WindEstimator: use SymForce auto-generated function for airspeed fusion

This commit is contained in:
bresch 2022-07-08 12:26:32 +02:00 committed by Daniel Agar
parent e6eed43648
commit 26190a7799
5 changed files with 147 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -26,3 +26,5 @@ requests

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@ -141,37 +141,11 @@ WindEstimator::fuse_airspeed(uint64_t time_now, const float true_airspeed, const
_time_last_airspeed_fuse = time_now;
// assign helper variables
const float v_n = velI(0);
const float v_e = velI(1);
const float v_d = velI(2);
// calculate airspeed from ground speed and wind states (without scale)
const float airspeed_predicted_raw = sqrtf((v_n - _state(INDEX_W_N)) * (v_n - _state(INDEX_W_N)) +
(v_e - _state(INDEX_W_E)) * (v_e - _state(INDEX_W_E)) + v_d * v_d);
// compute state observation matrix H
const float HH0 = airspeed_predicted_raw;
const float HH1 = _state(INDEX_TAS_SCALE) / math::max(HH0, 0.1f);
matrix::Matrix<float, 1, 3> H_tas;
H_tas(0, 0) = HH1 * (-v_n + _state(INDEX_W_N));
H_tas(0, 1) = HH1 * (-v_e + _state(INDEX_W_E));
H_tas(0, 2) = HH0;
matrix::Matrix<float, 3, 1> K;
// compute innovation covariance S
const matrix::Matrix<float, 1, 1> S = H_tas * _P * H_tas.transpose() + _tas_var;
// compute Kalman gain
matrix::Matrix<float, 3, 1> K = _P * H_tas.transpose();
K /= S(0, 0);
// compute innovation
const float airspeed_pred = _state(INDEX_TAS_SCALE) * airspeed_predicted_raw;
_tas_innov = true_airspeed - airspeed_pred;
// innovation variance
_tas_innov_var = S(0, 0);
sym::FuseAirspeed(velI, _state, _P, true_airspeed, _tas_var, FLT_EPSILON,
&H_tas, &K, &_tas_innov_var, &_tas_innov);
bool reinit_filter = false;
bool meas_is_rejected = false;

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@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
#include <mathlib/mathlib.h>
#include <matrix/math.hpp>
#include "python/generated/fuse_airspeed.h"
using namespace time_literals;
class WindEstimator

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
import os
from symforce import symbolic as sm
from symforce import geo
from symforce import typing as T
def fuse_airspeed(
v_local: geo.V3,
state: geo.V3,
P: geo.M33,
airspeed: T.Scalar,
R: T.Scalar,
epsilon: T.Scalar
) -> geo.V3:
vel_rel = geo.V3(v_local[0] - state[0], v_local[1] - state[1], v_local[2])
airspeed_pred = vel_rel.norm(epsilon=epsilon) * state[2]
innov = airspeed - airspeed_pred
H = geo.V1(airspeed_pred).jacobian(state)
innov_var = (H * P * H.transpose() + R)[0,0]
K = P * H.transpose() / sm.Max(innov_var, epsilon)
return (geo.V3(H), K, innov_var, innov)
from symforce.codegen import Codegen, CppConfig
codegen = Codegen.function(
output_names=["H", "K", "innov_var", "innov"],
metadata = codegen.generate_function(
print("Files generated in {}:\n".format(metadata.output_dir))
for f in metadata.generated_files:
print(" |- {}".format(os.path.relpath(f, metadata.output_dir)))
# Replace cstdlib and Eigen functions by PX4 equivalents
import fileinput
with fileinput.FileInput(os.path.abspath(metadata.generated_files[0]), inplace=True, backup='.bak') as file:
for line in file:
line = line.replace("std::max", "math::max")
line = line.replace("std", "matrix")
line = line.replace("Eigen", "matrix")
line = line.replace("matrix/Dense", "matrix/math.hpp")
print(line, end='')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file was autogenerated by symforce from template:
// backends/cpp/templates/function/FUNCTION.h.jinja
// Do NOT modify by hand.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma once
#include <matrix/math.hpp>
namespace sym {
* This function was autogenerated from a symbolic function. Do not modify by hand.
* Symbolic function: fuse_airspeed
* Args:
* v_local: Matrix31
* state: Matrix31
* P: Matrix33
* airspeed: Scalar
* R: Scalar
* epsilon: Scalar
* Outputs:
* H: Matrix13
* K: Matrix31
* innov_var: Scalar
* innov: Scalar
template <typename Scalar>
void FuseAirspeed(const matrix::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1>& v_local,
const matrix::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1>& state, const matrix::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3>& P,
const Scalar airspeed, const Scalar R, const Scalar epsilon,
matrix::Matrix<Scalar, 1, 3>* const H = nullptr,
matrix::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1>* const K = nullptr, Scalar* const innov_var = nullptr,
Scalar* const innov = nullptr) {
// Total ops: 56
// Input arrays
// Intermediate terms (11)
const Scalar _tmp0 = -state(0, 0) + v_local(0, 0);
const Scalar _tmp1 = -state(1, 0) + v_local(1, 0);
const Scalar _tmp2 = matrix::sqrt(Scalar(matrix::pow(_tmp0, Scalar(2)) + matrix::pow(_tmp1, Scalar(2)) +
epsilon + matrix::pow(v_local(2, 0), Scalar(2))));
const Scalar _tmp3 = state(2, 0) / _tmp2;
const Scalar _tmp4 = _tmp0 * _tmp3;
const Scalar _tmp5 = _tmp1 * _tmp3;
const Scalar _tmp6 = -P(0, 0) * _tmp4;
const Scalar _tmp7 = -P(1, 1) * _tmp5;
const Scalar _tmp8 = P(2, 2) * _tmp2;
const Scalar _tmp9 = R + _tmp2 * (-P(0, 2) * _tmp4 - P(1, 2) * _tmp5 + _tmp8) -
_tmp4 * (-P(1, 0) * _tmp5 + P(2, 0) * _tmp2 + _tmp6) -
_tmp5 * (-P(0, 1) * _tmp4 + P(2, 1) * _tmp2 + _tmp7);
const Scalar _tmp10 = Scalar(1.0) / (math::max<Scalar>(_tmp9, epsilon));
// Output terms (4)
if (H != nullptr) {
matrix::Matrix<Scalar, 1, 3>& _H = (*H);
_H(0, 0) = -_tmp4;
_H(0, 1) = -_tmp5;
_H(0, 2) = _tmp2;
if (K != nullptr) {
matrix::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1>& _K = (*K);
_K(0, 0) = _tmp10 * (-P(0, 1) * _tmp5 + P(0, 2) * _tmp2 + _tmp6);
_K(1, 0) = _tmp10 * (-P(1, 0) * _tmp4 + P(1, 2) * _tmp2 + _tmp7);
_K(2, 0) = _tmp10 * (-P(2, 0) * _tmp4 - P(2, 1) * _tmp5 + _tmp8);
if (innov_var != nullptr) {
Scalar& _innov_var = (*innov_var);
_innov_var = _tmp9;
if (innov != nullptr) {
Scalar& _innov = (*innov);
_innov = -_tmp2 * state(2, 0) + airspeed;
} // NOLINT(readability/fn_size)
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability/fn_size)
} // namespace sym