
  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "AP_AHRS.h"
#include "AP_AHRS_View.h"

#include <AP_Common/Location.h>
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Logger/AP_Logger.h>
#include <AP_GPS/AP_GPS.h>
#include <AP_Baro/AP_Baro.h>
#include <AP_Compass/AP_Compass.h>
#include <AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle_Type.h>

extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;

void AP_AHRS_Backend::init()

// return a smoothed and corrected gyro vector using the latest ins data (which may not have been consumed by the EKF yet)
Vector3f AP_AHRS::get_gyro_latest(void) const
    const uint8_t primary_gyro = get_primary_gyro_index();
    return AP::ins().get_gyro(primary_gyro) + get_gyro_drift();

// set_trim
void AP_AHRS::set_trim(const Vector3f &new_trim)
    const Vector3f trim {
        constrain_float(new_trim.x, ToRad(-AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT), ToRad(AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT)),
        constrain_float(new_trim.y, ToRad(-AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT), ToRad(AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT)),
        constrain_float(new_trim.z, ToRad(-AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT), ToRad(AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT))

// add_trim - adjust the roll and pitch trim up to a total of 10 degrees
void AP_AHRS::add_trim(float roll_in_radians, float pitch_in_radians, bool save_to_eeprom)
    Vector3f trim = _trim.get();

    // add new trim
    trim.x = constrain_float(trim.x + roll_in_radians, ToRad(-AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT), ToRad(AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT));
    trim.y = constrain_float(trim.y + pitch_in_radians, ToRad(-AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT), ToRad(AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT));

    // set new trim values

    // save to eeprom
    if( save_to_eeprom ) {

// Set the board mounting orientation from AHRS_ORIENTATION parameter
void AP_AHRS::update_orientation()
    const uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
    if (now_ms - last_orientation_update_ms < 1000) {
        // only update once/second

    // never update while armed - unless we've never updated
    // (e.g. mid-air reboot or ARMING_REQUIRED=NO on Plane):
    if (hal.util->get_soft_armed() && last_orientation_update_ms != 0) {

    last_orientation_update_ms = now_ms;

    const enum Rotation orientation = (enum Rotation)_board_orientation.get();


// return a ground speed estimate in m/s
Vector2f AP_AHRS_DCM::groundspeed_vector(void)
    // Generate estimate of ground speed vector using air data system
    Vector2f gndVelADS;
    Vector2f gndVelGPS;
    float airspeed = 0;
    const bool gotAirspeed = airspeed_estimate_true(airspeed);
    const bool gotGPS = (AP::gps().status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D);
    if (gotAirspeed) {
        const Vector2f airspeed_vector{_cos_yaw * airspeed, _sin_yaw * airspeed};
        Vector3f wind;
        gndVelADS = airspeed_vector + wind.xy();

    // Generate estimate of ground speed vector using GPS
    if (gotGPS) {
        const float cog = radians(AP::gps().ground_course());
        gndVelGPS = Vector2f(cosf(cog), sinf(cog)) * AP::gps().ground_speed();
    // If both ADS and GPS data is available, apply a complementary filter
    if (gotAirspeed && gotGPS) {
        // The LPF is applied to the GPS and the HPF is applied to the air data estimate
        // before the two are summed
        //Define filter coefficients
        // alpha and beta must sum to one
        // beta = dt/Tau, where
        // dt = filter time step (0.1 sec if called by nav loop)
        // Tau = cross-over time constant (nominal 2 seconds)
        // More lag on GPS requires Tau to be bigger, less lag allows it to be smaller
        // To-Do - set Tau as a function of GPS lag.
        const float alpha = 1.0f - beta;
        // Run LP filters
        _lp = gndVelGPS * beta  + _lp * alpha;
        // Run HP filters
        _hp = (gndVelADS - _lastGndVelADS) + _hp * alpha;
        // Save the current ADS ground vector for the next time step
        _lastGndVelADS = gndVelADS;
        // Sum the HP and LP filter outputs
        return _hp + _lp;
    // Only ADS data is available return ADS estimate
    if (gotAirspeed && !gotGPS) {
        return gndVelADS;
    // Only GPS data is available so return GPS estimate
    if (!gotAirspeed && gotGPS) {
        return gndVelGPS;

    if (airspeed > 0) {
        // we have a rough airspeed, and we have a yaw. For
        // dead-reckoning purposes we can create a estimated
        // groundspeed vector
        Vector2f ret{_cos_yaw, _sin_yaw};
        ret *= airspeed;
        // adjust for estimated wind
        Vector3f wind;
        ret.x += wind.x;
        ret.y += wind.y;
        return ret;

    return Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f);

  calculate sin and cos of roll/pitch/yaw from a body_to_ned rotation matrix
void AP_AHRS::calc_trig(const Matrix3f &rot,
                        float &cr, float &cp, float &cy,
                        float &sr, float &sp, float &sy) const
    Vector2f yaw_vector(rot.a.x, rot.b.x);

    if (fabsf(yaw_vector.x) > 0 ||
        fabsf(yaw_vector.y) > 0) {
    sy = constrain_float(yaw_vector.y, -1.0f, 1.0f);
    cy = constrain_float(yaw_vector.x, -1.0f, 1.0f);

