Updated alititude controller
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
@ -11,9 +21,6 @@ src/Mocap_*.py
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ add_message_files(
## Generate actions in the 'action' folder
@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
# Ros param when using Klausen Ctrl
wait_time: 30 # parameter which can be set to run desired tests at a desired time
wait_time: 15 # parameter which can be set to run desired tests at a desired time
#drone_mass: 0.614 # weight with new battery
drone_mass: 0.602
pload_mass: 0.1 # mass of payload. Needs to be changed in spiri_with_tether file as well
pload: true
pload_mass: 0.2 # mass of payload.
#pload_mass: 0.15 # Pload mass with 100g weight
pload_mass: 0.10 # Pload mass with 50g weight
#pload_mass: 0.05 # Pload mass with just basket
#pload_mass: 0.25
use_ctrl: false # starts PX4 without attitude controller
waypoints: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 5.0} # takeoff waypoints
change_mode: true # choose whether to switch to oscillation damping controller
waypoints: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 2.0} # takeoff waypoints
# sets waypoints to run a square test
square_x: [0.5,1,1,1,0.5,0,0]
square_y: [0,0,0.5,1,1,1,0.5]
@ -6,15 +6,18 @@ wait_time: 30 # parameter which can be set to run desired tests at a desired tim
drone_mass: 0.602
#pload_mass: 0.15 # Pload mass with 100g weight
pload_mass: 0.10 # Pload mass with 50g weight
#pload_mass: 0.05 # Pload mass with just basket
#pload_mass: 0.25
#pload_mass: 0.15 # Pload mass with 100g weight
#pload_mass: 0.10 # Pload mass with 50g weight
#pload_mass: 0.05 # Pload mass with just basket
pload_mass: 0.01 # No Pload
pload: false
# CTRL PARAMETER - should be false to start always
use_ctrl: false # starts PX4 without attitude controller
# use_ctrl: false # starts PX4 without attitude controller
change_mode: false # choose whether to switch to oscillation damping controller
waypoints: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 1.75} # takeoff waypoints
waypoints: {x: -1.0, y: -1.0, z: 2.0} # takeoff waypoints
# sets waypoints to run a square test
square_x: [0.5,1,1,1,0.5,0,0]
@ -22,6 +25,6 @@ square_y: [0,0,0.5,1,1,1,0.5]
# HOVER THROTTLE - Changes depending on mass of pload and drone
# hover_throttle: 0.32 # Hover throttle with pload 0.15 kg
hover_throttle: 0.28 # Hover throttle with pload 0.10 kg
# hover_throttle: 0.22 # Hover throttle with no pload
#hover_throttle: 0.28 # Hover throttle with pload 0.10 kg
hover_throttle: 0.23 # Hover throttle with no pload - about 0.23 with full battery
#hover_throttle: 0.26 # Hover throttle with pload 0.05 kg
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
wait_time: 30 # parameter which can be set to run desired tests at a desired time
drone_mass: 1.437 # mass of drone
pload_mass: 0.25 # mass of payload
pload: false
use_ctrl: false # starts PX4 without attitude controller - needs to be set to false to takeoff
waypoints: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 5.0} # takeoff waypoints
# sets waypoints to run a square test
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Launch file to use klausen oscillaton damping ctrl in Gazebo
@ -20,30 +20,89 @@ from oscillation_ctrl.srv import WaypointTrack
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Point, TwistStamped, PoseStamped
from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu
from mavros_msgs.msg import AttitudeTarget
from collections import deque
class DesiredPoint():
class DesiredPoint(Point):
def __init__(self,x,y,z):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
class LiveFilter:
"""Base class for live filters.
def process(self, x):
# do not process NaNs
# if numpy.isnan(x):
# return x
return self._process(x)
def __call__(self, x):
return self.process(x)
def _process(self, x):
raise NotImplementedError("Derived class must implement _process")
class LiveLFilter(LiveFilter):
def __init__(self, b, a):
"""Initialize live filter based on difference equation.
b (array-like): numerator coefficients obtained from scipy.
a (array-like): denominator coefficients obtained from scipy.
n (int): How many dimensions are we dealing with?
