/* wrapper for OSD code (https://github.com/night-ghost/minimosd-extra) to run in the HAL as independent process (c) night_ghost@ykoctpa.ru 2017 */ #include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> #ifdef BOARD_OSD_CS_PIN #include <utility> #include "osd_core/compat.h" using namespace F4Light; #include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <hal.h> #include "ring_buffer.h" #include <inttypes.h> #include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> #include <AP_HAL/utility/print_vprintf.h> #include <AP_HAL_F4Light/AP_HAL_F4Light.h> #include <AP_HAL_F4Light/SPIDevice.h> #define SLAVE_BUILD #include "osd_core/Defs.h" #include "osd.h" #include "osd_eeprom.h" #include "osd_core/eeprom.h" #include "osd_core/version.h" #include <sd/SD.h> namespace OSDns { #include "osd_core/GCS_MAVLink.h" #include "osd_core/OSD_Max7456.h" OSD osd; //OSD object #include "osd_core/prototypes.h" #include "osd_core/Vars.h" #include "osd_core/Config_Func.h" #include "osd_core/Config.h" #include "osd_core/Func.h" #include "osd_core/protocols.h" #include "osd_core/misc.h" #include "osd_core/Params.h" #include "osd_core/Panels.h" // TODO: чтение конфига и еепром с карты памяти, чтобы закинуть .mcm и .osd и все static const char * const words[] = { "Air Speed", // 1 "Altitude", // 2 "Auto Mode", // 3 "Auto Screen Switch", // 4 "batt_a_k", // 5 "BattB", // 6 "batt_b_k", // 7 "Battery", // 8 "Battery A", // 9 "Battery B", // 10 "Battery Percent", // 11 "Battery Warning Level", // 12 "Call Sign", // 13 "Chanel Rotation Switching", // 14 "Channel Raw", // 15 "Channel Scale", // 16 "Channel state", // 17 "Channel Value", // 18 "Configuration", // 19 "Current", // 20 "curr_k", // 21 "Efficiency", // 22 "fBattA", // 23 "fBattB", // 24 "fCurr", // 25 "fILS", // 26 "flgHUD", // 27 "flgOnce", // 28 "flgTrack", // 29 "Flight Data", // 30 "Flight Mode", // 31 "fRussianHUD", // 32 "GPS Coord", // 33 "GPS HDOP", // 34 "Heading", // 35 "Heading Rose", // 36 "Home Altitude", // 37 "Home Direction", // 38 "Home Distance", // 39 "Horizon", // 40 "HOS", // 41 "Message", // 42 "Model Type", // 43 "NSCREENS", // 44 "OSD Brightness", // 45 "Overspeed", // 46 "Panel", // 47 "Pitch", // 48 "pitch_k", // 49 "pitch_kn", // 50 "PWMDST", // 51 "PWMSRC", // 52 "Radar Scale", // 53 "Real heading", // 54 "Roll", // 55 "roll_k", // 56 "roll_kn", // 57 "RSSI", // 58 "RSSI Enable Raw", // 59 "RSSI High", // 60 "rssi_k", // 61 "RSSI Low", // 62 "RSSI Warning Level", // 63 "SAdd1", // 64 "SAdd2", // 65 "SAdd3", // 66 "SAdd4", // 67 "Sensor 1", // 68 "Sensor 2", // 69 "Sensor 3", // 70 "Sensor 4", // 71 "SFactor1", // 72 "SFactor2", // 73 "SFactor3", // 74 "SFactor4", // 75 "SFormat1", // 76 "SFormat2", // 77 "SFormat3", // 78 "SFormat4", // 79 "Stall", // 80 "Temperature", // 81 "Throttle", // 82 "Time", // 83 "Toggle Channel", // 84 "Trip Distance", // 85 "Tune", // 86 "txtTime0", // 87 "txtTime1", // 88 "txtTime2", // 89 "txtTime3", // 90 "Units", // 91 "Velocity", // 92 "Vertical Speed", // 93 "Video Mode", // 94 "Visible Sats", // 95 "VOS", // 96 "Warnings", // 97 "Wind Speed", // 98 "WP Direction", // 99 "WP Distance", // 100 "#", // 101 "Power", // 102 "Date", // 103 "Time of day", // 104 "Motors", // 105 "Vibrations", // 106 "Variometer", // 107 "GPS Coord Lat", // 108 "GPS Coord Lon", // 109 }; typedef struct OSD_PAN { uint8_t dst; uint8_t size; char fmt; uint8_t pan_n; } OSD_pan; #define m1 ((uint8_t)-1) static const OSD_pan pan_tbl[]={ { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(airSpeed), }, // "Air Speed", // 1 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(alt), }, // "Altitude", // 2 { 9, m1, 0, 0, }, // "Auto Mode", // 3 - bit in flags { 7, m1, 0, 0, }, // "Auto Screen Switch", // 4 { offsetof(Settings,evBattA_koef), sizeof(sets.evBattA_koef), 'f', 0, }, // "batt_a_k", { offsetof(Settings,battBv), sizeof(sets.battBv), 'b', 0, }, // "BattB", { offsetof(Settings,evBattB_koef), sizeof(sets.evBattB_koef), 'f', 0, }, // "batt_b_k", { offsetof(Settings,battv), sizeof(sets.battv), 