multirotor_pos_control: fixed wrong merging

This commit is contained in:
Anton Babushkin 2013-11-23 12:48:26 +04:00
parent 2b2cf82a2c
commit 20ac3c8155
1 changed files with 81 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -70,11 +70,13 @@
#include "multirotor_pos_control_params.h"
#include "thrust_pid.h"
static bool thread_should_exit = false; /**< Deamon exit flag */
static bool thread_running = false; /**< Deamon status flag */
static int deamon_task; /**< Handle of deamon task / thread */
static const float alt_ctl_dz = 0.2f;
static const float pos_ctl_dz = 0.05f;
__EXPORT int multirotor_pos_control_main(int argc, char *argv[]);
@ -133,8 +135,14 @@ int multirotor_pos_control_main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (!strcmp(argv[1], "stop")) {
thread_should_exit = true;
if (thread_running) {
thread_should_exit = true;
} else {
warnx("app not started");
@ -223,14 +231,17 @@ static int multirotor_pos_control_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[])
bool reset_auto_sp_xy = true;
bool reset_auto_sp_z = true;
bool reset_takeoff_sp = true;
hrt_abstime t_prev = 0;
const float alt_ctl_dz = 0.2f;
const float pos_ctl_dz = 0.05f;
bool reset_z_sp_dist = false;
float surface_offset = 0.0f; // Z of ground level
float sp_z_dist = 0.0f; // distance to ground setpoint (positive)
float ref_alt = 0.0f;
hrt_abstime ref_alt_t = 0;
hrt_abstime ref_timestamp = 0;
hrt_abstime t_prev = 0;
uint64_t local_ref_timestamp = 0;
uint64_t surface_bottom_timestamp = 0;
PID_t xy_pos_pids[2];
PID_t xy_vel_pids[2];
@ -244,7 +255,6 @@ static int multirotor_pos_control_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[])
parameters_update(&params_h, &params);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
pid_init(&(xy_pos_pids[i]), params.xy_p, 0.0f, params.xy_d, 1.0f, 0.0f, PID_MODE_DERIVATIV_SET, 0.02f);
pid_init(&(xy_vel_pids[i]), params.xy_vel_p, params.xy_vel_i, params.xy_vel_d, 1.0f, params.tilt_max, PID_MODE_DERIVATIV_CALC_NO_SP, 0.02f);
@ -325,45 +335,71 @@ static int multirotor_pos_control_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[])
t_prev = t;
orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), local_pos_sub, &local_pos);
if (control_mode.flag_control_altitude_enabled || control_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled || control_mode.flag_control_position_enabled) {
orb_copy(ORB_ID(manual_control_setpoint), manual_sub, &manual);
orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), att_sub, &att);
orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude_setpoint), att_sp_sub, &att_sp);
orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), local_pos_sub, &local_pos);
float z_sp_offs_max = params.z_vel_max / params.z_p * 2.0f;
float xy_sp_offs_max = params.xy_vel_max / params.xy_p * 2.0f;
float sp_move_rate[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float sp_z = local_pos_sp.z;
float z = local_pos.z;
float vz = local_pos.vz;
if (control_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled) {
/* manual control */
/* check for reference point updates and correct setpoint */
if (local_pos.ref_timestamp != ref_alt_t) {
if (ref_alt_t != 0) {
/* home alt changed, don't follow large ground level changes in manual flight */
local_pos_sp.z += local_pos.ref_alt - ref_alt;
ref_alt_t = local_pos.ref_timestamp;
ref_alt = local_pos.ref_alt;
if (local_pos.ref_timestamp != ref_timestamp) {
/* reference alt changed, don't follow large ground level changes in manual flight */
local_pos_sp.z += local_pos.ref_alt - ref_alt;
// TODO also correct XY setpoint
/* reset setpoints to current position if needed */
if (control_mode.flag_control_altitude_enabled) {
/* reset setpoints to current position if needed */
if (reset_man_sp_z) {
reset_man_sp_z = false;
local_pos_sp.z = local_pos.z;
reset_z_sp_dist = true;
mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[mpc] reset alt sp: %.2f", (double) - local_pos_sp.z);
/* if distance to surface is available, use it */