self.b = b
self.a = a
n = len(b)
# 3 because x,y,z
# self.n because that is how many terms we need
self._xs = deque(np.zeros(n), maxlen = n) # unfiltered data
self._ys = deque(np.zeros(n - 1), maxlen = n - 1) # filtered signal
def _process(self, x):
Filter incoming data with standard difference equations*:
a_0*y[n] = b_0*x[n] + b_1*x[n-1] + b_2*x[n-2] - a_1*y[n-1] - a_2*y[n-2]
*Changes depending on order of filter
# y = numpy.empty(3)
# self._xs.appendleft(x)
# # get every x val (idx = 0), then y val (idx=1), then z val (idx=2) to determine y
# for i in range(3):
# last_x_vals = [val_x[i] for val_x in self._xs]
# last_y_vals = [val_y[i] for val_y in self._ys]
# y[i] = numpy.dot(self.b, last_x_vals) - numpy.dot(self.a[1:], last_y_vals)
# y = y / self.a[0]
# self._ys.appendleft(y)
# return y
y = np.dot(self.b, self._xs) - np.dot(self.a[1:], self._ys)
y = y / self.a[0]
return y
class Main:
def __init__(self):
# rate(s)
rate = 25 # rate for the publisher method, specified in Hz -- 50 Hz #25
rate = 20 # rate for the publisher method, specified in Hz -- 50 Hz #25
# initialize variables
# time variables
self.dt = 1.0/rate
self.tmax = self.dt
self.n = self.tmax/self.dt + 1
self.n = self.tmax/self.dt + 9
self.t = np.linspace(0, self.tmax, self.n) # Time array
self.tstart = rospy.get_time() # Keep track of the start time
while self.tstart == 0.0: # Need to make sure get_rostime works
self.tstart = rospy.get_time()
self.tstart = rospy.get_time()
# Msgs types
self.vel_data = TwistStamped() # This is needed to get drone vel from gps
@ -55,14 +114,14 @@ class Main:
self.att_targ = AttitudeTarget() # used to send quaternion attitude commands
self.load_angles = LoadAngles()
self.EulerAng = [0,0,0] # Will find the euler angles, and then convert to q
self.EulerPose = [0,0,0]
self.EulerPose = [0,0,0]
# Service var
self.get_xd = rospy.ServiceProxy('/status/waypoint_tracker',WaypointTrack)
self.empty_point = Point() # Needed to query waypoint_server
# Drone var
self.has_run = 0 # Bool to keep track of first run instance
self.has_run = 0 # Bool to keep track of first run instance
# Col1 = theta, theta dot; Col2 = phi, phidot for self.PHI
self.PHI = np.array([[0,0],[0,0]])
@ -72,10 +131,14 @@ class Main:
# Tether var - Check if current method is used
# Get tether length
self.param_exists = False
self.tetherL = self.get_tether()
self.tether = True if self.tetherL > 0.01 else False
# Check if tether was correctly detected
if rospy.get_param('status/pload', False):
self.tetherL = self.get_tether()
self.tether = True
self.tetherL = 0.0
self.tether = False
# Check if tether was correctly detected or not
# Retrieve drone and payload masses from config file
@ -88,18 +151,19 @@ class Main:
self.a45_0 = np.zeros(2)
self.alpha = np.zeros([5,1])
self.alphadot = np.zeros([5,1])
self.a45 = self.alpha[3:5]
self.a45 = np.zeros(2)
self.a45dot = np.array([[0],[0]])
# Error terms
self.z1 = np.zeros([3,1]) # dr_pos - ref_sig_pos
self.z2 = np.zeros([5,1]) # [vx;vy;vz;thetadot;phidot] - alpha
self.z_sum = np.zeros([3,1])
# Tuning gains
self.K1 = np.identity(3)
self.K2 = np.identity(5)
self.tune = 0.1 # Tuning parameter
self.dist = np.array([0,0,0,0.1,0.1]) # Wind disturbance
self.K1 = np.identity(3)*0.75 # 0.75
self.K2 = np.identity(5)*0.35 # 0.35
self.tune = 1 # Tuning parameter 1
self.dist = np.array([0,0,0,0.1,0.1]) # Wind disturbance
# Gain terms
self.Kp = np.identity(3) + np.dot(self.K2[:3,:3],self.K1) + self.tune*np.identity(3)
self.Kd = self.tot_m*self.K1 + self.tune*self.K2[:3,:3]
@ -107,9 +171,12 @@ class Main:
# PD Thrust Controller terms
# gains for thrust PD Controller
self.Kp_thrust = 1.5
self.Kd_thrust = 1.0
### Failed when both gains were set to 1.0
##### Works better when Kp_thrust is higher? Try 10
self.Kp_thrust = 3.5 # 1.5 for lab # 2.5 for gazebo
self.Kd_thrust = 2.5 # 1.5 for lab # 2.5 for gazebo 2.0 if no tether?
self.R = np.empty([3,3]) # rotation matrix
self.g = np.array([0,0,9.81]).reshape(3,1)
self.e3 = np.array([[0],[0],[1]])
# Get scaling thrust factor, kf
self.kf = self.get_kf()
@ -124,15 +191,16 @@ class Main:
rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, self.dronePos_cb)
rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/velocity_body', TwistStamped, self.droneVel_cb)
rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/imu/data', Imu, self.droneAcc_cb)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
self.pub_att_targ = rospy.Publisher('/command/att_target',AttitudeTarget,queue_size = 10)
# timer(s), used to control method loop freq(s) as defined by the rate(s)
self.pub_time = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0/rate), self.publisher) #f this was 5.0 rate before
self.pub_time = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0/rate), self.publisher) # this was 5.0 rate before
self.throttle_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(2.0/rate), self.determine_throttle) # this was 5.0 rate before
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
@ -142,6 +210,7 @@ class Main:
""" Get tether length based on set parameters"""
param_exists = False
while param_exists == False:
rospy.loginfo('Waiting for tether length...')
