_device.label }} Port is configured to run MAVLink.
* @boolean
* @group Serial
* @reboot_required true
PARAM_DEFINE_INT32(SER_{{ serial_device.tag }}_MAV_FWD, {{
serial_ports[serial_device.tag].defaults["MAV_FWD"]|default(0) }});
{% endfor %}
Reference in New Issue