<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsl"?> <fdm_config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" name="dflyer" version="2.0" release="ALPHA" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/JSBSim.xsd"> <fileheader> <author> James Goppert </author> <filecreationdate> 2010-03-11 </filecreationdate> <version>0.0 </version> <description> Arducopter DIY Drones UAV. </description> </fileheader> <metrics> <wingarea unit="M2"> 0.017</wingarea> <wingspan unit="M"> 0.13 </wingspan> <chord unit="FT"> 0.0 </chord> <htailarea unit="FT2"> 0.0 </htailarea> <htailarm unit="FT"> 0.0 </htailarm> <vtailarea unit="FT2"> 0.0 </vtailarea> <vtailarm unit="FT"> 0.0 </vtailarm> <location name="AERORP" unit="IN"> <x> 0.00 </x> <y> 0.00 </y> <z> 0.00 </z> </location> <location name="EYEPOINT" unit="IN"> <x> 0.0 </x> <y> 0.0 </y> <z> 0.0 </z> </location> <location name="VRP" unit="IN"> <x>0</x> <y>0</y> <z>0</z> </location> </metrics> <mass_balance> <!--roughtly approximating this as a solid sphere with correct mass--> <ixx unit="KG*M2"> 0.036 </ixx> <iyy unit="KG*M2"> 0.036 </iyy> <izz unit="KG*M2"> 0.036 </izz> <emptywt unit="KG"> 1.0 </emptywt> <location name="CG" unit="IN"> <x> 0.0 </x> <y> 0.0 </y> <z> 0.0 </z> </location> <pointmass name="Payload"> <weight unit="KG"> 0.0 </weight> <location unit="IN"> <x> 0.0 </x> <y> 0.0 </y> <z> 0.0 </z> </location> </pointmass> </mass_balance> <ground_reactions> <contact type="BOGEY" name="frontbase"> <location unit="M"> <x> -0.283 </x> <y> 0.00 </y> <z> -0.033</z> </location> <static_friction> 0.80 </static_friction> <dynamic_friction> 0.50 </dynamic_friction> <spring_coeff unit="N/M"> 800 </spring_coeff> <damping_coeff unit="N/M2/SEC2" type="SQUARE"> 7 </damping_coeff> <damping_coeff_rebound unit="N/M2/SEC2" type="SQUARE"> 300 </damping_coeff_rebound> </contact> <contact type="BOGEY" name="rearbase"> <location unit="M"> <x> 0.283 </x> <y> 0.00 </y> <z> -0.033</z> </location> <static_friction> 0.80 </static_friction> <dynamic_friction> 0.50 </dynamic_friction> <spring_coeff unit="N/M"> 800 </spring_coeff> <damping_coeff unit="N/M2/SEC2" type="SQUARE"> 7 </damping_coeff> <damping_coeff_rebound unit="N/M2/SEC2" type="SQUARE"> 300 </damping_coeff_rebound> </contact> <contact type="BOGEY" name="leftbase"> <location unit="M"> <x> 0.00 </x> <y> 0.283 </y> <z> -0.033</z> </location> <static_friction> 0.80 </static_friction> <dynamic_friction> 0.50 </dynamic_friction> <spring_coeff unit="N/M"> 800 </spring_coeff> <damping_coeff unit="N/M2/SEC2" type="SQUARE"> 7 </damping_coeff> <damping_coeff_rebound unit="N/M2/SEC2" type="SQUARE"> 300 </damping_coeff_rebound> </contact> <contact type="BOGEY" name="rightbase"> <location unit="M"> <x> 0.00 </x> <y> -0.283 </y> <z> -0.033</z> </location> <static_friction> 0.80 </static_friction> <dynamic_friction> 0.50 </dynamic_friction> <spring_coeff unit="N/M"> 800 </spring_coeff> <damping_coeff unit="N/M2/SEC2" type="SQUARE"> 7 </damping_coeff> <damping_coeff_rebound unit="N/M2/SEC2" type="SQUARE"> 300 </damping_coeff_rebound> </contact> </ground_reactions> <!