if rospy.has_param('status/tether_length'):
tether_length = rospy.get_param('status/tether_length') # Tether length
@ -167,6 +236,7 @@ class Main:
if self.tether:
param_exists = False
while param_exists == False:
rospy.loginfo('Waiting for pload mass...')
if rospy.has_param('status/pload_mass'):
pl_m = rospy.get_param('status/pload_mass') # wait time
rospy.loginfo('PLOAD MASS FOUND')
@ -183,11 +253,23 @@ class Main:
def get_kf(self):
if rospy.has_param('status/hover_throttle'):
rospy.loginfo('total mass: %.3f',self.tot_m)
hover_throttle = rospy.get_param('status/hover_throttle')
rospy.loginfo('Using hover throttle from config %.3f',hover_throttle)
self.max_throttle = 0.5
hover_throttle = (self.tot_m*9.81 + 11.2)/34.84 # linear scaling depending on dependent on mass
rospy.loginfo('total mass: %.3f',self.tot_m)
hover_throttle = (self.tot_m*9.81 + 9.81)/34.84 # linear scaling dependent on mass
rospy.loginfo('Determined hover throttle to be %.3f',hover_throttle)
self.max_throttle = 0.8
kf = hover_throttle/(self.tot_m*9.81)
return kf
# Check if vehicle has tether
@ -207,44 +289,52 @@ class Main:
self.load_angles = msg
# Populate self.PHI
self.PHI = np.array([[self.load_angles.theta,self.load_angles.phi],[self.load_angles.thetadot,self.load_angles.phidot]])
except ValueError:
# self.PHI = np.array([[0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0]])
# print('PHI:\n{0}'.format(self.PHI))
# print('Angles:\n{0}'.format(self.PHI[0,:]))
# print('Ang_dot:\n{0}'.format(self.PHI[1,:]))
except ValueError as e:
rospy.loginfo('Load angles callback failed due to: {0}'.format(e))
# Callback drone pose
def dronePos_cb(self,msg):
""" Subscribed to /mavros/local_position/pose, gets PoseStamped msgs """
self.dr_pos = msg.pose
self.EulerPose = self.convert2eul(self.dr_pos.orientation)
# self.dr_pos = msg.drone_pos
except ValueError:
except ValueError as e:
rospy.loginfo('Drone pos callback failed due to: {0}'.format(e))
# Callback for drone velocity ####### IS THIS ON? ##########
# Callback for drone velocity
def droneVel_cb(self,msg):
self.dr_vel = np.array([[msg.twist.linear.x],[msg.twist.linear.y],[msg.twist.linear.z]])
self.dr_vel = np.array([msg.twist.linear.x,msg.twist.linear.y,msg.twist.linear.z]).reshape(3,1)
self.dr_angVel = np.array([[msg.twist.angular.x],[msg.twist.angular.y],[msg.twist.angular.z]])
except ValueError or TypeError:
except (ValueError or TypeError) as e:
rospy.loginfo('Drone vel callback failed due to: {0}'.format(e))
# Callback for drone accel from IMU data
def droneAcc_cb(self,msg):
self.dr_acc = np.array([[msg.linear_acceleration.x],[msg.linear_acceleration.y],[msg.linear_acceleration.z]])
except ValueError:
except ValueError as e:
rospy.loginfo('Drone accel. callback failed due to: {0}'.format(e))
# Callback reference signal
def refsig_cb(self,msg):
self.path_pos = np.array([[msg.position.x],[msg.position.y],[msg.position.z]])
self.path_vel = np.array([[msg.velocity.x],[msg.velocity.y],[msg.velocity.z]])
self.path_acc = np.array([[msg.acceleration.x],[msg.acceleration.y],[msg.acceleration.z]]) #TODO
self.path_acc = np.array([[msg.acceleration.x],[msg.acceleration.y],[msg.acceleration.z]])
except ValueError:
except ValueError as e:
rospy.loginfo('Reference signal callback failed due to: {0}'.format(e))
def waypoints_srv_cb(self):
if '/status/waypoint_tracker' in self.service_list:
@ -260,12 +350,15 @@ class Main:
# ---------------------------------ODE SOLVER-------------------------------------#
def statespace(self,y,t,Ka,Kb,Kc):
# Need the statespace array:
a1,a2 = y
K = np.dot(Ka,[[a1],[a2]]) + Kb
_y = np.array(y).reshape(2,1)
# print('Ka:\n{0}\nKb:\n{1}'.format(Ka, Kb))
K = np.dot(Ka,_y) + Kb # Kb should be 2x1
