Modify BackStage View - will change again soon modify target alt calc change order on param lists remove old firmware selection dialog add hil mod flag to hil connect implement main switcher - will change again soon change some invokes to async, to prevent other threads slowing. fix mavlink log graphing error modify help text general mono for mac fixs - still combating
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\cf2\tab Welcome to the \b Mission Planner\b0 , mission planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (\b UAV\b0 ).\par
\tab Getting started:\par
\tab\tab\tab\b Flight Data \endash \b0 Primary flying screen with location and attitude.\par
\b\tab\tab\tab Flight Planner \endash \b0 Plans your flight and other scripted actions.\par
\b\tab\tab\tab Configuration \endash \b0 Customises the PIDS and other critical settings including enabling and disabling hardware.\par
\b\tab\tab\tab Simulation \endash \b0 Used with Xplanes and Flightgear for HIL simulation when used with your board.\par
\b\tab\tab\tab Firmware \endash \b0 Updates your APM Firmware with the latest stable build, sets up your new ArduPlane/ArduCopter/ArduRover.\par
\b\tab\tab\tab Terminal \endash \b0 Manual set up of your APM and run tests on sensors, log reading and other functions.\par
\pard\nowidctlpar\b\tab Main Developer:\b0 Michael Oborne\par
\tab\b Design:\b0 Samantha Nelson\par
\tab\b Contributions from:\b0 Andrew Radford, \par
\pard\nowidctlpar\fi720\b ArduCopter Illustrations:\b0 Max Levine\par
\b Librarys:\b0, Sharpkml, SharpZipLib, IronPython, KMLib, OpenTK, ZedGraph\par
\b Help:\par
\pard\fi720 Arduplane\b0 : \cf0{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf3}}}\cf2\f0\fs22\par
\b ArduCopter\b0 : \cf0{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf3}}}\cf2\f0\fs22\par
\b ArduRover\b0 : \cf0{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf3}}}\cf2\f0\fs22\par
Please visit \cf0{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf3}}}\cf2\f0\fs22 for further information.\par