'b', 0, }, // "Battery", { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(batt_A), }, // "Battery A", // 9 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(batt_B), }, // "Battery B", // 10 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(batteryPercent), },// "Battery Percent", // 11 { offsetof(Settings,batt_warn_level), sizeof(sets.batt_warn_level),'b', 0, }, // "Battery Warning Level", // 12 { offsetof(Settings,OSD_CALL_SIGN), sizeof(sets.OSD_CALL_SIGN), 'c', 0, }, // "Call Sign", // 13 { offsetof(Settings,switch_mode), sizeof(sets.switch_mode), 'b', 0, }, // "Chanel Rotation Switching", // 14 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(ch), }, // "Channel Raw", // 15 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(Scale), }, // "Channel Scale", // 16 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(State), }, // "Channel state", // 17 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(CValue), }, // "Channel Value", // 18 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "Configuration", // 19 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(curr_A), }, // "Current", // 20 { offsetof(Settings,eCurrent_koef), sizeof(sets.eCurrent_koef), 'f', 0, }, // "curr_k", // 21 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(eff), }, // "Efficiency", // 22 { 4, m1, 0, 0, }, // "fBattA", // 23 { 5, m1, 0, 0, }, // "fBattB", // 24 { 6, m1, 0, 0, }, // "fCurr", // 25 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // 26 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // 27 { 0, m1, 0, 0, }, // "flgOnce", // 28 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, //29 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(Fdata), }, // "Flight Data", // 30 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(FMod), }, // "Flight Mode", // 31 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "fRussianHUD", // 32 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(GPS), }, // "GPS Coord", // 33 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(Hdop), }, // "GPS HDOP", // 34 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(heading), }, // "Heading", // 35 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(rose), }, // "Heading Rose", // 36 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(homeAlt), }, // "Home Altitude", // 37 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(homeDir), }, // "Home Direction", // 38 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(homeDist), }, // "Home Distance", // 39 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(horizon), }, // "Horizon", // 40 { offsetof(Settings,horiz_offs), sizeof(sets.horiz_offs), 'b', 0, }, // "HOS", // 41 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(message), }, // "Message", // 42 { offsetof(Settings,model_type), sizeof(sets.model_type), 'b', 0, }, // "Model Type", // 43 { offsetof(Settings,n_screens), sizeof(sets.n_screens), 'b', 0, }, // "NSCREENS", // 44 { offsetof(Settings,OSD_BRIGHTNESS), sizeof(sets.OSD_BRIGHTNESS),'b', 0, }, // "OSD Brightness", // 45 { offsetof(Settings,overspeed), sizeof(sets.overspeed), 'b', 0, }, // "Overspeed", // 46 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "Panel", // 47 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(pitch), }, // "Pitch", // 48 { offsetof(Settings,horiz_kPitch), sizeof(sets.horiz_kPitch), 'f', 0, }, // "pitch_k", // 49 { offsetof(Settings,horiz_kPitch_a), sizeof(sets.horiz_kPitch_a),'f', 0, }, // "pitch_kn", // 50 { offsetof(Settings,pwm_dst), sizeof(sets.pwm_dst), 'b', 0, }, // "PWMDST", // 51 { offsetof(Settings,pwm_src), sizeof(sets.pwm_src), 'b', 0, }, // "PWMSRC", // 52 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(RadarScale), }, // "Radar Scale", // 53 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(COG), }, // "Real heading", // 54 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(roll), }, // "Roll", // 55 { offsetof(Settings,horiz_kRoll), sizeof(sets.horiz_kRoll), 'f', 0, }, // "roll_k", // 56 { offsetof(Settings,horiz_kRoll_a), sizeof(sets.horiz_kRoll_a), 'f', 0, }, // "roll_kn", // 57 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(RSSI), }, // "RSSI", // 58 { offsetof(Settings,RSSI_raw), sizeof(sets.RSSI_raw), 'b', 0, }, // "RSSI Enable Raw", // 59 { offsetof(Settings,RSSI_16_high), sizeof(sets.RSSI_16_high), 'w', 0, }, // "RSSI High", // 60 { offsetof(Settings,eRSSI_koef), sizeof(sets.eRSSI_koef), 'f', 0, }, // "rssi_k", // 61 { offsetof(Settings,RSSI_16_low), sizeof(sets.RSSI_16_low), 'w', 0, }, // "RSSI Low", // 62 { offsetof(Settings,rssi_warn_level),sizeof(sets.rssi_warn_level),'b', 0, }, // "RSSI Warning Level", // 63 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SAdd1", // 64 // sensors not supported { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SAdd2", // 65 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SAdd3", // 66 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SAdd4", // 67 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(sensor1), }, // "Sensor 1", // 68 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(sensor2), }, // "Sensor 2", // 69 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(sensor3), }, // "Sensor 3", // 70 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(sensor4), }, // "Sensor 4", // 71 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SFactor1", // 72 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SFactor2", // 73 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SFactor3", // 74 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SFactor4", // 75 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SFormat1", // 76 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SFormat2", // 77 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SFormat3", // 78 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "SFormat4", // 79 { offsetof(Settings,stall), sizeof(sets.stall), 'b', 0, }, // "Stall", // 80 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(temp), }, // "Temperature", // 81 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(throttle), }, // "Throttle", // 82 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(time), }, // "Time", // 83 { offsetof(Settings,ch_toggle), sizeof(sets.ch_toggle), 'b', 0, }, // "Toggle Channel", // 84 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(distance), }, // "Trip Distance", // 85 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(tune), }, // "Tune", // 86 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "txtTime0", // 87 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "txtTime1", // 88 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "txtTime2", // 89 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // "txtTime3", // 90 { 1, m1, 0, 0, }, // "Units", // 91 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(vel), }, // "Velocity", // 92 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(climb), }, // "Vertical Speed", // 93 { 3, m1, 0, 0, }, // "Video Mode", // 94 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(GPS_sats), }, // "Visible Sats", // 95 { offsetof(Settings,vert_offs), sizeof(sets.vert_offs), 'b', 0, }, // "VOS", // 96 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(warn), }, // "Warnings", // 97 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(windSpeed), }, // "Wind Speed", // 98 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(WP_dir), }, // "WP Direction", // 99 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(WP_dist), }, // "WP Distance", // 100 { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, // # { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(Power), }, // "Power", // 102 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(fDate), }, // "Date", // 103 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(dayTime), }, // "Time of day", // 104 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(pMotor), }, // "Motors", // 105 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(fVibe), }, // "Vibrations", // 106 