# Derivative of statespace array:
dydt = np.dot(Kc,K)
dydt = [dydt[0][0], dydt[1][0]] # og dydt is list of arrays, need list of floats
dydt = np.dot(Kc,K)
# print('dydt:\n{0}'.format(dydt))
dydt = [dydt[0][0], dydt[1][0]]
return dydt
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
@ -314,7 +407,7 @@ class Main:
Convers quaternion in pose message into euler angles
:param Q: orientatiom pose message
:param Q: orientation pose message
:return: Array of euler angles
@ -340,26 +433,29 @@ class Main:
euler = [roll,pitch,yaw]
return euler
def determine_throttle(self):
# thrust as per Geometric Tracking Control of a Quadrotor UAV on SE(3)
# Taeyoung Lee, Melvin Leok, and N. Harris McClamroch
self.R = self.quaternion_rotation_matrix()
def determine_throttle(self,throttle_timer):
""" Thrust as per Geometric Tracking Control of a Quadrotor UAV on SE(3) Taeyoung Lee, Melvin Leok, and N. Harris McClamroch"""
self.waypoints_srv_cb() # check for new waypoints
self.R = self.quaternion_rotation_matrix() # get rotation matrix
b3 = self.R.dot(np.array([0,0,1]).reshape(3,1))
self.error = np.array([ [self.path_pos[0] - self.dr_pos.position.x],
[self.path_pos[1] - self.dr_pos.position.y],
[self.path_pos[2] - self.dr_pos.position.z]]).reshape(3,1)
self.error_vel = self.path_vel - self.R.dot(self.dr_vel)
self.error_vel = self.path_vel.reshape(3,1) - self.dr_vel # best performance
# determine Rotation Matrix
self.R_e3 = np.array([[self.R.T[2][0]],[self.R.T[2][1]],[self.R.T[2][2]]])
thrust_vector = self.tot_m*self.g + self.Kp_thrust*self.error + self.Kd_thrust*self.error_vel + self.tot_m*self.path_acc
# thrust_vector = (self.g*self.tot_m + self.Kp_thrust*self.error + self.Kd_thrust*self.error_vel) * self.kf
thrust_vector = (9.81*self.tot_m + self.Kp_thrust*self.error[2] + self.Kd_thrust*self.error_vel[2] - self.tot_m*self.path_acc[2])*self.kf
thrust = thrust_vector/(math.cos(self.EulerPose[0])*math.cos(self.EulerPose[1]))
# thrust = thrust_vector/(math.cos(self.EulerPose[0])*math.cos(self.EulerPose[1]))
thrust = (thrust_vector[0] * b3[0] + thrust_vector[1] * b3[1] + thrust_vector[2] * b3[2]) * self.kf # best performance
# Value needs to be between 0 - 1.0
self.att_targ.thrust = max(0.0,min(thrust,1.0))
self.att_targ.thrust = max(0.0,min(thrust,self.max_throttle)) # will never want it to be more than 0.5 with LabDrone
# print('thrust_vector:\n{0}\nthrust:{1}'.format(thrust_vector, self.att_targ.thrust))
def determine_q(self):
""" Determine attitude commands based on feedback and feedforward methods"""
@ -378,13 +474,13 @@ class Main:
M = [[self.tot_m, 0, 0, 0, L*self.pl_m*c_theta],
[0, self.tot_m, 0, -L*self.pl_m*c_phi*c_theta, L*self.pl_m*s_phi*s_theta],
[0, 0, self.tot_m, -L*self.pl_m*c_theta*s_phi, -L*self.pl_m*c_phi*s_theta],
[0, -L*self.pl_m*c_phi*c_theta,-L*self.pl_m*c_theta*s_phi, (L**2)*self.pl_m*c_theta**2 + 0.01*s_theta**2, 0],
[0, -L*self.pl_m*c_phi*c_theta,-L*self.pl_m*c_theta*s_phi, (L**2)*self.pl_m*c_theta**2 + 0.001*s_theta**2, 0],
[L*self.pl_m*c_theta, L*self.pl_m*s_phi*s_theta, -L*self.pl_m*c_phi*s_theta, 0, L**2*self.pl_m]]
C = [[0,0,0,0,-L*self.load_angles.thetadot*self.pl_m*s_theta],
[0,0,0,L*self.pl_m*(self.load_angles.phidot*c_theta*s_phi + self.load_angles.thetadot*c_phi*s_theta), L*self.pl_m*(self.load_angles.phidot*c_phi*s_theta + self.load_angles.thetadot*c_theta*s_phi)],
[0,0,0,-L*self.pl_m*(self.load_angles.phidot*c_phi*c_theta - self.load_angles.thetadot*s_phi*s_theta),-L*self.pl_m*(self.load_angles.thetadot*c_phi*c_theta - self.load_angles.phidot*s_phi*s_theta)],