    // sanity checks
    if (yaw_vector.is_inf() || yaw_vector.is_nan()) {
        sy = 0.0f;
        cy = 1.0f;

    const float cx2 = rot.c.x * rot.c.x;
    if (cx2 >= 1.0f) {
        cp = 0;
        cr = 1.0f;
    } else {
        cp = safe_sqrt(1 - cx2);
        cr = rot.c.z / cp;
    cp = constrain_float(cp, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    cr = constrain_float(cr, -1.0f, 1.0f); // this relies on constrain_float() of infinity doing the right thing

    sp = -rot.c.x;

    if (!is_zero(cp)) {
        sr = rot.c.y / cp;

    if (is_zero(cp) || isinf(cr) || isnan(cr) || isinf(sr) || isnan(sr)) {
        float r, p, y;
        rot.to_euler(&r, &p, &y);
        cr = cosf(r);
        sr = sinf(r);

// update_trig - recalculates _cos_roll, _cos_pitch, etc based on latest attitude
//      should be called after _dcm_matrix is updated
void AP_AHRS::update_trig(void)
              _cos_roll, _cos_pitch, _cos_yaw,
              _sin_roll, _sin_pitch, _sin_yaw);

  update the centi-degree values
void AP_AHRS::update_cd_values(void)
    roll_sensor  = degrees(roll) * 100;
    pitch_sensor = degrees(pitch) * 100;
    yaw_sensor   = degrees(yaw) * 100;
    if (yaw_sensor < 0)
        yaw_sensor += 36000;

  create a rotated view of AP_AHRS with optional pitch trim
AP_AHRS_View *AP_AHRS::create_view(enum Rotation rotation, float pitch_trim_deg)
    if (_view != nullptr) {
        // can only have one
        return nullptr;
    _view = new AP_AHRS_View(*this, rotation, pitch_trim_deg);
    return _view;

 * Update AOA and SSA estimation based on airspeed, velocity vector and wind vector
 * Based on:
 * "On estimation of wind velocity, angle-of-attack and sideslip angle of small UAVs using standard sensors" by
 * Tor A. Johansen, Andrea Cristofaro, Kim Sorensen, Jakob M. Hansen, Thor I. Fossen
 * "Multi-Stage Fusion Algorithm for Estimation of Aerodynamic Angles in Mini Aerial Vehicle" by
 * C.Ramprasadh and Hemendra Arya
void AP_AHRS::update_AOA_SSA(void)
    const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
    if (now - _last_AOA_update_ms < 50) {
        // don't update at more than 20Hz
    _last_AOA_update_ms = now;
    Vector3f aoa_velocity, aoa_wind;

    // get velocity and wind
    if (get_velocity_NED(aoa_velocity) == false) {

    aoa_wind = wind_estimate();

    // Rotate vectors to the body frame and calculate velocity and wind
    const Matrix3f &rot = get_rotation_body_to_ned();
    aoa_velocity = rot.mul_transpose(aoa_velocity);
    aoa_wind = rot.mul_transpose(aoa_wind);

    // calculate relative velocity in body coordinates
    aoa_velocity = aoa_velocity - aoa_wind;
    const float vel_len = aoa_velocity.length();

    // do not calculate if speed is too low
    if (vel_len < 2.0) {
        _AOA = 0;
        _SSA = 0;

    // Calculate AOA and SSA
    if (aoa_velocity.x > 0) {
        _AOA = degrees(atanf(aoa_velocity.z / aoa_velocity.x));
    } else {
        _AOA = 0;

    _SSA = degrees(safe_asin(aoa_velocity.y / vel_len));

// rotate a 2D vector from earth frame to body frame
Vector2f AP_AHRS::earth_to_body2D(const Vector2f &ef) const
    return Vector2f(ef.x * _cos_yaw + ef.y * _sin_yaw,
                    -ef.x * _sin_yaw + ef.y * _cos_yaw);

// rotate a 2D vector from earth frame to body frame
Vector2f AP_AHRS::body_to_earth2D(const Vector2f &bf) const
    return Vector2f(bf.x * _cos_yaw - bf.y * _sin_yaw,
                    bf.x * _sin_yaw + bf.y * _cos_yaw);

// log ahrs home and EKF origin
void AP_AHRS::Log_Write_Home_And_Origin()
    AP_Logger *logger = AP_Logger::get_singleton();
    if (logger == nullptr) {
    Location ekf_orig;
    if (get_origin(ekf_orig)) {
        Write_Origin(LogOriginType::ekf_origin, ekf_orig);

    if (home_is_set()) {
        Write_Origin(LogOriginType::ahrs_home, _home);

// get apparent to true airspeed ratio
float AP_AHRS_Backend::get_EAS2TAS(void) const {
    return AP::baro().get_EAS2TAS();

// return current vibration vector for primary IMU
Vector3f AP_AHRS::get_vibration(void) const
    return AP::ins().get_vibration_levels();

void AP_AHRS::set_takeoff_expected(bool b)
    takeoff_expected = b;
    takeoff_expected_start_ms = AP_HAL::millis();

void AP_AHRS::set_touchdown_expected(bool b)
    touchdown_expected = b;
    touchdown_expected_start_ms = AP_HAL::millis();

  update takeoff/touchdown flags
void AP_AHRS::update_flags(void)
    const uint32_t timeout_ms = 1000;
    if (takeoff_expected && AP_HAL::millis() - takeoff_expected_start_ms > timeout_ms) {
        takeoff_expected = false;
    if (touchdown_expected && AP_HAL::millis() - touchdown_expected_start_ms > timeout_ms) {
        touchdown_expected = false;