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(fVario), }, // "Variometer", // 107 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(coordLat), }, // "GPS Coord Lat", // 108 { 0, 0, 0, ID_of(coordLon), }, // "GPS Coord Lon", // 109 }; static ring_buffer osd_rxrb IN_CCM; static uint8_t osd_rx_buf[OSD_RX_BUF_SIZE] IN_CCM; static ring_buffer osd_txrb IN_CCM; static uint8_t osd_tx_buf[OSD_TX_BUF_SIZE] IN_CCM; AP_HAL::OwnPtr<F4Light::SPIDevice> osd_spi; AP_HAL::Semaphore *osd_spi_sem; //static volatile byte vas_vsync=false; mavlink_system_t mavlink_system = {12,1}; // sysid, compid #ifdef OSD_DMA_TRANSFER #define DMA_BUFFER_SIZE 510 static uint8_t dma_buffer[DMA_BUFFER_SIZE+1]; // in RAM for DMA static uint16_t dma_transfer_length IN_CCM; static uint8_t shadowbuf[sizeof(OSD::osdbuf)] IN_CCM; #endif static bool diff_done; extern void heartBeat(); extern void writePanels(); void On100ms(); void On20ms() {} void osd_loop(); void vsync_ISR(); void max_do_transfer(const char *buffer, uint16_t len); static void max7456_cs_off(){ osd_spi->wait_busy(); // wait for transfer complete const stm32_pin_info &pp = PIN_MAP[BOARD_OSD_CS_PIN]; gpio_write_bit(pp.gpio_device, pp.gpio_bit, HIGH); delay_ns100(3); } static void max7456_cs_on(){ const stm32_pin_info &pp = PIN_MAP[BOARD_OSD_CS_PIN]; gpio_write_bit(pp.gpio_device, pp.gpio_bit, LOW); delay_ns100(1); } static uint32_t sem_count=0; void max7456_on(){ max7456_cs_on(); osd_spi->set_speed(AP_HAL::Device::SPEED_HIGH); } static void max7456_sem_on(){ if(osd_spi_sem->take(HAL_SEMAPHORE_BLOCK_FOREVER)) { max7456_on(); } } void max7456_off(){ max7456_cs_off(); } static void max7456_sem_off(){ max7456_off(); osd_spi_sem->give(); // give sem on last count } void MAX_write(byte addr, byte data){ max7456_cs_on(); osd_spi->transfer(addr); // this transfer don't controls CS osd_spi->transfer(data); max7456_cs_off(); } byte MAX_read(byte addr){ max7456_cs_on(); osd_spi->transfer(addr); // this transfer don't controls CS uint8_t ret = osd_spi->transfer(0xff); max7456_cs_off(); return ret; } byte MAX_rw(byte b){ max7456_cs_on(); uint8_t ret=osd_spi->transfer(b); max7456_cs_off(); return ret; } static uint16_t rdb_ptr IN_CCM; #ifdef OSD_DMA_TRANSFER static void prepare_dma_buffer(){ uint16_t rp; uint16_t wp=0; uint8_t last_h=0xff; // MAX_write(MAX7456_DMM_reg, 0); // MAX_write(MAX7456_VM1_reg, B01000111); memset(dma_buffer,0xff,sizeof(dma_buffer)); dma_buffer[wp++] = MAX7456_DMM_reg; dma_buffer[wp++] = 0; dma_buffer[wp++] = MAX7456_VM1_reg; dma_buffer[wp++] = B01000111; // сначала все изменения for(rp=0; rp<MAX7456_screen_size ; rp++){ uint8_t c = OSD::osdbuf[rp]; if(c != shadowbuf[rp] ){ if(wp>=DMA_BUFFER_SIZE-6) break; uint8_t h = rp>>8; if(last_h != h){ last_h = h; dma_buffer[wp++] = MAX7456_DMAH_reg; dma_buffer[wp++] = h; if(wp>=DMA_BUFFER_SIZE-6) break; } dma_buffer[wp++] = MAX7456_DMAL_reg; dma_buffer[wp++] = rp&0xFF; dma_buffer[wp++] = MAX7456_DMDI_reg; dma_buffer[wp++] = c; shadowbuf[rp] = c; } } // а в оставшееся место все остальное по кольцу. таким образом пересылка у нас всегда 500 байт, и на частоте 4.5МГц занимает ~1ms. // длинные пересылки имеют низкий приоритет, и никому не мешают while(wp<DMA_BUFFER_SIZE-6){ uint8_t c = OSD::osdbuf[rdb_ptr]; uint8_t h = rdb_ptr>>8; if(last_h != h){ last_h = h; dma_buffer[wp++] = MAX7456_DMAH_reg; dma_buffer[wp++] = h; if(wp>=DMA_BUFFER_SIZE-6) break; } dma_buffer[wp++] = MAX7456_DMAL_reg; dma_buffer[wp++] = rdb_ptr&0xFF; dma_buffer[wp++] = MAX7456_DMDI_reg; dma_buffer[wp++] = c; shadowbuf[rdb_ptr] = c; rdb_ptr++; if(rdb_ptr >= MAX7456_screen_size) rdb_ptr=0; // loop } // dma_buffer[wp++] = MAX7456_VM0_reg; dma_buffer[wp++] = MAX7456_ENABLE_display | MAX7456_SYNC_autosync | OSD::video_mode; dma_transfer_length = wp; diff_done = true; } #endif uint32_t get_word(char *buf, char * &ptr){ uint32_t sel_len=0; uint8_t sel_id=0; for(uint32_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(words); i++){ uint32_t len=strlen(words[i]); if(strncmp(buf, words[i],len)==0){ if(len > sel_len) { // longest match sel_len = len; sel_id = i+1; } } } ptr=buf+sel_len; return sel_id; } char * get_lex(char * &ptro){ char *ptr; char *buf = ptro; while(*buf && (*buf=='\t' || *buf == ' ')) buf++; ptr=buf; while(*ptr && *ptr!