our pattern is to include the config file and then use the relevant define, with nothing in between
252 lines
6.5 KiB
252 lines
6.5 KiB
Alexmos Serial controlled mount backend class
#pragma once
#include "AP_Mount_config.h"
#include "AP_Mount_Backend.h"
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
class AP_Mount_Alexmos : public AP_Mount_Backend
using AP_Mount_Backend::AP_Mount_Backend;
// init - performs any required initialisation for this instance
void init() override;
// update mount position - should be called periodically
void update() override;
// has_pan_control - returns true if this mount can control its pan (required for multicopters)
bool has_pan_control() const override;
// get attitude as a quaternion. returns true on success
bool get_attitude_quaternion(Quaternion& att_quat) override;
// get_angles -
void get_angles();
// set_motor will activate motors if true, and disable them if false
void set_motor(bool on);
// get_boardinfo - get board version and firmware version
void get_boardinfo();
// send new angles to the gimbal at a fixed speed of 30 deg/s
void control_axis(const MountTarget& angle_target_rad);
// read_params - read current profile profile_id and global parameters from the gimbal settings
void read_params(uint8_t profile_id);
// write_params - write new parameters to the gimbal settings
void write_params();
bool get_realtimedata(Vector3f& angle);
// Alexmos Serial Protocol reading part implementation
// send_command - send a command to the Alemox Serial API
void send_command(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* data, uint8_t size);
// Parse the body of the message received from the Alexmos gimbal
void parse_body();
// read_incoming - detect and read the header of the incoming message from the gimbal
void read_incoming();
// structure for the Serial Protocol
struct PACKED alexmos_version {
uint8_t _board_version;
uint16_t _firmware_version;
uint8_t debug_mode;
uint16_t _board_features;
struct PACKED alexmos_angles {
int16_t angle_roll;
int16_t rc_angle_roll;
int16_t rc_speed_roll;
int16_t angle_pitch;
int16_t rc_angle_pitch;
int16_t rc_speed_pitch;
int16_t angle_yaw;
int16_t rc_angle_yaw;
int16_t rc_speed_yaw;
struct PACKED alexmos_angles_speed {
int8_t mode;
int16_t speed_roll;
int16_t angle_roll;
int16_t speed_pitch;
int16_t angle_pitch;
int16_t speed_yaw;
int16_t angle_yaw;
struct PACKED alexmos_params {
uint8_t profile_id;
uint8_t roll_P;
uint8_t roll_I;
uint8_t roll_D;
uint8_t roll_power;
uint8_t roll_invert;
uint8_t roll_poles;
uint8_t pitch_P;
uint8_t pitch_I;
uint8_t pitch_D;
uint8_t pitch_power;
uint8_t pitch_invert;
uint8_t pitch_poles;
uint8_t yaw_P;
uint8_t yaw_I;
uint8_t yaw_D;
uint8_t yaw_power;
uint8_t yaw_invert;
uint8_t yaw_poles;
uint8_t acc_limiter;
int8_t ext_fc_gain_roll;
int8_t ext_fc_gain_pitch;
int16_t roll_rc_min_angle;
int16_t roll_rc_max_angle;
uint8_t roll_rc_mode;
uint8_t roll_rc_lpf;
uint8_t roll_rc_speed;
uint8_t roll_rc_follow;
int16_t pitch_rc_min_angle;
int16_t pitch_rc_max_angle;
uint8_t pitch_rc_mode;
uint8_t pitch_rc_lpf;
uint8_t pitch_rc_speed;
uint8_t pitch_rc_follow;
int16_t yaw_rc_min_angle;
int16_t yaw_rc_max_angle;
uint8_t yaw_rc_mode;
uint8_t yaw_rc_lpf;
uint8_t yaw_rc_speed;
uint8_t yaw_rc_follow;
uint8_t gyro_trust;
uint8_t use_model;
uint8_t pwm_freq;
uint8_t serial_speed;
int8_t rc_trim_roll;
int8_t rc_trim_pitch;
int8_t rc_trim_yaw;
uint8_t rc_deadband;
uint8_t rc_expo_rate;
uint8_t rc_virt_mode;
uint8_t rc_map_roll;
uint8_t rc_map_pitch;
uint8_t rc_map_yaw;
uint8_t rc_map_cmd;
uint8_t rc_map_fc_roll;
uint8_t rc_map_fc_pitch;
uint8_t rc_mix_fc_roll;
uint8_t rc_mix_fc_pitch;
uint8_t follow_mode;
uint8_t follow_deadband;
uint8_t follow_expo_rate;
int8_t follow_offset_roll;
int8_t follow_offset_pitch;
int8_t follow_offset_yaw;
int8_t axis_top;
int8_t axis_right;
uint8_t gyro_lpf;
uint8_t gyro_sens;
uint8_t i2c_internal_pullups;
uint8_t sky_gyro_calib;
uint8_t rc_cmd_low;
uint8_t rc_cmd_mid;
uint8_t rc_cmd_high;
uint8_t menu_cmd_1;
uint8_t menu_cmd_2;
uint8_t menu_cmd_3;
uint8_t menu_cmd_4;
uint8_t menu_cmd_5;
uint8_t menu_cmd_long;
uint8_t output_roll;
uint8_t output_pitch;
uint8_t output_yaw;
int16_t bat_threshold_alarm;
int16_t bat_threshold_motors;
int16_t bat_comp_ref;
uint8_t beeper_modes;
uint8_t follow_roll_mix_start;
uint8_t follow_roll_mix_range;
uint8_t booster_power_roll;
uint8_t booster_power_pitch;
uint8_t booster_power_yaw;
uint8_t follow_speed_roll;
uint8_t follow_speed_pitch;
uint8_t follow_speed_yaw;
uint8_t frame_angle_from_motors;
uint8_t cur_profile_id;
union PACKED alexmos_parameters {
alexmos_version version;
alexmos_angles angles;
alexmos_params params;
alexmos_angles_speed angle_speed;
} _buffer,_current_parameters;
AP_HAL::UARTDriver *_port;
bool _initialised : 1;
// result of the get_boardinfo
uint8_t _board_version;
float _current_firmware_version;
uint8_t _firmware_beta_version;
bool _gimbal_3axis : 1;
bool _gimbal_bat_monitoring : 1;
// keep the last _current_angle values
Vector3f _current_angle;
// CMD_READ_PARAMS has been called once
bool _param_read_once : 1;
// Serial Protocol Variables
uint8_t _checksum;
uint8_t _step;
uint8_t _command_id;
uint8_t _payload_length;
uint8_t _payload_counter;
// confirmed that last command was ok
bool _last_command_confirmed : 1;