This is required because AR_WPNav produces an acceleration adjusted desired speed meaning in rare cases where the vehicle is moving in reverse at the time auto is engaged, the desired speed may be temporarily negative as the vehicle slows. In these situations we do not want to allow the vehicle's speed to be nudged to a higher reverse speed if the pilot's throttle stick is all the way down
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#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS_MAVLink.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <AP_Mission/AP_Mission.h>
#include "defines.h"
#define MODE_NEXT_HEADING_UNKNOWN 99999.0f // used to indicate to set_desired_location method that next leg's heading is unknown
// pre-define ModeRTL so Auto can appear higher in this file
class ModeRTL;
class Mode
// Auto Pilot modes
// ----------------
enum Number {
ACRO = 1,
HOLD = 4,
AUTO = 10,
RTL = 11,
GUIDED = 15,
// Constructor
// do not allow copying
Mode(const Mode &other) = delete;
Mode &operator=(const Mode&) = delete;
// enter this mode, returns false if we failed to enter
bool enter();
// perform any cleanups required:
void exit();
// returns a unique number specific to this mode
virtual uint32_t mode_number() const = 0;
// returns short text name (up to 4 bytes)
virtual const char *name4() const = 0;
// methods that sub classes should override to affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
// convert user input to targets, implement high level control for this mode
virtual void update() = 0;
// attributes of the mode
// return if in non-manual mode : Auto, Guided, RTL, SmartRTL
virtual bool is_autopilot_mode() const { return false; }
// return if external control is allowed in this mode (Guided or Guided-within-Auto)
virtual bool in_guided_mode() const { return false; }
// returns true if vehicle can be armed or disarmed from the transmitter in this mode
virtual bool allows_arming_from_transmitter() { return !is_autopilot_mode(); }
bool allows_stick_mixing() const { return is_autopilot_mode(); }
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
// returns true if any RC input is used
virtual bool has_manual_input() const { return false; }
// true if heading is controlled
virtual bool attitude_stabilized() const { return true; }
// true if mode requires position and/or velocity estimate
virtual bool requires_position() const { return true; }
virtual bool requires_velocity() const { return true; }
// return heading (in degrees) and cross track error (in meters) for reporting to ground station (NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT message)
virtual float wp_bearing() const;
virtual float nav_bearing() const;
virtual float crosstrack_error() const;
// navigation methods
// return distance (in meters) to destination
virtual float get_distance_to_destination() const { return 0.0f; }
// set desired location and speed (used in RTL, Guided, Auto)
// next_leg_bearing_cd should be heading to the following waypoint (used to slow the vehicle in order to make the turn)
virtual void set_desired_location(const struct Location& destination, float next_leg_bearing_cd = MODE_NEXT_HEADING_UNKNOWN);
// true if vehicle has reached desired location. defaults to true because this is normally used by missions and we do not want the mission to become stuck
virtual bool reached_destination() const { return true; }
// set desired heading and speed - supported in Auto and Guided modes
virtual void set_desired_heading_and_speed(float yaw_angle_cd, float target_speed);
// get speed error in m/s, returns zero for modes that do not control speed
float speed_error() const { return _speed_error; }
// get default speed for this mode (held in CRUISE_SPEED, WP_SPEED or RTL_SPEED)
// rtl argument should be true if called from RTL or SmartRTL modes (handled here to avoid duplication)
float get_speed_default(bool rtl = false) const;
// set desired speed in m/s
bool set_desired_speed(float speed);
// restore desired speed to default from parameter values (CRUISE_SPEED or WP_SPEED)
// rtl argument should be true if called from RTL or SmartRTL modes (handled here to avoid duplication)
void set_desired_speed_to_default(bool rtl = false);
// execute the mission in reverse (i.e. backing up)
void set_reversed(bool value);
// handle tacking request (from auxiliary switch) in sailboats
virtual void handle_tack_request();
// subclasses override this to perform checks before entering the mode
virtual bool _enter() { return true; }
// subclasses override this to perform any required cleanup when exiting the mode
virtual void _exit() { return; }
// decode pilot steering and throttle inputs and return in steer_out and throttle_out arguments
// steering_out is in the range -4500 ~ +4500 with positive numbers meaning rotate clockwise
// throttle_out is in the range -100 ~ +100
void get_pilot_desired_steering_and_throttle(float &steering_out, float &throttle_out);