='\t') ptr++; if(*ptr==0) { ptro=NULL; } else { *ptr=0; ptro=ptr+1; } return buf; } static bool get_flag(char *p) { if(!p) return false; if(*p=='T' || *p=='t' || *p=='1') return true; return false; } // x, y, vis, sign, Altf, Alt2, Alt3, Alt4, strings // 30 15 False 0 1 1 1 1 A|||| static point create_point(char *px, char *py, char *pVis, char *pSign, char *pAlt, char *pAlt2, char *pAlt3, char *pAlt4, char *ps ){ point p; p.x = strtoul(px, nullptr, 10); p.y = strtoul(py, nullptr, 10); p = do_on(p, get_flag(pVis)); p = do_sign(p, get_flag(pSign)); if(get_flag(pAlt)) p=do_alt(p); if(get_flag(pAlt2)) p=do_alt2(p); if(get_flag(pAlt3)) p=do_alt3(p); if(get_flag(pAlt4)) p=do_alt4(p); // if(ps) collect_strings(ps); not supported return p; } #define write_point(n,p) eeprom_write_len((byte *)&p, OffsetBITpanel * (int)panel_num + n * sizeof(Point), sizeof(Point) ); static void load_config(){ File fd = SD.open("eeprom.osd", FILE_READ); if (fd) { printf("\nLoading OSD config\n"); char buf[80]; // memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); uint32_t panel_num=-1; bool is_config=false; while(fd.gets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1) > 0) { // we readed one line char *ptr; char *p[10]; uint8_t word=get_word(buf,ptr); switch(word) { case 0: // not found case 101: // # continue; case 47: { // panel char *p2 = get_lex(ptr); panel_num=strtoul(p2, nullptr, 10); uint16_t flags=strtoul(ptr, nullptr, 10); write_point(0,flags); }break; case 19: // config is_config=true; break; default: char **pp = p; memset(p,0,sizeof(p)); do { *pp++ = get_lex(ptr); }while(ptr); if(is_config){ if(pan_tbl[word].size == (uint8_t)-1){ // bit flags uint32_t flags = sets.flags.dw; if(get_flag(p[0])) flags |= (1<<pan_tbl[word].dst); else flags &= ~(1<<pan_tbl[word].dst); sets.flags.dw=flags; } else { union { float f; uint8_t b; char buf[8]; uint16_t w; } val; switch(pan_tbl[word].fmt){ case 'f': // float val.f = atof(p[0]); break; case 'b': // byte val.b=(uint8_t)strtoul(p[0], nullptr, 10); break; case 'c': // char strncpy(val.buf, p[0], 8); break; case 'w': val.w=(uint16_t)strtoul(p[0], nullptr, 10); break; default: continue; // ignore this line } memmove( ((uint8_t*)(&sets)) + pan_tbl[word].dst, &val, pan_tbl[word].size); eeprom_write_len(((uint8_t*)(&sets)) + pan_tbl[word].dst, EEPROM_offs(sets) + pan_tbl[word].dst, pan_tbl[word].size); } }else{ // panel uint8_t id = pan_tbl[word].pan_n; if(id) { // 30 15 False 0 1 1 1 1 A|||| point po=create_point(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7], p[8] ); write_point(id, po); // save to eeprom } } break; } } fd.close(); // we don't save flags when parsing so lets do it now eeprom_write_len( &sets.flags.pad[0], EEPROM_offs(sets) + ((byte *)&sets.flags.pad - (byte *)&sets), sizeof(sets.flags.pad)); readSettings(); // re-read new values back, for settings that not in config.osd get all-1 state sets.CHK1_VERSION = VER; // set version - EEPROM OK sets.CHK2_VERSION = (VER ^ 0x55); eeprom_write_len( &sets.CHK1_VERSION, EEPROM_offs(sets) + ((byte *)&sets.CHK1_VERSION - (byte *)&sets), 2 ); } } static void load_font(){ const char font[]="font.mcm"; File fd = SD.open(font, FILE_READ); if (fd) { char buf[80]; if(fd.gets(buf, sizeof(buf)-1)){ printf("\nLoading OSD font\n"); OSD::setPanel(5, 5); osd_print_S(PSTR("font uploading ")); OSD::update();// Show it char patt[]="MAX7456"; if(strncmp(buf,patt,strlen(patt))==0){ uint8_t character_bitmap[0x40]; uint16_t font_count = 0; byte byte_count = 0; byte bit_count=0; uint8_t chk=0; uint8_t c=0; uint8_t last_c; uint8_t b=0; uint8_t cnt=0; while(font_count < 256) { last_c = c; if(fd.read(&c,1)<=0) break; // get a char switch(c){ // parse and decode mcm file case 0x0A: // line feed - skip if(last_c == 0x0d) continue; // lf without cr cause line end case 0x0d: // carridge return, end