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Enabling Scripting Support in Builds

To enable scripting the --enable-scripting flag must be passed to waf. The following example enables scripting and builds the ArduPlane firmware for the Cube.

$ waf configure --enable-scripting --board=CubeBlack

$ waf plane

To run SITL you can simply use the script which will wrap the configuration, compilation, and launching of the simulation into one command for you.

$ Tools/autotest/ --waf-configure-arg --enable-scripting -v ArduPlane

Adding Scripts

The vehicle will automatically look for and launch any scripts that are contained in the scripts folder when it starts. On real hardware this should be inside of the APM folder of the SD card. In SITL this should be in the working directory (typically the main ardupilot directory).

An example script is given below:

function update () -- periodic function that will be called
  current_pos = Location()
  distance = current_pos:get_distance(ahrs:get_home()) -- calculate the distance from home
  if distance > 1000 then -- if more then 1000 meters away
    distance = 1000;      -- clamp the distance to 1000 meters
  servo.set_output_pwm(96, 1000 + distance) -- set the servo assigned function 96 (scripting3) to a proportional value

  return update, 1000 -- request to be rerun again 1000 milliseconds (1 second) from now