arshPratap 63ed2c646e AP_DDS: Preserve folder structure and includes for IDL files
* Remove ALL local changes in IDL (it mirrors upstream)
* Convert to pathlib for more robust manipulation
* Added EOF newlines for all the other missing IDL files

Co-authored-by: Arsh Pratap <>
Signed-off-by: Ryan Friedman <>
2023-04-14 12:05:14 +10:00

25 lines
779 B

// generated from rosidl_adapter/resource/msg.idl.em
// with input from std_msgs/msg/Header.msg
// generated code does not contain a copyright notice
#include "builtin_interfaces/msg/Time.idl"
module std_msgs {
module msg {
@verbatim (language="comment", text=
"Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types." "\n"
"This is generally used to communicate timestamped data" "\n"
"in a particular coordinate frame.")
struct Header {
@verbatim (language="comment", text=
"Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as seconds and nanoseconds.")
builtin_interfaces::msg::Time stamp;
@verbatim (language="comment", text=
"Transform frame with which this data is associated.")
string frame_id;