Convert to IActivate, IDeactivate scheme, thanks andrew add support for rfcomm* interfaces on linux fix guage off screen draw mono issue. remove use of BackStageViewContentPanel andrews spacer changes - not using dues to screen space issue change configpanel constructor to load xml directly remove IMavlink Interface fix hsi off screen draw issue on mono modify hud to use sprite fonts, instead of drawing via GDI+ modify progress reporter to use a 10hz timer to update screen, using invoke/begininvoke fails on mono at 50hz (over 100ms per call). fix targetalt and target airspeed jumping issue. lots of cleanup on tab switching, ie stoping timers/other 3dr radio status led update update ardurover car icon speedup georef image screen. tested on over 1000 images.
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226 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ArdupilotMega.Controls.BackstageView;
using ArdupilotMega.Comms;
using ArdupilotMega.Utilities;
namespace ArdupilotMega.Antenna
public partial class Tracker : UserControl, IDeactivate
System.Threading.Thread t12;
static bool threadrun = false;
static ITrackerOutput tracker;
enum interfaces
public Tracker()
CMB_serialport.DataSource = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
if (threadrun)
BUT_connect.Text = "Disconnect";
foreach (string value in MainV2.config.Keys)
if (value.StartsWith("Tracker_"))
var ctls = Controls.Find(value.Replace("Tracker_",""),true);
foreach (Control ctl in ctls)
if (typeof(TextBox) == ctl.GetType() ||
typeof(ComboBox) == ctl.GetType())
ctl.Text = MainV2.config[value].ToString();
else if (typeof(TrackBar) == ctl.GetType())
((TrackBar)ctl).Value = int.Parse(MainV2.config[value].ToString());
else if (typeof(CheckBox) == ctl.GetType())
((CheckBox)ctl).Checked = bool.Parse(MainV2.config[value].ToString());
// update other fields from load params
TXT_panrange_TextChanged(null, null);
TXT_tiltrange_TextChanged(null, null);
TRK_pantrim_Scroll(null, null);
TRK_tilttrim_Scroll(null, null);
void saveconfig()
foreach (Control ctl in Controls)
if (typeof(TextBox) == ctl.GetType() ||
typeof(ComboBox) == ctl.GetType())
MainV2.config["Tracker_" + ctl.Name] = ctl.Text;
if (typeof(TrackBar) == ctl.GetType())
MainV2.config["Tracker_" + ctl.Name] = ((TrackBar)ctl).Value;
if (typeof(CheckBox) == ctl.GetType())
MainV2.config["Tracker_" + ctl.Name] = ((CheckBox)ctl).Checked;
private void BUT_connect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (threadrun)
threadrun = false;
BUT_connect.Text = "Connect";
if (tracker != null && tracker.ComPort != null && tracker.ComPort.IsOpen)
if (CMB_interface.Text == "Maestro")
tracker = new ArdupilotMega.Antenna.Maestro();
if (CMB_interface.Text == "ArduTracker")
tracker = new ArdupilotMega.Antenna.ArduTracker();
tracker.ComPort = new SerialPort()
PortName = CMB_serialport.Text,
BaudRate = int.Parse(CMB_baudrate.Text)
catch (Exception ex) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Bad Port settings " + ex.Message); return; }
tracker.PanStartRange = int.Parse(TXT_panrange.Text) / 2 * -1;
tracker.PanEndRange = int.Parse(TXT_panrange.Text) / 2;
tracker.TrimPan = TRK_pantrim.Value;
tracker.TiltStartRange = int.Parse(TXT_tiltrange.Text) / 2 * -1;
tracker.TiltEndRange = int.Parse(TXT_tiltrange.Text) / 2;
tracker.TrimTilt = TRK_tilttrim.Value;
tracker.PanReverse = CHK_revpan.Checked;
tracker.TiltReverse = CHK_revtilt.Checked;
tracker.PanPWMRange = int.Parse(TXT_pwmrangepan.Text);
tracker.TiltPWMRange = int.Parse(TXT_pwmrangetilt.Text);
catch (Exception ex) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Bad User input " + ex.Message); return; }
if (tracker.Init())
if (tracker.Setup())
tracker.PanAndTilt(0, 0);
t12 = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(mainloop))
IsBackground = true,
Name = "Antenna Tracker"
BUT_connect.Text = "Disconnect";
void mainloop()
threadrun = true;
while (threadrun)
// 10 hz - position updates default to 3 hz on the stream rate
tracker.PanAndTilt(MainV2.cs.AZToMAV, MainV2.cs.ELToMAV);
catch { }
private void TRK_pantrim_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tracker != null)
tracker.TrimPan = TRK_pantrim.Value;
LBL_pantrim.Text = TRK_pantrim.Value.ToString();
private void TRK_tilttrim_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tracker != null)
tracker.TrimTilt = TRK_tilttrim.Value;
LBL_tilttrim.Text = TRK_tilttrim.Value.ToString();
private void TXT_panrange_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int range;
int.TryParse(TXT_panrange.Text, out range);
TRK_pantrim.Minimum = range / 1 * -1;
TRK_pantrim.Maximum = range / 1;
private void TXT_tiltrange_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int range;
int.TryParse(TXT_tiltrange.Text, out range);
TRK_tilttrim.Minimum = range / 1 * -1;
TRK_tilttrim.Maximum = range / 1;
private void CHK_revpan_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void CHK_revtilt_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void Deactivate()