[0,0,0,-0.5*(L**2)*self.pl_m*self.load_angles.thetadot*math.sin(2*self.load_angles.theta) + 0.5*0.01*self.load_angles.thetadot*math.sin(2*self.load_angles.theta), -0.5*(L**2)*self.pl_m*self.load_angles.phidot*math.sin(2*self.load_angles.theta)],
[0,0,0,-0.5*(L**2)*self.pl_m*self.load_angles.thetadot*math.sin(2*self.load_angles.theta) + 0.5*0.001*self.load_angles.thetadot*math.sin(2*self.load_angles.theta), -0.5*(L**2)*self.pl_m*self.load_angles.phidot*math.sin(2*self.load_angles.theta)],
G = [[0],[0],[-9.81*self.tot_m],[L*9.81*self.pl_m*c_theta*s_phi],[L*9.81*self.pl_m*c_phi*s_theta]]
@ -407,60 +503,81 @@ class Main:
M_b = M[3:5,:3] # M_4:5,1:3 - rows 4 to 5 and columns 1 to 3
M_c = M[:3,3:5] # M_1:3,4:5 - rows 1 to 3 and columns 4 to 5
C_c = C[:3,3:5]
# Constants from Eq. 49
Ka = -(D_a + C_a + self.K2[3:5,3:5])
Kb = -G_a + np.dot(self.K2[3:5,3:5],self.PHI[:,1]) - np.dot(M_b,self.path_acc - np.dot(self.K1,self.dr_vel - self.path_vel))
# Determine alpha
if self.tether:
if self.tether:
# Constants from Eq. 49
Ka = -(D_a + C_a + self.K2[3:5,3:5])
Kb = -G_a + np.dot(self.K2[3:5,3:5],self.PHI[1,:].reshape(2,1)) - np.dot(M_b,self.path_acc - np.dot(self.K1,self.dr_vel - self.path_vel))
#TODO divide by M_a after finding a45_buff
M_aI = np.linalg.inv(M_a) # Inverse of M_a
# print('M_aI was found to be:\n{0}\n'.format(M_aI))
# SOLVE ODE (get alpha)
# Populate buffer
self.a45_buff = odeint(self.statespace,self.a45_0,self.t,args=(Ka,Kb,M_aI))
# Populate buffer
self.a45_buff = odeint(self.statespace,self.a45,self.t,args=(Ka,Kb,M_aI))
# self.a45_buff = odeint(self.statespace,self.a45,self.t,args=(Ka,Kb,np.identity(2))) # spits out a 2,2 matrix
# print('a45_0 was found to be:\n{0}\na45 was found to be:\n{1}\n'.format(self.a45_0,self.a45))
# Update a45_0 to new a45. Need to transpose to column vector
self.a45_0 = self.a45_buff[-1,:]
self.a45 = np.array([[self.a45_0[0]],[self.a45_0[1]]])
self.a45_0 = self.a45_buff[0,:]
self.a45 = self.a45_buff[-1,:]
# self.a45 = M_aI.dot(self.a45_buff[-1,:])
# print('a45_0 was found to be {0}'.format(self.a45_0))
# Get alphadot_4:5
self.a45dot = self.statespace(self.a45_0,1,Ka,Kb,M_aI) # Do not need 't' and that's why it is a 1
self.a45dot = np.array([[self.a45dot[0]],[self.a45dot[1]]])
self.a45dot = np.array(self.statespace(self.a45,1,Ka,Kb,M_aI)) # Do not need 't' and that's why it is a 1
# self.a45dot_buff = self.statespace(self.a45,1,Ka,Kb,np.identity(2)) # Do not need 't' and that's why it is a 1
# self.a45dot = M_aI.dot(np.array([[self.a45dot_buff[0]],[self.a45dot_buff[1]]]))
else: # if no tether, alpha_4:5 = 0
self.a45 = np.array([[0],[0]])
self.a45dot = np.array([[0],[0]])
# Determine a_1:3
self.alpha[:3] = self.path_vel - np.dot(self.K1,p - self.path_pos)
self.alpha[3:5] = self.a45
# populate error terms
self.z1 = p - self.path_pos
z1_dot = self.dr_vel - self.path_vel
self.z1 = p.reshape(3,1) - self.path_pos.reshape(3,1)
# z1_dot = self.dr_vel - self.path_vel
z1_dot = self.R.dot(-self.path_vel) + self.dr_vel
self.z2 = g - self.alpha
B = np.dot(C_c,self.a45) + np.dot(M_c,self.a45dot)
# Determine alpha
self.alpha[:3] = self.path_vel - np.dot(self.K1,self.z1)
self.alpha[3:5] = self.a45.reshape(2,1)
# determine stability factor
B = np.dot(C_c,self.a45.reshape(2,1)) + np.dot(M_c,self.a45dot.reshape(2,1))
dr_orientation = [self.dr_pos.orientation.x, self.dr_pos.orientation.y, self.dr_pos.orientation.z, self.dr_pos.orientation.w]
dr_orientation_inv = quaternion_inverse(dr_orientation)
if rospy.get_param('status/use_ctrl', False):
z_int = self.z_sum + self.z1_p * self.dt + 0.5 * (self.z1 - self.z1_p) * self.dt
z_int = np.zeros(3).reshape(3,1)
# path_acc = self.R.dot(self.path_acc)
path_acc = np.array([self.path_acc[0],self.path_acc[1],self.path_acc[2] + 9.81]).reshape(3,1) # need to add gravity for controller to work
