Ian d358ca1b32 SITL: Add Webots 2023a support and examples
The various C Webots controllers are replaced by a single Python controller
- More readable (in my opinion)
- Does not require compilation
- Easily modifiable to run user code
- Can be blackboxed and configured via arguments when designing a robot model
- Optionally provides the ability to stream camera images over TCP
- Generalizable to copters and rovers (and probably more)
- Supports multi-vehicle simulation (including of multiple types)
- Requires no non-standard libraries (neither does current)

Higher fidelity example worlds
- Iris quadcopter demo world similar to gazebo
- Crazyflie quadcopter demo world (crazyflie models baked into webots)
- Pioneer3at rover demo world (pioneer models baked into webots)
2023-01-22 18:19:38 +11:00

46 lines
1.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# An example script that receives images from a WebotsArduVehicle
# on port 5599 and displays using OpenCV.
# Requires opencv-python (`pip3 install opencv-python`)
import cv2
import socket
import struct
import numpy as np
# connect to WebotsArduVehicle
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 5599))
header_size = struct.calcsize("=HH")
while True:
# receive header
header = s.recv(header_size)
if len(header) != header_size:
print("Header size mismatch")
# parse header
width, height = struct.unpack("=HH", header)
# receive image
bytes_to_read = width * height
img = bytes()
while len(img) < bytes_to_read:
img += s.recv(min(bytes_to_read - len(img), 4096))
# convert incoming bytes to a numpy array (a grayscale image)
img = np.frombuffer(img, np.uint8).reshape((height, width))
# Do cool stuff with the image here
# ...
# display image
cv2.imshow("image", img)
if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord("q"):