{#--------------------------------SDF generator for Spiri with Tether Gazebo model---------------------------#} {#------------------------------Retrieved from:https://github.com/RigidWing/sitl_gazebo----------------------#} {#---------------------------------Maintained by Kitepower BV: info@kitepower.nl-----------------------------#} {#--------------------------------The parameters bellow are the ones to be tweaked---------------------------#} {#--------------------------------------------:Tweakable parameters:-----------------------------------------#} {%- set number_elements = 1 -%} {%- set tl = 1 -%} {#- tl: length of the tether element (meters) -#} {%- set cr = 0.005 -%} {#- cr: radius of the tether element (meters) -#} {%- set cr_v = 0.005 -%} {#- cr_v: radius of the tether element visual (meters) -#} {%- set sr = 0.01 -%} {#- sr: element joint radius (sphere) (meters) -#} {%- set m = 0.005 * tl -%} {#- m: mass of the element (kg), given the length -#} {%- set cda = 1.253582 -%} {#- cda: the ratio of the drag coefficient before stall. -#} {%- set cda_stall = 1.4326647564469914 -%} {#- cda_stall: the ratio of the drag coefficient after stall. -#} {%- set damping = 0.05 -%} {#- Model damping -#} {%- set friction = 0.0 -%} {#- Friction of the model relative to the world -#} {%- set tether_stiffness = 0.05 -%} {#- Tether stiffness -#} {%- set joint_stiffness = 0.05 -%} {#- Joint stiffness, i.e where tether attaches to drone -#} {%- set spring_reference = 0.0 -%} {#- Reference where the spring forces are applied -#} {%- set element_color = 'White' -%} {#- Color of the tether elements -#} {%- set joint_color = 'Red' -%} {#- Color of the tether element joints -#} {%- set vehicle_spawn_point_y = 0.0 -%} {#- Y coordinate of vehicle spawn point -#} {%- set debug = 0 -%} {#- Used for debugging tether joints -#} {#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} {#---------------------------------------------:Payload parameters:-----------------------------------------#} {#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} {%- set payload_m = 0.5 -%} {#- Payload mass (kg) -#} {%- set pr = 0.025 -%} {#- Payload radius (meters). Has to be less than FULL tether length -#} {#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} {#----------------------------------------------:Spiri parameters:-------------------------------------------#} {#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} {%- set spiri_collision_x = 0.21355 -%} {%- set spiri_collision_y = 0.132 -%} {%- set spiri_collision_z = 0.04206 -%} {%- set theta = 1.5707 -%} {%- set yaw = 0 -%} {#- Necessary to spawn magnometer and Spiri in correct orientation -#} {#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} {#---------------------------------------------:Computed parameters:----------------------------------------#} {#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} {%- set last_elem = number_elements |int - 1 -%} {%- set full_tether_len = number_elements * tl -%} {%- set vehicle_spawn_point_x = full_tether_len -%} {#- Check if we are in debug mode -#} {%- if debug == 1 -%} {%- set vehicle_spawn_point_z = 4.0 -%} {#- Used to spawn in desired z location -#} {%- set pload_spawn_x = 0 -%} {%- set pload_spawn_y = 0 -%} {%- set pload_spawn_z = vehicle_spawn_point_z - tl -%} {%- set pload_joint_x = 0 -%} {%- set pload_joint_y = 0 -%} {%- set pload_joint_z = -tl/2 -%} {%- else -%} {%- set vehicle_spawn_point_z = 0.0 -%} {%- set pload_spawn_x = full_tether_len -%} {%- set pload_spawn_y = 0 -%} {%- set pload_spawn_z = 0 -%} {%- set pload_joint_x = 0 -%} {%- set pload_joint_y = 0 -%} {%- set pload_joint_z = tl/2 -%} {%- endif -%} {%- set tether_pos = vehicle_spawn_point_z - tl/2 -%} {#- Spawns tether vertically -#} {#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} {#-----------------------------------------------:MACROS:---------------------------------------------------#} {#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} {%- macro payload(payload_m, n, pr, x, y, z, j_x, j_y, j_z) -%} {{ x }} {{ y }} {{ z }} 0 0 0 1 {{ payload_m }} 0 0 0 0 0 0 {{ pr }} 0 0 0 0 0 0 {{ sphere(pr) }} {%- if number_elements == 1 %} {%- else -%} {%- set k = 'ball' -%} {#- -#} {% endif %} payload link_{{n}} {#- joint_param(tl, damping, friction, joint_stiffness, spring_reference, k) #} {{ j_x }} {{ j_y }} {{ j_z }} 0 0 0 true {%- if n is number -%} 1.0 ft_sensor_topic/payload tether_mass_connection {%- endif %} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro cylinder(tl, cr_v) -%} {{tl}} {{cr_v}} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro sphere(sr) -%} {{sr}} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro inertial(m) -%} {#- A note about the inertial tensor matrix - It should be as below -#} {#- set izz = m/2*cr**2 -#} {#- set ixx = m/12*tl**2 + m/4*cr**2 -#} {#- set iyy = m/12*tl**2 + m/4*cr**2 -#} {#- but seems to segfault Gazebo when changing the values of the element specs -#} {%- set izz = 0.01 -%} {%- set ixx = 0.01 -%} {%- set iyy = 0.01 -%} {{m}} {{ixx}} 0 0 {{iyy}} 0 {{izz}} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro collision(tl, cr) -%} {{tl / 2 - tl / 2}} 0 0 0 0 0 {{ cylinder(tl, cr) }} 0.00005 1.0 1.0 {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro element_material(element_color) -%} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro joint_material(joint_color) -%} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro element_visual(tl, cr_v, element_color) -%} {%- set x = tl * 0.5 -%} 0 0 0 0 0 0 {{ cylinder(tl, cr_v) }} {{ element_material(element_color) }} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro sphere_visual(sr, joint_color) -%} 0 0 {{ tl / -2 }} 0 0 0 {{ sphere(sr) }} {{ joint_material(joint_color) }} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro link(n, x, y, z, theta, m, tl, cr, cr_v, sr, element_color, joint_color) -%} {% if debug == 1 %} {%- endif %} true {{x}} {{y}} {{z}} 0.0 {{theta}} 0.0 {{ inertial(m) }} {%- if n != 0 and n != "spiri_attch_fixed" %} {{ collision(tl, cr) }} {{ element_visual(tl, cr_v, element_color) }} {%- endif -%} {%- if n != 0 -%} {{ sphere_visual(sr, joint_color) }} {%- endif %} {%- endmacro %} {%- macro joint(k, damping, friction, joint_stiffness, spring_reference, joint_type, number_elements) -%} {%- if k is number -%} {%- set link_n = k - 1 -%} link_{{k}} link_{{link_n}} {{ joint_param(tl, damping, friction, tether_stiffness, spring_reference, k) }} {%- elif number_elements == 1 -%} {%- else -%} {%- set link_n = 1 -%} link_{{k}} link_{{link_n}} {{ joint_param(tl, damping, friction, tether_stiffness, spring_reference, k) }} {%- endif %} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro joint_param(tl, damping, friction, joint_stiffness, spring_reference, k) -%} {%- if k is number -%} 0 0 -{{ tl/2 }} 0 0 0 {%- else -%} 0 0 {{ tl/2 }} 0 0 0 {%- endif %} 0 1 0 {{damping}} {{friction}} {{joint_stiffness}} {{spring_reference}} true 0 0 1 {{damping}} {{friction}} {{joint_stiffness}} {{spring_reference}} true 1 {%- if k is not number -%} true {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro lift_drag(n, tl, cr) -%} {%- set area = 2 * cr * tl -%} 0 0 {{cda}} 0 {{cda_stall}} true {{tl/2}} {{cr}} {{cr}} {{area}} 1.2041 0 1 0 0 0 1 link_{{n}} {%- endmacro -%} {#- -#} {%- macro final_tether(tl) -%} {%- if debug == 1 -%} {{ link("spiri_attch", 0, 0, tether_pos, 0, m, tl, cr, cr_v, sr, element_color, joint_color) }} {{ lift_drag("spiri_attch", tl, cr) }} {{ joint("spiri_attch", damping, friction, joint_stiffness, spring_reference, "universal", number_elements) }} {%- else -%} {%- set lose_x = tl/2 -%} {{ link("spiri_attch", tl/2, vehicle_spawn_point_y, 0, theta, m, tl, cr, cr_v, sr, element_color, joint_color) }} {{ lift_drag("spiri_attch", tl, cr) }} {{ joint("spiri_attch", damping, friction, joint_stiffness, spring_reference, "universal", number_elements) }} {%- endif -%} {%- if debug == 1 -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro -%} {#- -#} {%- macro joint_type(j_type) -%} {%- if j_type == 'ball' -%} link_spiri_attch spiri::base {#- joint_param(tl, damping, friction, joint_stiffness, spring_reference, 1) -#} {% if debug == 1 %} 0 0 {{ tl/2 }} 0 0 0 {%- else -%} 0 0 -{{ tl/2 }} 0 0 0 {% endif %} true {%- else -%} link_spiri_attch spiri::base {{ joint_param(tl, damping, friction, joint_stiffness, spring_reference, 1) }} {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro -%} {#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} {#-----------------------------------------------:SDF GENERATION:-------------------------------------------#} {#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 {# only have to change this to change spawn location #} model://spiri 0.0 0.0 {{ vehicle_spawn_point_z }} 0.0 0.0 {{ yaw }} {{ debug }} {{joint_type('ball')}} 1.0 ft_sensor_topic/spiri tether_to_spiri_joint {#- ---------- CREATE TETHER LINKS -------- -#} {{ final_tether(tl) }} {%- for n in range(1, number_elements) -%} {%- set x = (tl / 2 + (n*tl)) -%} {{ link(n, x, vehicle_spawn_point_y, 0.0, theta, m, tl, cr, cr_v, sr, element_color, joint_color) }} {{ lift_drag(n, tl, cr) }} {%- endfor -%} {%- for k in range(2, number_elements) -%} {{ joint(k, damping, friction, tether_stiffness, spring_reference, "universal", number_elements) }} {% endfor %} {#------------- PAYLOAD -----------#} {%- if number_elements == 1 -%} {%- set n = "spiri_attch" -%} {%- else -%} {%- set n = number_elements - 1 -%} {% endif %} {{ payload(payload_m,n,pr,pload_spawn_x,pload_spawn_y,pload_spawn_z,pload_joint_x,pload_joint_y,pload_joint_z) }}