
56 lines
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function [...
states, ... % state vector after fusion of measurements
P, ... % state covariance matrix after fusion of corrections
innovation, ... % Declination innovation - rad
varInnov] ... %
= FuseMagnetometer( ...
states, ... % predicted states
P, ... % predicted covariance
magData, ... % body frame magnetic flux measurements
measDec, ... % magnetic field declination - azimuth angle measured from true north (rad)
Tbn) % Estimated coordinate transformation matrix from body to NED frame
q0 = states(1);
q1 = states(2);
q2 = states(3);
q3 = states(4);
magX = magData(1);
magY = magData(2);
magZ = magData(3);
R_MAG = 0.05^2;
H = calcH_MAG(magX,magY,magZ,q0,q1,q2,q3);
varInnov = (H*P*transpose(H) + R_MAG);
Kfusion = (P*transpose(H))/varInnov;
% Calculate the predicted magnetic declination
magMeasNED = Tbn*[magX;magY;magZ];
predDec = atan2(magMeasNED(2),magMeasNED(1));
% Calculate the measurement innovation
innovation = predDec - measDec;
% correct the state vector
states = states - Kfusion * innovation;
% re-normalise the quaternion
quatMag = sqrt(states(1)^2 + states(2)^2 + states(3)^2 + states(4)^2);
states(1:4) = states(1:4) / quatMag;
% correct the covariance P = P - K*H*P
P = P - Kfusion*H*P;
% Force symmetry on the covariance matrix to prevent ill-conditioning
% of the matrix which would cause the filter to blow-up
P = 0.5*(P + transpose(P));
% ensure diagonals are positive
for i=1:10
if P(i,i) < 0
P(i,i) = 0;