-- the front and rear motors spin clockwise, and the left and right motors spin counter-clockwise. --> <propulsion> <engine file="a2830-12" name="front"> <location unit="M"> <x> -0.283 </x> <y> 0.00 </y> <z> 0.00 </z> </location> <orient unit="DEG"> <pitch> 90.00 </pitch> <roll> 0.00 </roll> <yaw> 0.00 </yaw> </orient> <feed>0</feed> <thruster file="prop10x4.5"> <location unit="M"> <x> -0.283 </x> <y> 0.00 </y> <z> 0.125 </z> </location> <orient unit="DEG"> <pitch> 90.00 </pitch> <roll> 0.00 </roll> <yaw> 0.00 </yaw> </orient> <sense> 1 </sense> <p_factor> 10 </p_factor> </thruster> </engine> <engine file="a2830-12" name="rear"> <location unit="M"> <x> 0.283 </x> <y> 0.000 </y> <z> 0.000 </z> </location> <orient unit="DEG"> <pitch> 90.00 </pitch> <roll> 0.00 </roll> <yaw> 0.00 </yaw> </orient> <feed>0</feed> <thruster file="prop10x4.5"> <location unit="M"> <x> 0.283 </x> <y> 0.000 </y> <z> 0.125 </z> </location> <orient unit="DEG"> <pitch> 90.00 </pitch> <roll> 0.00 </roll> <yaw> 0.00 </yaw> </orient> <sense> 1 </sense> <p_factor> 10 </p_factor> </thruster> </engine> <engine file="a2830-12" name="left"> <location unit="M"> <x> 0.00 </x> <y> 0.283 </y> <z> 0.00 </z> </location> <orient unit="DEG"> <pitch> 90.00 </pitch> <roll> 0.00 </roll> <yaw> 0.00 </yaw> </orient> <feed>0</feed> <thruster file="prop10x4.5"> <location unit="M"> <x> 0.00 </x> <y> 0.283 </y> <z> 0.125 </z> </location> <orient unit="DEG"> <pitch> 90.00 </pitch> <roll> 0.00 </roll> <yaw> 0.00 </yaw> </orient> <sense> -1 </sense> <p_factor> 10 </p_factor> </thruster> </engine> <engine file="a2830-12" name="right"> <location unit="M"> <x> 0.000 </x> <y> -0.283 </y> <z> 0.000 </z> </location> <orient unit="DEG"> <pitch> 90.00 </pitch> <roll> 0.00 </roll> <yaw> 0.00 </yaw> </orient> <feed>0</feed> <thruster file="prop10x4.5"> <location unit="M"> <x> 0.000 </x> <y> -0.283 </y> <z> 0.125 </z> </location> <orient unit="DEG"> <pitch> 90.00 </pitch> <roll> 0.00 </roll> <yaw> 0.00 </yaw> </orient> <sense> -1 </sense> <p_factor> 10 </p_factor> </thruster> </engine> <tank type="FUEL" number="0"> <location unit="M"> <x> 0.00 </x> <y> 0.00 </y> <z> -0.07 </z> </location> <!--have to have a fuel capacity, so setting it small--> <capacity unit="KG"> 0.00000000001 </capacity> <contents unit="KG"> 0.0 </contents> </tank> </propulsion> <aerodynamics> <axis name="LIFT"> </axis> <axis name="DRAG"> <function name="aero/coefficient/CD0"> <description>Overall Drag</description> <product> <property>aero/qbar-psf</property> <property>metrics/Sw-sqft</property> <value>1</value> </product> </function> </axis> <axis name="SIDE"> </axis> <axis name="ROLL"> </axis> <axis name="PITCH"> </axis> <axis name="YAW"> </axis> </aerodynamics> </fdm_config> <!-- vim:ts=2:sw=2:expandtab -->