// decode pilot input steering and return steering_out and speed_out (in m/s)
void get_pilot_desired_steering_and_speed(float &steering_out, float &speed_out);
// decode pilot lateral movement input and return in lateral_out argument
void get_pilot_desired_lateral(float &lateral_out);
// decode pilot's input and return heading_out (in cd) and speed_out (in m/s)
void get_pilot_desired_heading_and_speed(float &heading_out, float &speed_out);
// high level call to navigate to waypoint
void navigate_to_waypoint();
// calculate steering output given a turn rate and speed
void calc_steering_from_turn_rate(float turn_rate, float speed, bool reversed);
// calculate steering angle given a desired lateral acceleration
void calc_steering_from_lateral_acceleration(float lat_accel, bool reversed = false);
// calculate steering output to drive towards desired heading
// rate_max is a maximum turn rate in deg/s. set to zero to use default turn rate limits
void calc_steering_to_heading(float desired_heading_cd, float rate_max_degs = 0.0f);
// calculates the amount of throttle that should be output based
// on things like proximity to corners and current speed
virtual void calc_throttle(float target_speed, bool avoidance_enabled);
// performs a controlled stop. returns true once vehicle has stopped
bool stop_vehicle();
// estimate maximum vehicle speed (in m/s)
// cruise_speed is in m/s, cruise_throttle should be in the range -1 to +1
float calc_speed_max(float cruise_speed, float cruise_throttle) const;
// calculate pilot input to nudge speed up or down
// target_speed should be in meters/sec
// reversed should be true if the vehicle is intentionally backing up which allows the pilot to increase the backing up speed by pulling the throttle stick down
float calc_speed_nudge(float target_speed, bool reversed);
// calculate vehicle stopping location using current location, velocity and maximum acceleration
void calc_stopping_location(Location& stopping_loc);
// decode pilot steering and throttle inputs and return in steer_out and throttle_out arguments
// steering_out is in the range -4500 ~ +4500 with positive numbers meaning rotate clockwise
// throttle_out is in the range -100 ~ +100
void get_pilot_input(float &steering_out, float &throttle_out);
void set_steering(float steering_value);
// references to avoid code churn:
class AP_AHRS &ahrs;
class Parameters &g;
class ParametersG2 &g2;
class RC_Channel *&channel_steer;
class RC_Channel *&channel_throttle;
class RC_Channel *&channel_lateral;
class AR_AttitudeControl &attitude_control;
// private members for waypoint navigation
float _distance_to_destination; // distance from vehicle to final destination in meters
bool _reached_destination; // true once the vehicle has reached the destination
float _desired_yaw_cd; // desired yaw in centi-degrees
float _yaw_error_cd; // error between desired yaw and actual yaw in centi-degrees
float _desired_speed; // desired speed in m/s
float _speed_error; // ground speed error in m/s
class ModeAcro : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return ACRO; }
const char *name4() const override { return "ACRO"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
bool has_manual_input() const override { return true; }
// acro mode requires a velocity estimate for non skid-steer rovers
bool requires_position() const override { return false; }
bool requires_velocity() const override;
// sailboats in acro mode support user manually initiating tacking from transmitter
void handle_tack_request() override;
class ModeAuto : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return AUTO; }
const char *name4() const override { return "AUTO"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
void calc_throttle(float target_speed, bool avoidance_enabled) override;
// attributes of the mode
bool is_autopilot_mode() const override { return true; }
// return if external control is allowed in this mode (Guided or Guided-within-Auto)
bool in_guided_mode() const override { return _submode == Auto_Guided; }
// return distance (in meters) to destination
float get_distance_to_destination() const override;
// set desired location, heading and speed
void set_desired_location(const struct Location& destination, float next_leg_bearing_cd = MODE_NEXT_HEADING_UNKNOWN) override;
bool reached_destination() const override;
// heading and speed control
void set_desired_heading_and_speed(float yaw_angle_cd, float target_speed) override;
bool reached_heading();
// start RTL (within auto)
void start_RTL();
AP_Mission mission{
FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&ModeAuto::start_command, bool, const AP_Mission::Mission_Command&),
FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&ModeAuto::verify_command_callback, bool, const AP_Mission::Mission_Command&),
FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&ModeAuto::exit_mission, void)};
bool _enter() override;
void _exit() override;
enum AutoSubMode {