of line if (bit_count == 8) { chk ^= b; character_bitmap[byte_count] = b; b = 0; byte_count++; } bit_count = 0; break; case 0x30: // ascii '0' case 0x31: // ascii '1' b <<= 1; if(c == 0x31) b += 1; bit_count++; break; default: break; } // we have one completed character // write the character to NVM if(byte_count == 64) { osd.write_NVM(font_count, character_bitmap); byte_count = 0; font_count++; printf("."); chk=0; } } printf("done\n"); } } fd.close(); //* not in debug mode SD.remove(font); // once! //*/ } } static bool osd_need_redraw = false; static void * task_handle; // slowly write all buffer static void write_buff_to_MAX(bool all){ max7456_on(); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMM_reg, 0); // clear internal memory uint8_t old_h=0xff; for(uint16_t len = MAX7456_screen_size, cnt=0;len--; cnt++){ uint8_t c= OSD::osdbuf[cnt]; if(all || c!=0x20) { max7456_cs_on(); uint8_t h = cnt>>8; if(old_h!=h){ MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAH_reg, h); old_h = h; } MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAL_reg, cnt&0xFF); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMDI_reg, c); max7456_cs_off(); } #ifdef OSD_DMA_TRANSFER shadowbuf[cnt] = c; #endif } max7456_off(); } void osd_begin(AP_HAL::OwnPtr<F4Light::SPIDevice> spi){ osd_spi = std::move(spi); osd_spi_sem = osd_spi->get_semaphore(); // bus semaphore { const stm32_pin_info &pp = PIN_MAP[BOARD_OSD_CS_PIN]; gpio_set_mode(pp.gpio_device, pp.gpio_bit, GPIO_OUTPUT_PP); gpio_set_speed(pp.gpio_device, pp.gpio_bit, GPIO_speed_100MHz); gpio_write_bit(pp.gpio_device, pp.gpio_bit, HIGH); } #ifdef BOARD_OSD_RESET_PIN { const stm32_pin_info &pp = PIN_MAP[BOARD_OSD_RESET_PIN]; gpio_set_mode(pp.gpio_device, pp.gpio_bit, GPIO_OUTPUT_PP); gpio_set_speed(pp.gpio_device, pp.gpio_bit, GPIO_speed_25MHz); gpio_write_bit(pp.gpio_device, pp.gpio_bit, LOW); delayMicroseconds(50); gpio_write_bit(pp.gpio_device, pp.gpio_bit, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(120); } #endif rb_init(&osd_rxrb, OSD_RX_BUF_SIZE, osd_rx_buf); rb_init(&osd_txrb, OSD_TX_BUF_SIZE, osd_tx_buf); OSD_EEPROM::init(); // clear memory memset(OSD::osdbuf,0x20, sizeof(OSD::osdbuf)); #ifdef OSD_DMA_TRANSFER memset(shadowbuf, 0x20, sizeof(shadowbuf)); #endif /* lets try to load settings from SD card */ load_config(); readSettings(); doScreenSwitch(); // set vars for startup screen if( sets.CHK1_VERSION != VER || sets.CHK2_VERSION != (VER ^ 0x55)) { // wrong version lflags.bad_config=1; // some useful defaults sets.OSD_BRIGHTNESS = 2; sets.horiz_offs = 0x20; sets.vert_offs = 0x10; } while(millis()<1000) { // delay initialization until video stabilizes hal_yield(1000); } max7456_sem_on(); write_buff_to_MAX(true); for(uint8_t i=0; i<100; i++) { osd.init(); // Start display max7456_on(); uint8_t vm0 = MAX_read(MAX7456_VM0_reg | MAX7456_reg_read); // check register max7456_off(); uint8_t patt = MAX7456_ENABLE_display | MAX7456_SYNC_autosync | OSD::video_mode; if(vm0==patt) break; } max7456_off(); load_font(); max7456_sem_off(); #define REL_1 int(RELEASE_NUM/100) #define REL_2 int((RELEASE_NUM - REL_1*100 )/10) #define REL_3 int((RELEASE_NUM - REL_1*100 - REL_2*10 )) if(sets.FW_VERSION[0]!=(REL_1 + '0') || sets.FW_VERSION[1]!=(REL_2 + '0') || sets.FW_VERSION[2]!=(REL_3 + '0') ){ sets.FW_VERSION[0]=REL_1 + '0'; sets.FW_VERSION[1]=REL_2 + '0'; sets.FW_VERSION[2]=REL_3 + '0'; eeprom_write_len( sets.FW_VERSION, EEPROM_offs(sets) + ((uint8_t *)sets.FW_VERSION - (uint8_t *)&sets), sizeof(sets.FW_VERSION) ); } logo(); #ifdef BOARD_OSD_VSYNC_PIN Revo_hal_handler h = { .vp = vsync_ISR }; GPIO::_attach_interrupt(BOARD_OSD_VSYNC_PIN, h.h, RISING, VSI_INT_PRIORITY); #endif task_handle = Scheduler::start_task(OSDns::osd_loop, SMALL_TASK_STACK); // Scheduler::set_task_priority(task_handle, OSD_LOW_PRIORITY); // less than main task Scheduler::set_task_period(task_handle, 10000); // 100Hz } // all task is in one thread so no sync required void osd_loop() { if(osd_need_redraw){ // если была отложенная передача