if (control_mode.flag_use_dist_bottom && local_pos.dist_bottom_valid) {
if (reset_z_sp_dist) {
reset_z_sp_dist = false;
surface_offset = local_pos.z + local_pos.dist_bottom;
sp_z_dist = -local_pos_sp.z + surface_offset;
mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[mpc] surface offset: %.2f", surface_offset);
} else {
if (local_pos.surface_bottom_timestamp != surface_bottom_timestamp) {
/* new surface level */
sp_z_dist += local_pos.z + local_pos.dist_bottom - surface_offset;
surface_offset = local_pos.z + local_pos.dist_bottom;
z = -local_pos.dist_bottom;
vz = -local_pos.dist_bottom_rate;
/* move altitude setpoint according to ground distance */
local_pos_sp.z = surface_offset - sp_z_dist;
/* move altitude setpoint with throttle stick */
float z_sp_ctl = scale_control(manual.throttle - 0.5f, 0.5f, alt_ctl_dz);
if (z_sp_ctl != 0.0f) {
sp_move_rate[2] = -z_sp_ctl * params.z_vel_max;
local_pos_sp.z += sp_move_rate[2] * dt;
sp_z_dist -= sp_move_rate[2] * dt;
// TODO add z_sp_dist correction here
if (local_pos_sp.z > local_pos.z + z_sp_offs_max) {
local_pos_sp.z = local_pos.z + z_sp_offs_max;
@ -371,6 +407,12 @@ static int multirotor_pos_control_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[])
local_pos_sp.z = local_pos.z - z_sp_offs_max;
if (control_mode.flag_use_dist_bottom && local_pos.dist_bottom_valid) {
sp_z = -sp_z_dist;
} else {
sp_z = local_pos_sp.z;
if (control_mode.flag_control_position_enabled) {
@ -471,6 +513,7 @@ static int multirotor_pos_control_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[])
} else {
local_pos_sp.z = local_pos.ref_alt - global_pos_sp.altitude;
/* update yaw setpoint only if value is valid */
if (isfinite(global_pos_sp.yaw) && fabsf(global_pos_sp.yaw) < M_TWOPI) {
att_sp.yaw_body = global_pos_sp.yaw;
@ -516,6 +559,8 @@ static int multirotor_pos_control_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[])
reset_man_sp_xy = true;
reset_man_sp_z = true;
sp_z = local_pos_sp.z;
} else {
/* no control (failsafe), loiter or stay on ground */
if (local_pos.landed) {
@ -553,6 +598,8 @@ static int multirotor_pos_control_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[])
reset_auto_sp_xy = false;
sp_z = local_pos_sp.z;
/* publish local position setpoint */
@ -560,7 +607,8 @@ static int multirotor_pos_control_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* run position & altitude controllers, calculate velocity setpoint */
if (control_mode.flag_control_altitude_enabled) {
global_vel_sp.vz = pid_calculate(&z_pos_pid, local_pos_sp.z, local_pos.z, local_pos.vz - sp_move_rate[2], dt) + sp_move_rate[2];
// TODO add feed-forward to PID library to allow limiting resulting value
global_vel_sp.vz = pid_calculate(&z_pos_pid, sp_z, z, vz - sp_move_rate[2], dt) + sp_move_rate[2];
} else {
reset_man_sp_z = true;
@ -614,7 +662,7 @@ static int multirotor_pos_control_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[])
mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[mpc] reset hovering thrust: %.2f", (double)i);
thrust_sp[2] = thrust_pid_calculate(&z_vel_pid, global_vel_sp.vz, local_pos.vz, dt, att.R[2][2]);
thrust_sp[2] = thrust_pid_calculate(&z_vel_pid, global_vel_sp.vz, vz, dt, att.R[2][2]);
att_sp.thrust = -thrust_sp[2];
} else {
@ -675,8 +723,18 @@ static int multirotor_pos_control_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* reset altitude controller integral (hovering throttle) to manual throttle after manual throttle control */
reset_int_z_manual = control_mode.flag_armed && control_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled && !control_mode.flag_control_climb_rate_enabled;
/* run at approximately 50 Hz */
/* reset distance setpoint if distance is not available */
if (!local_pos.dist_bottom_valid || !control_mode.flag_use_dist_bottom) {
reset_z_sp_dist = true;
surface_bottom_timestamp = local_pos.surface_bottom_timestamp;
ref_alt = local_pos.ref_alt;
ref_timestamp = local_pos.ref_timestamp;
/* run at approximately 100 Hz */