Auto_WP, // drive to a given location
Auto_HeadingAndSpeed, // turn to a given heading
Auto_RTL, // perform RTL within auto mode
Auto_Loiter, // perform Loiter within auto mode
Auto_Guided // handover control to external navigation system from within auto mode
} _submode;
bool check_trigger(void);
bool start_loiter();
void start_guided(const Location& target_loc);
void send_guided_position_target();
bool start_command(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
void exit_mission();
bool verify_command_callback(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
bool verify_command(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
void do_RTL(void);
void do_nav_wp(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd, bool always_stop_at_destination);
void do_nav_guided_enable(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
void do_nav_set_yaw_speed(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
bool verify_nav_wp(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
bool verify_RTL();
bool verify_loiter_unlimited(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
bool verify_loiter_time(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
bool verify_nav_guided_enable(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
bool verify_nav_set_yaw_speed();
void do_wait_delay(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
void do_within_distance(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
bool verify_wait_delay();
bool verify_within_distance();
void do_change_speed(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
void do_set_home(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
void do_set_reverse(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
void do_guided_limits(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
enum Mis_Done_Behave {
bool auto_triggered; // true when auto has been triggered to start
bool _reached_heading; // true when vehicle has reached desired heading in TurnToHeading sub mode
// Loiter control
uint16_t loiter_duration; // How long we should loiter at the nav_waypoint (time in seconds)
uint32_t loiter_start_time; // How long have we been loitering - The start time in millis
bool previously_reached_wp; // set to true if we have EVER reached the waypoint
// Guided-within-Auto variables
struct {
Location loc; // location target sent to external navigation
bool valid; // true if loc is valid
uint32_t last_sent_ms; // system time that target was last sent to offboard navigation
} guided_target;
// Conditional command
// A value used in condition commands (eg delay, change alt, etc.)
// For example in a change altitude command, it is the altitude to change to.
int32_t condition_value;
// A starting value used to check the status of a conditional command.
// For example in a delay command the condition_start records that start time for the delay
int32_t condition_start;
class ModeGuided : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return GUIDED; }
const char *name4() const override { return "GUID"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes of the mode
bool is_autopilot_mode() const override { return true; }
// return if external control is allowed in this mode (Guided or Guided-within-Auto)
bool in_guided_mode() const override { return true; }
// return distance (in meters) to destination
float get_distance_to_destination() const override;
// return true if vehicle has reached destination
bool reached_destination() const override;
// set desired location, heading and speed
void set_desired_location(const struct Location& destination, float next_leg_bearing_cd = MODE_NEXT_HEADING_UNKNOWN) override;
void set_desired_heading_and_speed(float yaw_angle_cd, float target_speed) override;
// set desired heading-delta, turn-rate and speed
void set_desired_heading_delta_and_speed(float yaw_delta_cd, float target_speed);
void set_desired_turn_rate_and_speed(float turn_rate_cds, float target_speed);
// vehicle start loiter
bool start_loiter();
// guided limits
void limit_set(uint32_t timeout_ms, float horiz_max);
void limit_clear();
void limit_init_time_and_location();
bool limit_breached() const;
enum GuidedMode {
bool _enter() override;
GuidedMode _guided_mode; // stores which GUIDED mode the vehicle is in
// attitude control
bool have_attitude_target; // true if we have a valid attitude target
uint32_t _des_att_time_ms; // system time last call to set_desired_attitude was made (used for timeout)
float _desired_yaw_rate_cds;// target turn rate centi-degrees per second
bool sent_notification; // used to send one time notification to ground station
// limits
struct {
uint32_t timeout_ms;// timeout from the time that guided is invoked
float horiz_max; // horizontal position limit in meters from where guided mode was initiated (0 = no limit)
uint32_t start_time_ms; // system time in milliseconds that control was handed to the external computer
Location start_loc; // starting location for checking horiz_max limit