# Desired body-oriented forces
Fd = B + G[:3] + self.tot_m*self.dr_acc - np.dot(self.Kd,z1_dot) - np.dot(self.Kp,self.z1) - np.dot(self.Ki,0.5*self.dt*(self.z1 - self.z1_p))
Fd = B + G[:3] + self.tot_m*path_acc - np.dot(self.Kd,z1_dot) - np.dot(self.Kp,self.z1) - np.dot(self.Ki,z_int)
# rospy.loginfo('\nFd:\n{0}'.format(Fd))
# Update self.z1_p for integration
self.z1_p = self.z1
self.z_sum = z_int
# Covert Fd into drone frame
Fd_tf = Fd
# Covert Fd into drone frame, do not need Fz since we have a seperate altitude controller
# Fd_tf = quaternion_multiply(dr_orientation,quaternion_multiply([Fd[0],Fd[1],Fd[2],0.0],dr_orientation_inv)) # Real part of Fd needs = 0
Fd_tf = quaternion_multiply(dr_orientation,quaternion_multiply([Fd[0],Fd[1],0.0,0.0],dr_orientation_inv)) # Real part of Fd needs = 0
Fd_tf = quaternion_multiply(dr_orientation,quaternion_multiply([Fd[0],Fd[1],Fd[2],0.0],dr_orientation_inv)) # Real part of Fd needs = 0
# rospy.loginfo('\nFd_tf:\n{0}'.format(Fd_tf))
# Convert forces to attiude *EulerAng[2] = yaw = 0
self.EulerAng[1] = math.atan(Fd_tf[0]/(self.drone_m*9.81)) # Pitch
self.EulerAng[0] = math.atan(-Fd_tf[1]*math.cos(self.EulerAng[1])/(self.drone_m*9.81)) # Roll
self.EulerAng[1] = -math.atan(-Fd_tf[0]/(self.tot_m*9.81)) # Pitch
self.EulerAng[0] = -math.atan(Fd_tf[1]*math.cos(self.EulerAng[1])/(self.tot_m*9.81)) # Roll
q = quaternion_from_euler(self.EulerAng[0],self.EulerAng[1],self.EulerAng[2])
@ -470,11 +587,14 @@ class Main:
# Attitude control
self.att_targ.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
self.att_targ.header.frame_id = '/map'
self.att_targ.type_mask = 1|2|4
self.att_targ.type_mask = 1|2|4 # ignore body rate command
self.att_targ.orientation.x = q[0]
self.att_targ.orientation.y = q[1]
self.att_targ.orientation.z = q[2]
self.att_targ.orientation.w = q[3]
self.att_targ.body_rate.x = 0.0
self.att_targ.body_rate.y = 0.0
self.att_targ.body_rate.z = 0.0
def user_feedback(self,F_noTransform, F_Transform):
@ -484,8 +604,8 @@ class Main:
rospy.loginfo('Fd after transform: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f', F_Transform[0],F_Transform[1],F_Transform[2])
def publisher(self,pub_time):
# self.determine_throttle()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
@ -37,25 +37,11 @@ void att_targ_cb(const mavros_msgs::AttitudeTarget::ConstPtr& msg){
// Cb to recieve pose information
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped buff_pose;
geometry_msgs::Quaternion q_init;
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped mavPose;
bool gps_read = false;
double current_altitude;
void mavPose_cb(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped::ConstPtr& msg){
mavPose = *msg;
current_altitude = mavPose.pose.position.z;
// while(gps_read == false){
// q_init = mavPose.pose.orientation;
// if(q_init.x == 0.0 && q_init.w == 0.0){
// ROS_INFO("Waiting...");
// } else {
// buff_pose.pose.orientation.x = q_init.x;
// buff_pose.pose.orientation.y = q_init.y;
// buff_pose.pose.orientation.z = q_init.z;
// buff_pose.pose.orientation.w = q_init.w;
// gps_read = true;
// }
// }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
@ -90,8 +76,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
ros::ServiceClient set_mode_client = nh.serviceClient<mavros_msgs::SetMode>
ros::ServiceClient takeoff_cl = nh.serviceClient<mavros_msgs::CommandTOL>
ros::ServiceClient waypoint_cl = nh.serviceClient<oscillation_ctrl::WaypointTrack>
@ -17,9 +17,14 @@ from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu
class DesiredPoint():
def __init__(self,x,y,z):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.point = Point()
