import collections

import DataflashLog
from LogAnalyzer import Test, TestResult
from VehicleType import VehicleType

class TestPitchRollCoupling(Test):
    '''test for divergence between input and output pitch/roll, i.e. mechanical failure or bad PID tuning'''

    # TODO: currently we're only checking for roll/pitch outside of max lean angle, will come back later to analyze
    # roll/pitch in versus out values

    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "Pitch/Roll"

    def run(self, logdata, verbose):
        self.result = TestResult()
        self.result.status = TestResult.StatusType.GOOD

        if logdata.vehicleType != VehicleType.Copter:
            self.result.status = TestResult.StatusType.NA

        if "ATT" not in logdata.channels:
            self.result.status = TestResult.StatusType.UNKNOWN
            self.result.statusMessage = "No ATT log data"

        if "CTUN" not in logdata.channels:
            self.result.status = TestResult.StatusType.UNKNOWN
            self.result.statusMessage = "No CTUN log data"

        if "BarAlt" in logdata.channels['CTUN']:
            self.ctun_baralt_att = 'BarAlt'
            self.ctun_baralt_att = 'BAlt'

        # figure out where each mode begins and ends, so we can treat auto and manual modes differently and ignore
        # acro/tune modes
        autoModes = [
        # use CTUN RollIn/DesRoll + PitchIn/DesPitch
        manualModes = ["STABILIZE", "DRIFT", "ALTHOLD", "ALT_HOLD", "POSHOLD"]
        # ignore data from these modes:
        ignoreModes = [
        autoSegments = []  # list of (startLine,endLine) pairs
        manualSegments = []  # list of (startLine,endLine) pairs
        orderedModes = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(logdata.modeChanges.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
        isAuto = False  # we always start in a manual control mode
        prevLine = 0
        mode = ""
        for line, modepair in orderedModes.items():
            mode = modepair[0].upper()
            if prevLine == 0:
                prevLine = line
            if mode in autoModes:
                if not isAuto:
                    manualSegments.append((prevLine, line - 1))
                    prevLine = line
                isAuto = True
            elif mode in manualModes:
                if isAuto:
                    autoSegments.append((prevLine, line - 1))
                    prevLine = line
                isAuto = False
            elif mode in ignoreModes:
                if isAuto:
                    autoSegments.append((prevLine, line - 1))
                    manualSegments.append((prevLine, line - 1))
                prevLine = 0
                raise Exception("Unknown mode in TestPitchRollCoupling: %s" % mode)
        # and handle the last segment, which doesn't have an ending
        if mode in autoModes:
            autoSegments.append((prevLine, logdata.lineCount))
        elif mode in manualModes:
            manualSegments.append((prevLine, logdata.lineCount))

        # figure out max lean angle, the ANGLE_MAX param was added in AC3.1
        maxLeanAngle = 45.0
        if "ANGLE_MAX" in logdata.parameters:
            maxLeanAngle = logdata.parameters["ANGLE_MAX"] / 100.0
        maxLeanAngleBuffer = 10  # allow a buffer margin

        # ignore anything below this altitude, to discard any data while not flying
        minAltThreshold = 2.0

        # look through manual+auto flight segments
        # TODO: filter to ignore single points outside range?
        (maxRoll, maxRollLine) = (0.0, 0)
        (maxPitch, maxPitchLine) = (0.0, 0)
        for (startLine, endLine) in manualSegments + autoSegments:
            # quick up-front test, only fallover into more complex line-by-line check if max()>threshold
            rollSeg = logdata.channels["ATT"]["Roll"].getSegment(startLine, endLine)
            pitchSeg = logdata.channels["ATT"]["Pitch"].getSegment(startLine, endLine)
            if not rollSeg.dictData and not pitchSeg.dictData:
            # check max roll+pitch for any time where relative altitude is above minAltThreshold
            roll = max(abs(rollSeg.min()), abs(rollSeg.max()))
            pitch = max(abs(pitchSeg.min()), abs(pitchSeg.max()))
            if (roll > (maxLeanAngle + maxLeanAngleBuffer) and abs(roll) > abs(maxRoll)) or (
                pitch > (maxLeanAngle + maxLeanAngleBuffer) and abs(pitch) > abs(maxPitch)
                lit = DataflashLog.LogIterator(logdata, startLine)
                assert lit.currentLine == startLine
                while lit.currentLine <= endLine:
                    relativeAlt = lit["CTUN"][self.ctun_baralt_att]
                    if relativeAlt > minAltThreshold:
                        roll = lit["ATT"]["Roll"]
                        pitch = lit["ATT"]["Pitch"]
                        if abs(roll) > (maxLeanAngle + maxLeanAngleBuffer) and abs(roll) > abs(maxRoll):
                            maxRoll = roll
                            maxRollLine = lit.currentLine
                        if abs(pitch) > (maxLeanAngle + maxLeanAngleBuffer) and abs(pitch) > abs(maxPitch):
                            maxPitch = pitch
                            maxPitchLine = lit.currentLine
        # check for breaking max lean angles
        if maxRoll and abs(maxRoll) > abs(maxPitch):
            self.result.status = TestResult.StatusType.FAIL
            self.result.statusMessage = "Roll (%.2f, line %d) > maximum lean angle (%.2f)" % (
        if maxPitch:
            self.result.status = TestResult.StatusType.FAIL
            self.result.statusMessage = "Pitch (%.2f, line %d) > maximum lean angle (%.2f)" % (

        # TODO: use numpy/scipy to check Roll+RollIn curves for fitness (ignore where we're not airborne)
        # ...