EKFGSF_yaw: cleanup initialization of member variables

This commit is contained in:
bresch 2020-05-08 15:22:18 +02:00 committed by Mathieu Bresciani
parent 12835b999e
commit 0e3bf2872c
1 changed files with 32 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -60,25 +60,25 @@ private:
// Declarations used by the bank of N_MODELS_EKFGSF AHRS complementary filters
Vector3f _delta_ang; // IMU delta angle (rad)
Vector3f _delta_vel; // IMU delta velocity (m/s)
float _delta_ang_dt; // _delta_ang integration time interval (sec)
float _delta_vel_dt; // _delta_vel integration time interval (sec)
float _true_airspeed; // true airspeed used for centripetal accel compensation (m/s)
Vector3f _delta_ang{}; // IMU delta angle (rad)
Vector3f _delta_vel{}; // IMU delta velocity (m/s)
float _delta_ang_dt{}; // _delta_ang integration time interval (sec)
float _delta_vel_dt{}; // _delta_vel integration time interval (sec)
float _true_airspeed{}; // true airspeed used for centripetal accel compensation (m/s)
struct _ahrs_ekf_gsf_struct{
Dcmf R; // matrix that rotates a vector from body to earth frame
Vector3f gyro_bias; // gyro bias learned and used by the quaternion calculation
bool aligned{false}; // true when AHRS has been aligned
float vel_NE[2] {}; // NE velocity vector from last GPS measurement (m/s)
bool fuse_gps = false; // true when GPS should be fused on that frame
float accel_dt = 0; // time step used when generating _simple_accel_FR data (sec)
_ahrs_ekf_gsf_struct _ahrs_ekf_gsf[N_MODELS_EKFGSF];
bool _ahrs_ekf_gsf_tilt_aligned = false;// true the initial tilt alignment has been calculated
float _ahrs_accel_fusion_gain; // gain from accel vector tilt error to rate gyro correction used by AHRS calculation
Vector3f _ahrs_accel; // low pass filtered body frame specific force vector used by AHRS calculation (m/s/s)
float _ahrs_accel_norm; // length of _ahrs_accel specific force vector used by AHRS calculation (m/s/s)
Dcmf R; // matrix that rotates a vector from body to earth frame
Vector3f gyro_bias; // gyro bias learned and used by the quaternion calculation
bool aligned; // true when AHRS has been aligned
float vel_NE[2]; // NE velocity vector from last GPS measurement (m/s)
bool fuse_gps; // true when GPS should be fused on that frame
float accel_dt; // time step used when generating _simple_accel_FR data (sec)
} _ahrs_ekf_gsf[N_MODELS_EKFGSF]{};
bool _ahrs_ekf_gsf_tilt_aligned{}; // true the initial tilt alignment has been calculated
float _ahrs_accel_fusion_gain{}; // gain from accel vector tilt error to rate gyro correction used by AHRS calculation
Vector3f _ahrs_accel{}; // low pass filtered body frame specific force vector used by AHRS calculation (m/s/s)
float _ahrs_accel_norm{}; // length of _ahrs_accel specific force vector used by AHRS calculation (m/s/s)
// calculate the gain from gravity vector misalingment to tilt correction to be used by all AHRS filters
float ahrsCalcAccelGain() const;
@ -98,18 +98,18 @@ private:
// Declarations used by a bank of N_MODELS_EKFGSF EKFs
struct _ekf_gsf_struct{
matrix::Vector3f X; // Vel North (m/s), Vel East (m/s), yaw (rad)s
matrix::SquareMatrix<float, 3> P; // covariance matrix
matrix::SquareMatrix<float, 2> S_inverse; // inverse of the innovation covariance matrix
float S_det_inverse; // inverse of the innovation covariance matrix determinant
matrix::Vector2f innov; // Velocity N,E innovation (m/s)
_ekf_gsf_struct _ekf_gsf[N_MODELS_EKFGSF];
bool _vel_data_updated; // true when velocity data has been updated
bool _run_ekf_gsf; // true when operating condition is suitable for to run the GSF and EKF models and fuse velocity data
Vector2f _vel_NE; // NE velocity observations (m/s)
float _vel_accuracy; // 1-sigma accuracy of velocity observations (m/s)
bool _ekf_gsf_vel_fuse_started; // true when the EKF's have started fusing velocity data and the prediction and update processing is active
matrix::Vector3f X; // Vel North (m/s), Vel East (m/s), yaw (rad)s
matrix::SquareMatrix<float, 3> P; // covariance matrix
matrix::SquareMatrix<float, 2> S_inverse; // inverse of the innovation covariance matrix
float S_det_inverse; // inverse of the innovation covariance matrix determinant
matrix::Vector2f innov; // Velocity N,E innovation (m/s)
} _ekf_gsf[N_MODELS_EKFGSF]{};
bool _vel_data_updated{}; // true when velocity data has been updated
bool _run_ekf_gsf{}; // true when operating condition is suitable for to run the GSF and EKF models and fuse velocity data
Vector2f _vel_NE{}; // NE velocity observations (m/s)
float _vel_accuracy{}; // 1-sigma accuracy of velocity observations (m/s)
bool _ekf_gsf_vel_fuse_started{}; // true when the EKF's have started fusing velocity data and the prediction and update processing is active
// initialise states and covariance data for the GSF and EKF filters
void initialiseEKFGSF();
@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ private:
// Declarations used by the Gaussian Sum Filter (GSF) that combines the individual EKF yaw estimates
matrix::Vector<float, N_MODELS_EKFGSF> _model_weights;
float _gsf_yaw; // yaw estimate (rad)
float _gsf_yaw_variance; // variance of yaw estimate (rad^2)
matrix::Vector<float, N_MODELS_EKFGSF> _model_weights{};
float _gsf_yaw{}; // yaw estimate (rad)
float _gsf_yaw_variance{}; // variance of yaw estimate (rad^2)
// return the probability of the state estimate for the specified EKF assuming a gaussian error distribution
float gaussianDensity(const uint8_t model_index) const;