osd_need_redraw=false; OSD::update(); Scheduler::set_task_priority(task_handle, OSD_LOW_PRIORITY); // restore priority to low } uint32_t pt=millis(); seconds = pt / 1000; osd_dequeue(); // we MUST parse input even in case of bad config because it is the only way to communicate if(pt < BOOTTIME || lflags.bad_config){ // startup delay for fonts or EEPROM error logo(); return; } #if defined(MAV_REQUEST) && (defined(USE_MAVLINK) || defined(USE_MAVLINKPX4)) if(apm_mav_system && !lflags.mav_request_done){ // we got HEARTBEAT packet and still don't send requests for(uint8_t n = 3; n >0; n--){ request_mavlink_rates(); //Three times to certify it will be readed delay_150(); } lflags.mav_request_done=1; } #endif if(lflags.got_data){ // if new data comes pan_toggle(); // check for screen toggle if(!lflags.need_redraw) { lflags.need_redraw=1; vsync_wait=1; // will wait for interrupt } lflags.got_data=0; // data parsed } if( lflags.need_redraw) { lflags.need_redraw=0; // screen drawn setHomeVars(); // calculate and set Distance from home and Direction to home setFdataVars(); // statistics and min/max writePanels(); // writing enabled panels (check OSD_Panels Tab) #ifdef OSD_DMA_TRANSFER prepare_dma_buffer(); // prepare diff with addresses #endif update_screen = 1; // data comes, wee need to redraw screen } if(pt > timer_20ms){ timer_20ms+=20; On20ms(); if(update_screen && vsync_wait && (millis() - vsync_time)>50){ // interrupts stopped - more than 50 ms passed from the last one vsync_wait=0; // хватит ждать Scheduler::set_task_priority(task_handle, OSD_HIGH_PRIORITY); // equal to main OSD::update(); // update compulsorily (and then update every 20ms) update_screen = 0; Scheduler::set_task_priority(task_handle, OSD_LOW_PRIORITY); } } if(pt > timer_100ms){ timer_100ms+= 100; On100ms(); lflags.flag_01s = !lflags.flag_01s; if(lflags.flag_01s) { if(skip_inc) { skip_inc++; if(skip_inc >=3){ count02s++; skip_inc=0; // we go again } } else count02s++; } // count01s++; } if(pt > timer_500ms){ timer_500ms+= 500; lflags.got_data=1; // every half second forcibly update_screen = 1; lflags.flag_05s = 1; count05s++; lflags.blinker = !lflags.blinker; if(lflags.blinker) { // seconds++; lflags.one_sec_timer_switch = 1; // for warnings if(lflags.got_date) day_seconds++; // if we has GPS time - let it ticks if( vas_vsync && vsync_count < 5) { // at a frame rate they should be 25 or 50 // but there are boards where this pin is not connected. China... max7456_err_count++; if(max7456_err_count>3) { // 3 seconds bad sync #ifdef DEBUG printf(PSTR("restart MAX! vsync_count=%d\n"),vsync_count); #endif osd.reset(); // restart MAX7456 } } else max7456_err_count=0; vsync_count=0; heartBeat(); } } } float avgRSSI(uint16_t d){ static uint8_t ind = -1; static uint16_t RSSI_rawArray[8]; RSSI_rawArray[(++ind)%8] = d; d=0; for (uint8_t i=8;i!=0;) d += RSSI_rawArray[--i]; return d/8.0; } void On100ms() { byte ch = sets.RSSI_raw / 2; uint16_t d; //DBG_PRINTF("\n RSSI ch=%d ", ch); switch(ch) { case 1: // analog RSSI from pin case 2: // digital RSSI from pin case 0: d=osd_rssi; // mavlink goto case_4; case 3: // 3dr modem rssi d=telem_rssi; goto case_4; case 4: default: d = chan_raw[7]; // ch 8 //DBG_PRINTF("ch8_rssi=%d\n", d ); case_4: rssi_in = avgRSSI(d); // RSSI source is not pin so we can read it for sensor #if defined(USE_SENSORS) if(SENSOR4_ON) { if(fPulseSensor[3]) d=pulseIn(RssiPin,HIGH,10000); else d=analogRead(RssiPin); sensorData[3] = (sensorData[3]*7 + d) /8; } #endif break; } } void vsync_ISR(){ vas_vsync=true; vsync_wait=0; // note its presence vsync_count++; // count VSYNC interrupts vsync_time=millis(); // and note a time if(update_screen) { // there is data for screen osd_need_redraw=true; Scheduler::set_task_priority(task_handle, OSD_HIGH_PRIORITY); // higher than all drivers so it will be scheduled just after semaphore release Scheduler::task_resume(task_handle); // task should be finished at this time so resume it update_screen = 0; } } // is there any chars in ring buffer? int16_t osd_available(){ return rb_full_count(&osd_rxrb); } void osd_queue(uint8_t c) { // push bytes from OSD to FC around in the ring buffer uint8_t cnt=10; while(rb_is_full(&osd_rxrb)) { hal_yield(0); if(--cnt == 0) return; // destination don't listen } rb_push_insert(&osd_rxrb, c); } int16_t osd_getc(){ // get char from ring buffer return rb_remove(&osd_rxrb); } uint32_t osd_txspace() { return osd_txrb.size - rb_full_count(&osd_txrb); } void osd_putc(uint8_t c){ uint8_t cnt=10; while(rb_is_full(&osd_txrb)) { Scheduler::set_task_priority(task_handle, OSD_HIGH_PRIORITY); // to run in time of yield() hal_yield(0); if(--cnt == 0) break; // destination don't listen } rb_push_insert(&osd_txrb, c); Scheduler::set_task_priority(task_handle, OSD_LOW_PRIORITY); // restore priority to low } void osd_dequeue() { Scheduler::set_task_priority(task_handle, 100); // equal to main to not overflow buffers on packet decode while(!rb_is_empty(&osd_txrb)) { extern bool mavlink_one_byte(char c); char c = rb_remove(&osd_txrb); if(mavlink_one_byte(c)) lflags.got_data=true; } Scheduler::set_task_priority(task_handle, OSD_LOW_PRIORITY); // restore priority to low } static uint8_t max_err_cnt=0; void update_max_buffer(const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len){ max7456_sem_on(); uint16_t cnt=0; #if 1 uint8_t patt = MAX7456_ENABLE_display | MAX7456_SYNC_autosync | OSD::video_mode; max7456_cs_on(); uint8_t vm0 = MAX_read(MAX7456_VM0_reg | MAX7456_reg_read); if(vm0 != patt) { max_err_cnt++; if(max_err_cnt<3) { OSD::hw_init(); // first try without reset } else { // 3 errors together - nothing helps :( #ifdef BOARD_OSD_RESET_PIN { const stm32_pin_info &pp = PIN_MAP[BOARD_OSD_RESET_PIN]; gpio_write_bit(pp.gpio_device, pp.gpio_bit, LOW); delayMicroseconds(50); gpio_write_bit(pp.gpio_device, pp.gpio_bit, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(120); } #endif OSD::init(); max_err_cnt=0; } } else { max_err_cnt=0; } MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAH_reg, 0); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAL_reg, 0); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMM_reg, 1); // set address auto-increment max7456_cs_off(); if(osd_spi->send_strobe(buffer, len)!=len) { /*/// for debug - mark last written char MAX_rw(0x86); // finish transfer //*/// MAX_rw(0xff); // finish transfer } #elif 0 MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAH_reg, 0); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAL_reg, 0); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMM_reg, 0); // try to send just diffenence - don't clears last chars uint8_t last_h=0; while(len--){ if(*buffer != shadowbuf[cnt]){ uint8_t h = cnt>>8 ; if(last_h != h){ MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAH_reg, h); last_h = h; } MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAL_reg, cnt&0xFF); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMDI_reg, *buffer); shadowbuf[cnt] = *buffer; } buffer++; cnt++; } #elif 0 // a try to do writes in software strobe mode MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAH_reg, 0); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAL_reg, 0); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMM_reg, 1); // set address auto-increment max7456_cs_off(); while(len--){ max7456_cs_on(); // osd_spi->transfer(*buffer++); MAX7456 MAX_rw(*buffer++); buffer++; cnt++; osd_spi->wait_busy(); max7456_cs_off(); } max7456_cs_on(); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMM_reg, 0); // clear address auto-increment #else // just write all to MAX MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAH_reg, 0); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAL_reg, 0); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMM_reg, 0); uint8_t last_h=0; while(len--){ uint8_t h = cnt>>8 ; if(last_h != h){ MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAH_reg, h); last_h = h; } MAX_write(MAX7456_DMAL_reg, cnt&0xFF); MAX_write(MAX7456_DMDI_reg, *buffer); buffer++; cnt++; } #endif max7456_sem_off(); } } // namespace #endif