} limit;
class ModeHold : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return HOLD; }
const char *name4() const override { return "HOLD"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
bool attitude_stabilized() const override { return false; }
// hold mode does not require position or velocity estimate
bool requires_position() const override { return false; }
bool requires_velocity() const override { return false; }
class ModeLoiter : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return LOITER; }
const char *name4() const override { return "LOIT"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes of the mode
bool is_autopilot_mode() const override { return true; }
// return desired heading (in degrees) and cross track error (in meters) for reporting to ground station (NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT message)
float wp_bearing() const override { return _desired_yaw_cd * 0.01f; }
float nav_bearing() const override { return _desired_yaw_cd * 0.01f; }
float crosstrack_error() const override { return 0.0f; }
// return distance (in meters) to destination
float get_distance_to_destination() const override { return _distance_to_destination; }
bool _enter() override;
Location _destination; // target location to hold position around
class ModeManual : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return MANUAL; }
const char *name4() const override { return "MANU"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
bool has_manual_input() const override { return true; }
bool attitude_stabilized() const override { return false; }
// manual mode does not require position or velocity estimate
bool requires_position() const override { return false; }
bool requires_velocity() const override { return false; }
void _exit() override;
class ModeRTL : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return RTL; }
const char *name4() const override { return "RTL"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes of the mode
bool is_autopilot_mode() const override { return true; }
float get_distance_to_destination() const override { return _distance_to_destination; }
bool reached_destination() const override;
bool _enter() override;
bool sent_notification; // used to send one time notification to ground station
class ModeSmartRTL : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return SMART_RTL; }
const char *name4() const override { return "SRTL"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes of the mode
bool is_autopilot_mode() const override { return true; }
float get_distance_to_destination() const override { return _distance_to_destination; }
bool reached_destination() const override { return smart_rtl_state == SmartRTL_StopAtHome; }
// save current position for use by the smart_rtl flight mode
void save_position();
// Safe RTL states
enum SmartRTLState {
} smart_rtl_state;
bool _enter() override;
bool _load_point;
class ModeSteering : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return STEERING; }
const char *name4() const override { return "STER"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
bool has_manual_input() const override { return true; }
// steering requires velocity but not position
bool requires_position() const override { return false; }
bool requires_velocity() const override { return true; }
class ModeInitializing : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return INITIALISING; }
const char *name4() const override { return "INIT"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override { }
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
bool has_manual_input() const override { return true; }
bool attitude_stabilized() const override { return false; }
class ModeFollow : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return FOLLOW; }
const char *name4() const override { return "FOLL"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes of the mode
bool is_autopilot_mode() const override { return true; }
// return desired heading (in degrees) and cross track error (in meters) for reporting to ground station (NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT message)
float wp_bearing() const override;
float nav_bearing() const override { return wp_bearing(); }
float crosstrack_error() const override { return 0.0f; }
// return distance (in meters) to destination
float get_distance_to_destination() const override;
bool _enter() override;
class ModeSimple : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return SIMPLE; }
const char *name4() const override { return "SMPL"; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
void init_heading();
// simple type enum used for SIMPLE_TYPE parameter
enum simple_type {
Simple_InitialHeading = 0,
Simple_CardinalDirections = 1,
float _initial_heading_cd; // vehicle heading (in centi-degrees) at moment vehicle was armed
float _desired_heading_cd; // latest desired heading (in centi-degrees) from pilot