self.point.x = x
self.point.y = y
self.point.z = z
def return_xd(self):
return self.point
class Main:
@ -44,12 +49,15 @@ class Main:
self.ref_sig = RefSignal() # Smooth Signal
self.load_angles = LoadAngles()
self.has_run = 0 # Bool to keep track of first run instance
self.dr_pos = Pose()
self.dr_vel = self.vel_data.twist.linear
self.dr_acc = self.imu_data.linear_acceleration
self.tetherL = self.get_tether()
if rospy.get_param('status/pload'):
self.tetherL = self.get_tether()
else: self.tetherL = 0.0
rospy.loginfo('tether length: {0}'.format(self.tetherL))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ class Main:
self.EPS_I = np.zeros(9) # Epsilon shapefilter
# Constants for smooth path generation
self.w_tune = 1 # Increase this to increase aggresiveness of trajectory i.e. higher accelerations
self.w_tune = 1.0 # 0.5 for Gaz. Increase this to increase aggresiveness of trajectory i.e. higher accelerations
self.epsilon = 0.7 # Damping ratio
# need exception if we do not have tether:
@ -86,16 +94,16 @@ class Main:
self.wn = self.w_tune
self.wn = math.sqrt(9.81/self.tetherL)
# self.wn = 7
# self.wn = 1.51 # 1.01 is the imperically determined nat freq in gazebo
self.wd = self.wn*math.sqrt(1 - self.epsilon**2)
self.k4 = 4*self.epsilon*self.w_tune
self.k3 = ((2 + 4*self.epsilon**2)*self.w_tune**2)/self.k4
self.k2 = (4*self.epsilon*self.w_tune**3)/(self.k4*self.k3)
self.k1 = (self.w_tune**4)/(self.k2*self.k3*self.k4)
self.k1 = (self.w_tune**4)/(self.k4*self.k3*self.k2)
# For saturation:
self.max = [0, 3, 1.5, 3] #[0, 5, 1.5, 3]
self.max = [0, 5, 2.5, 3] #[0, 3, 1.5, 3] - lab testing
self.get_xd = rospy.ServiceProxy('/status/waypoint_tracker',WaypointTrack)
self.empty_point = Point() # Needed to query waypoint_server
@ -119,8 +127,8 @@ class Main:
self.A2 = self.A1*self.K
# Need to determine how large of any array needs to be stored to use delayed functions
self.SF_delay_x = np.zeros([4,int(round(self.t2/self.dt))]) # Shapefilter delay; 4 - p,v,a,j
self.SF_delay_y = np.zeros([4,int(round(self.t2/self.dt))])
self.SF_delay_x = np.zeros([3,int(round(self.t2/self.dt))]) # Shapefilter delay; 4 - p,v,a since we do not need j
self.SF_delay_y = np.zeros([3,int(round(self.t2/self.dt))])
self.phi_fb = np.zeros(int(round(self.td/self.dt))) # Feedback delay
self.phi_vel_fb = np.zeros(int(round(self.td/self.dt)))
@ -196,7 +204,7 @@ class Main:
if rospy.has_param('status/tether_length'):
tether_length = rospy.get_param('status/tether_length') # Tether length
self.param_exists = True
elif rospy.get_time() - self.tstart >= 15:
elif rospy.get_time() - self.tstart >= 3:
tether_length = 0.0
return tether_length
@ -214,11 +222,11 @@ class Main:
pos,vel,acc,jer = y
error = xd - pos
if abs(error) <= 0.01: error = 0.0
# if abs(error) <= 0.2: error = 0.0 # works well without saturation
# Derivative of statesape array:
dydt = [vel, acc, jer,
self.k4*(self.k3*(self.k2*(self.k1*(error) - vel) - acc) - jer)]
dydt = [vel, acc, jer, self.k4*(self.k3*(self.k2*(self.k1*(error) - vel) - acc) - jer)]
return dydt
# Sigmoid
@ -261,11 +269,11 @@ class Main:
# First, fill up the delay array
self.theta_fb[self.FB_idx] = self.load_angles.theta
self.theta_vel_fb[self.FB_idx] = self.load_angles.thetadot
self.theta_acc_fb[self.FB_idx] = self.load_angles.thetadot - self.theta_vel_fb[self.FB_idx-1]
self.theta_acc_fb[self.FB_idx] = (self.load_angles.thetadot - self.theta_vel_fb[self.FB_idx-1])/self.dt
self.phi_fb[self.FB_idx] = self.load_angles.phi
self.phi_vel_fb[self.FB_idx] = self.load_angles.phidot
self.phi_acc_fb[self.FB_idx] = self.load_angles.phidot - self.phi_vel_fb[self.FB_idx-1]
self.phi_acc_fb[self.FB_idx] = (self.load_angles.phidot - self.phi_vel_fb[self.FB_idx-1])/self.dt
# once array is filled, need to shift values w/ latest value at end
@ -277,13 +285,13 @@ class Main:
self.phi_vel_fb[:] = np.roll(self.phi_vel_fb[:],-1)
self.phi_acc_fb[:] = np.roll(self.phi_acc_fb[:],-1)
self.theta_fb[len(self.theta_fb)-1] = self.load_angles.theta # change final value
self.theta_vel_fb[len(self.theta_fb)-1] = self.load_angles.thetadot
self.theta_acc_fb[len(self.theta_fb)-1] = self.load_angles.thetadot - self.theta_vel_fb[len(self.theta_fb)-1]
self.theta_fb[-1] = self.load_angles.theta # change final value
self.theta_vel_fb[-1] = self.load_angles.thetadot
self.theta_acc_fb[-1] = (self.load_angles.thetadot - self.theta_vel_fb[-1])/self.dt
self.phi_fb[len(self.phi_fb)-1] = self.load_angles.phi
self.phi_vel_fb[len(self.theta_fb)-1] = self.load_angles.phidot
self.phi_acc_fb[len(self.theta_fb)-1] = self.load_angles.phidot - self.phi_vel_fb[len(self.theta_fb)-1]
self.phi_fb[-1] = self.load_angles.phi
self.phi_vel_fb[-1] = self.load_angles.phidot
self.phi_acc_fb[-1] = (self.load_angles.phidot - self.phi_vel_fb[-1])/self.dt
print('No delay')
@ -308,6 +316,7 @@ class Main:
self.y[:,i] = np.clip(self.y[:,i], a_min = -self.max[i], a_max = self.max[i])
self.z[:,i] = np.clip(self.z[:,i], a_min = -self.max[i], a_max = self.max[i])
# convolution
for j in range(3): # 3 is due to pos, vel, acc. NOT due x, y, z
self.delay(j,SHAPEFIL) # Determine the delay (shapefilter) array
@ -319,18 +328,18 @@ class Main:
self.EPS_I[3*j] = self.A1*self.x[-1,j] + self.A2*self.SF_delay_x[j,0] # Determine convolution (x)
self.EPS_I[3*j+1] = self.A1*self.y[-1,j] + self.A2*self.SF_delay_y[j,0] # Determine convolution (y)
self.EPS_I[3*j+1] = self.A1*self.y[-1,j] + self.A2*self.SF_delay_y[j,0] # Determine convolution (y)
self.delay(1,FEEDBACK) # Detemine feedback array
self.sigmoid() # Determine sigmoid gain
EPS_D = self.fback() # Feedback Epsilon
Eps_D = self.fback() # Feedback Epsilon
self.EPS_F = self.EPS_I + self.s_gain*EPS_D
self.EPS_F = self.EPS_I + self.s_gain*Eps_D
# Populate msg with epsilon_final
self.ref_sig.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
#self.ref_sig.type_mask = 2 # Need typemask = 2 to use correct attitude controller - Jaeyoung Lin
self.ref_sig.position.x = self.EPS_F[0]
self.ref_sig.position.y = self.EPS_F[1]
self.ref_sig.position.z = self.EPS_F[2]
@ -341,9 +350,10 @@ class Main:
self.ref_sig.acceleration.y = self.EPS_F[7]
self.ref_sig.acceleration.z = self.EPS_F[8]
# update initial states
self.x0 = [self.x[1,0], self.x[1,1], self.x[1,2], self.x[1,3]]
self.y0 = [self.y[1,0], self.y[1,1], self.y[1,2], self.y[1,3]]
self.z0 = [self.z[1,0], self.z[1,1], self.z[1,2], self.z[1,3]]
self.z0 = [self.z[1,0], self.z[1,1], self.z[1,2], self.z[1,3]]
self.SF_idx += 1
self.FB_idx += 1
@ -360,9 +370,9 @@ class Main:
ydotr = -self.Gd*self.tetherL*math.cos(self.phi_fb[0])*self.phi_vel_fb[0]
yddotr = self.Gd*self.tetherL*math.sin(self.phi_fb[0])*self.phi_vel_fb[0]**2 + math.cos(self.phi_fb[0])*self.phi_acc_fb[0]
EPS_D = np.array([xr,yr,0,xdotr,ydotr,0,xddotr,yddotr,0])
Eps_D = np.array([xr,yr,0,xdotr,ydotr,0,xddotr,yddotr,0])
return EPS_D
return Eps_D
def user_feeback(self):
@ -376,17 +386,20 @@ class Main:
def publisher(self,pub_tim):
# Determine final ref signal
# Determine final ref signal
# Publish reference signal
# Publish reference signal
# Publish what the setpoints are
# Publish what the setpoints are
# Give user feedback on published message:
# Give user feedback on published message:
except AttributeError:
pass # catches case at beginning when self.xd is not properly initialized
if __name__=="__main__":
Reference in New Issue
Block a user